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anartist's avatar

NSFW What was the most unusual place you have ever copulated?

Asked by anartist (14813points) November 5th, 2011

A favorite question asked by a Smithsonian buddy years back. Answers from that limited pool of co-workers were very entertaining. How about from the Fluther legions?

My answer: at an art opening [and, no, it was not performance art]

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44 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Hmmm…well, I don’t know about unusual but, cars, swimming pools, balconies of hotels, balcony of my old house, cabins in the mountains, and LOTS of great outdoor nature sex. My preference…bend me over in the bushes. lolol

Oh, I had bareback sex on my horse once, both of us facing each other with him on my horses rump, it was challenging, she wanted to graze and every time she lowered her head and neck I’d start to slide off. haha

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

The top of Mount Baldy in California, in my husband’s boss’s truck. lol

DrBill's avatar

St. Petersburg Beach, with 100’s present

Neizvestnaya's avatar

The rooftop of a USC campus building
Hanging from a 3rd story hotel balcony.

digitalimpression's avatar

In the bedroom. Most unusual because there are so many better places that the bedroom isn’t exactly on the top of the list.

marinelife's avatar

Hood of the car in the driveway.

spykenij's avatar

Nailed a girl on a washer, the back of her mom’s couch (like the top)<- all in Cleveland too, in her mom’s bed (I felt so grossed out by that, but there was booze involved), against empty bunk beds, in a tent on the beach at Huntington State Park in SC, in a tent in the mountains/state forest in NC…whatever she wants, whenever she wants it.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

In a life guard stand on Galveston beach at 3 in the morning.

wundayatta's avatar

In the bushes off of Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn. Also in a little copse of grasses on a hill in Prospect Park off the end of 9th St. In the back of a station wagon on rt 95 heading to Washington. Two folks were in the front seat. We did it without taking off a stitch of clothing, and she was wearing pants. Stretchy pants. No zipper.

ucme's avatar

On a ferris wheel, her bouncing on my lap.
Ahh yes, we made the world spin that night.

jerv's avatar

The drivers seat of an old Honda Civic. You wouldn’t think there would be enough room behind the steering wheel, what with it being a small car and all, but there is.

Coloma's avatar


At first glance I thought you said ” in a little CORPSE..” Thank GOD it was a visual glitch! lolol

mazingerz88's avatar

The Oval Office. ( Yeah right )

Coloma's avatar

Bill? Bill? Is that you? It’s Monica

Luiveton's avatar

Bed.So unusual.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I backed her up against a rock in a mountain park in the middle of the day. She still has the picture we took together that day on her desk: faces only, of course.

Coloma's avatar

Dude…simmer down, I’m a nature girl…still bummed I didn’t have sex on that cliff in Bryce canyon Utah in the snow a few years ago. I had a scaredy cat boyfriend that had a moderate fear of heights. Me? I was on my belly hanging over that cliff! lol

Sunny2's avatar

No place unusual, but I fantasize a lot. A sultan’s tent in the desert is my favorite. . . Persian rugs, lots of big pillows. Or an ocean side room with billowing curtains and a warm, perfumed breeze wafting.

Coloma's avatar

@Sunny2 Good fantasies! I’d go for the persian tent myself, but maybe just hanging out feeding figs to the camels. lol

woodcutter's avatar

In a mop closet in a hospital. The smell of bleach was tough and it stung my eyes. At least there was no after smell left in there.

Coloma's avatar


That’s some pretty safe sex, disinfectant and doctors on standby if your heart gives out in the throws of passionate embrace. haha

beccagolling's avatar

In my parents kitchen.

woodcutter's avatar

@Coloma Ha , that did cross my mind. Weird I thought of that at the time. My wife was more worried that a janitor was going to need a mop or something right then and get a eyeful of my bare ass instead. you know, those damn backward -assed hospital gowns, sheesh.

creative1's avatar

On the hood of a car

CWOTUS's avatar

In the a…

Oh, wait a minute. Let me re-think my response.

On top of a shed roof? On the shore of Lake Michigan? On the living room floor at my parents’ house (with them sleeping – I hope! – upstairs)?

jonsblond's avatar

Cow pasture. 1½ yrs ago…... good times

cazzie's avatar

In the ruins of a castle in Scotland…... (yeah… go ahead… eat your hearts out!)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

<—- Insanely jealous.

spykenij's avatar

Oh yeah, while driving too. The back of a Grand Am, the front passenger seat of a Grand Am and Mitsubishi Colt (now that car is a weird one) while parked in this perfect hidden spot next to my elementary school in Lakewood, Ohio (when it still stood, was either just torn down or rebuilt), in my bedroom while all my relatives were locked out, on the other side of my door, for a family get together, showers, pools, basement of a few homes…

anartist's avatar

@woodcutter with a nurse? Was this part of your therapy? @jonsblond hope you found an empty patch—no cow pies. @Russell_D_SpacePoet hope it saved her life! @mazingerz88 passé—been done too many times already by too many. @HungryGuy I am sending this thread to my Cleveland fam. They need to know how cool they are. But was it better than being in Philadelphia? @ucme so perfect, wish I’d been there!

All thanks for this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fizzbanger's avatar

T Station (metro/subway for those not familiar with Boston).

woodcutter's avatar

@anartist With a nurse? No! That would have worked in a dirty movie maybe :\

OpryLeigh's avatar

In an aircraft hanger. I was bent over the wing of a small airplane!

anartist's avatar

@Leanne1986 a Cessna? Or a low-wing plane?

bkcunningham's avatar

@DrBill, if it was a Fort DeSota Beach, I may know you better than I thought.

Coloma's avatar

I just remembered the time my bedroom caught on fire with an old “flame.” lol
Yep, lit a couple of candles on a rattan shelf next to some sheer curtains.

Oops, bad idea.

Glanced over my lovers shoulder in the heat of the moment to see flames shooting up through the wicker and lapping at the curtains.

THAT was exciting…“uh, uh, baby, baby…STOP, we’re on fire!” haha

Sunny2's avatar

I just remembered: once on a sand dune with only a few grasses for privacy, should someone climb the dune. I do NOT recommend it. Sand in various orifices is not comfortable for anyone.

anartist's avatar

@Coloma that was really hot! ;-)

bkcunningham's avatar

Unusual? In a little space behind a waterfall flowing off a spillway at a dam. On a trail on the Blue Ridge Parkway. On a bench overlooking a pond in Vermont at a naturist retreat. On a nude beach in Florida. In a hammock in the winter in a snowstorm.

sleepdoc's avatar

Just in a park .. doesn’t compare to some of your answers.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@anartist It was a Mooney if I remember rightly!

mattbrowne's avatar

One of Quark’s holosuites?

anartist's avatar

@bkcunningham behind a waterfall, how cool!
@mattbrowne in your dreams

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