Social Question

monkeylove322's avatar

Did I say something wrong?

Asked by monkeylove322 (10points) October 11th, 2011
11 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I was talking to the guy I liked and then I mentioned that he kinda looked like Chris brown,except like a way hotter version. The guy has been icing me out ever since (being cold), was this because he probably took it the wrong way? Or that he is trying to let me know he’s not interested?

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Blackberry's avatar

Who knows. From the details, I would say he’s an insecure pansy, anyway. You better not mention any ex boyfriends and might as well tell him you’re a virgin and never liked any guy ever except for him.

DrBill's avatar

maybe he does not like Chris Brown

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Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Not enough information to give you an opinion. You could be just getting the jitters and he is trying to play it cool.

monkeylove322's avatar

It was my weird way of letting him know I thought he was attractive
by the change in behaviour I can’t help but asume, hes attempting to say he’s not interested?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

He may be mulling it over. If previously, he found you attractive, but didn’t realize you found him attractive back, he might be shifting into potential boyfriend mode, and considering his interactions with you with much more scrutiny.

You have not indicated whether he is icing you out over general conversation or he is ignoring an invitation to spending time alone with you, which makes all the difference in my opinion.

monkeylove322's avatar

Just over general conversation – Its been an obvious shift in our friendship

monkeylove322's avatar

omg!!!! he just emailed me :D
I guess I’ve overreacted once again

Thank you


Who knows? One thing I’ve learned in life is never waste your time wondering what another person is thinking about you. When you do that, you only create things in your own mind that may not be true. If the guy is treating you cold and stand-offish, you have to ask yourself is he really worth concerning yourself over? And especially with what he’s thinking about you?

Some people have overly sensitive egos, and when you try to compare them with someone else, they get offended, rather than flattered. This may be the case with that guy, but I think he just lost interest in you. It’s best to move on.

Dog's avatar

I think you need to step back and work on your security issues or get a hobby. Are you going to post something every time he does not respond immediately in the manner you expect because you are freaking out and assume the worst?

Do yourself (and him) a favor and broaden your focus of the world beyond just one guy. Find joy in other things and laugh and have fun. Then you will be able to enjoy life and not navel-gaze on every minor movement or non-movement of another.

The most attractive women are those who are happy and secure.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (3points)

@Dog Good answer! Yep, and I think only time and further maturation will make things better.

Ayesha's avatar

Probably doesn’t like Chris Brown. Hence it not being a compliment for him.
If his attitude remains the same ignore him. What’s the big deal?

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