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nighttripper's avatar

Side effects of ortho evra (or any other type of patch birth control)...

Asked by nighttripper (162points) May 14th, 2008
20 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

when they say that you might get a rash as a side effect do they mean you’ll get a rash just where the patch is on your skin or could the rash be anywhere?

I’m on Ortho Evra (my second month) and I have little rash spots all over my legs (I usually put the patch on my upper, outer thigh the rash is on the inner thighs and lower legs) Can I attribute this rash to the birth control?

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Trance24's avatar

I would talk to your doctor. Also it has been advertised that Ortho Evra can have side effects leading to death. So if I were you I would also consult your doctor weather or not this medication is safe for you in general.

nighttripper's avatar

well she gave it to me. I would assume she wouldnt perscribe me certain death

cheebdragon's avatar

I use it and every once in awhile ill get a rash but just in the spot where the patch is , it itches like crazy for a day or 2.

cheebdragon's avatar

everything can lead to death…...even asprin.

BirdlegLeft's avatar

I don’t know about side effects, but of you want to see some funny ass shit search for the “Annuale” commercial over on

nighttripper's avatar

I really really dont care birdlegleft if I did I surely would have asked about whatever youre trying to sell me or whatever and not side effects

gailcalled's avatar

@Night: Didn’t you ask us a few days ago about epileptic-like seizures, depression, the lack of contact w. a Doctor, a mentally ill mother, no friends who could take you to get medical advice and the like? Or am I dreaming? Nghttripper’s recent question

nighttripper's avatar

different kind of doctor

nighttripper's avatar

She forces me to go to a obgyn (which I’d much rather not) but wont bring me in for anything I actually need. Surely I explained her retardation

Seesul's avatar

She has an MD, she is a doctor. she just has a specialty. You stated the only med in your system was otc sleeping pills. You should report the symptoms to the ob/gyn. But I’m sure you’ll follow up with an excuse for that. You need medical advice from a DOCTOR, the one who prescribed the patch NOT an internet board. GO THERE and ask for help in the right place.

nighttripper's avatar

i was just wondering if this rash could be from the patch or not no need to attack.

srry if i confused you by saying the only meds in my system were the sleeping pills I’m pretty forgetful which is why i chose the patch not the pill

Seesul's avatar

Not attacking. Just pointing out things you seemed to have missed. Again, don’t ask us, ask the doctor that gave it to you…and tell you her EVERYTHING you are mixing it with. One of the most important things a doctor needs to know is what you are putting into your system along with what they prescribe for you. Otherwise you are gambling with your health.

nighttripper's avatar

I dont feel real comfortable with this doctor though I’ve only been there one time and she speaks like three words of english. I wish I could just get my own one I trust a little bit at least thats going to keep the patient doctor confidentiality thing and not just exaggerate things and tell them back to her.

cheebdragon's avatar

How old are you?

cheebdragon's avatar

and why can’t you pick your own doctor??
All you have to do is call the insurance company and they will give you a name and number for a local doctor.

nighttripper's avatar

I’m 17 not 18 I don’t have insurence its my moms

cheebdragon's avatar

honey, you can still change your doctor, i started changing my doctors and dentists when i was 15!
They might ask for your moms birthday or the last 4 digits of her S.S.N just for verification that you are who you say you are, hell.. you can even say that you are your mom, they dont know and i really dont think they care,. You can also change doctors online thru the insurance website if you dont want to call.

if you want it done…...DO IT! its not an impossible task…..i sware!
your mom might be impressed that you took the initiative, instead of bugging her to do it or complaining about the doctor. your 17 not 7…........

(i really dont mean for any of this to sound rude, im just trying to help you out, i know what its like to have a shitty doctor who could care less about your health, f that, your mom pays way too much on health care for it to be wasted on crappy doctors who dont do shit…... ya know?)

nighttripper's avatar

she wont get me another doctor though she thinks all my health problems are me conspireing against myself and that I’m really fine and just crazy. how should i know her ssn? she wont even tell me my own. she doesnt even like let me order my own food when we go out to eat so I have no clue how i like my steak cooked or anything its retarded

cheebdragon's avatar

maybe your my cousin! her mom is the same way! its been like 5–6 years since the last time i saw my cousin because her mom wont let her talk to me. its soo fucked up because i didnt even do anything, it really pisses me off

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