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beckk's avatar

What are your thoughts on these baby names?

Asked by beckk (1266points) November 17th, 2011
39 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Gnarls, Simeon, Xavier, Dexter, and Emmerson?

Which do you like the most and why? The least and why?

Do you have any other suggestions?

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tedibear's avatar

Emmerson isn’t bad. But why two of the letter m? Simeon is going to get picked on when the other kids learn the word simian. Xavier is ok as is Dexter. Gnarls makes me think of and old creepy looking tree.

Take a look at this for ideas of what not to do.

Ayesha's avatar

Dexter :) I just adore it!

confuzzlement's avatar

Gnarls: Kinda reminds me of an ugly tree or a disfigured face. lol…sorry…
Simeon: Nice, kinda normal.
Xavier: I love this one, it’s really cool!
Emmerson: It’s different, but I can’t imagine anyone being called that.

Xavier, My favorite one!

My favourite names for boys are:
Jackson and Jasper

confuzzlement's avatar

Forgot Dexter…

It’s ok, It just reminds me of the little ginger lad from Dexters

blueiiznh's avatar

It’s such a personal choice that I can’t weight in on it.

Will you have a nickname for any of those choices.
Gnar, eon, xav, emm
No matter if you are not into nicks, it will happen.

OpryLeigh's avatar

The only name from that list that I like is Dexter. The others do nothing for me at all. Emmerson and Gnarls sound more like surnames to me, Xavier reminds me of some bratty kid I know so it has been spoilt forever for me and Simeon sounds a bit camp if I’m honest. These are only my opinions, I hope they don’t put you off any of these baby names if you genuinly like them!

My favourite boys name are William and Christopher (my dads name) but these sound a bit more old fashioned than the names you have on your list so they’re probably not very helpful.

zensky's avatar

No, no no no and okayish.

The child will be beaten up – and for what?

I always think a child should be given a simple, elegant normal name. There is always time for nicknames afterwards. Once old enough, if unsatisfied, he can legally change it to Rumplestiltskin if he so desires. But for the first and formulative years, go with John or David or Stephen.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I like Emmerson the most. I like Gnarls the least. Simeon sounds like Simian…Dexter is okay too. Xavier sounds elitist.

marinelife's avatar

Of these, I like Dexter and Emerson (with one m) the best. Gnarls the least.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I like Gnarls and Dexter the most. Hey Gnarly has a cool ring to it. Same with Dex or Dexxy.

beckk's avatar

I didn’t come up with any of these names, but I have to agree with most of you and say that Gnarls is awful.
My favorites are Emerson and Xavier.
Thanks for all your feedback!

erichw1504's avatar

Which one do I like the most? None of them.

The least? All of them.

Sorry, but you did ask for my opinion.

DominicX's avatar

Honestly, I like “Emerson” (with one M—not a big fan of pointless misspellings. Just because your name is spelled Khaietiee doesn’t make it “unique”). Generally I like last names turned into first names.

Xavier is alright. I know someone with that name.

Simeon is just an alternate form of “Simon” and it just makes me think of the Bible. I don’t really see much wrong with that.

The other two are just weird in my opinion. I’ve never heard of anyone named “Gnarls” before…

SuperMouse's avatar

I like Simeon and and Xavier, they both sound nice.

Sunny2's avatar

First names go with last names and middle names. They form initials. This needs to be considered when choosing names. Do the names sound good together? Will they cause confusion when said aloud or say something else if the last name is said first. Bob Hope’s real name was Leslie Hope. Read in a role call, it came out Hope, Leslie.(hopelessly) Or so the story goes.
Having said that, Xavier would be my choice. Xavier Alexander Adams. XAA. Rolls off the tongue easily. Yep. I like it.

harple's avatar

I love Emmerson – have never heard of it before as a first name, but I think it would really work…

Generally though, whichever name you choose, when it applies to a real living baby, it will be perfect. :-)

ucme's avatar

My nephew is called Emerson, named after ther racing driver Fittipaldi.
Took a bit of getting used to, but it’s kinda grown on us over the years.
Of the others, well it’s down to personal choices/opinions of course, but i’d not but too keen on any of them.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

None of them are really for me, I have just always been partial to traditional names. Not that my opinion matters a whole lot, but, you asked.

skfinkel's avatar

Can you imagine yourself having these names? Having a friend call you up and asking you, Hey Gnarls, what’s happening? If you can put yourself in the position of a person having one of these names, that might help you determine what you would name a child, and what they might like.

Mariah's avatar

I love the name Emerson.

Gnarls, like many have said, brings to mind the adjective “gnarled” which is not a pretty mental image.
Xavier sounds to me like it belongs is a sci-fi novel.
I feel indifferently towards the others.

harple's avatar

Just thought, there is a Niles on Frasier isn’t there? Sounds a little like Gnarls…..

ucme's avatar

Of course, Gnarls could be considered a crazy name, in certain quarters anyway ;¬}

beckk's avatar

@DominicX This extra ‘m’ in Emerson was a mistake. I wouldn’t actually spell it like that.

beckk's avatar

@ucme That’s is where the idea for the name Gnarls came from.

ucme's avatar

@beckk Thought it might have, actually Barkley has a nice ring to it, for a butler anyway.

rebbel's avatar

Gnarls Barkley No
Simeon Sounds to me as Georges Simenon Like it the best
Xavier A Dutch prostitute wrote an autobiography once: Xaviera Hollander, Happy Hooker No
Dexter TV series No
Emmerson Lake and Palmer No

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Emerson is cute.

Gnarls reminds me of Gnarls Barkley, an obese man with a girly voice…

Simeon, Dexter and Xavier all sound pompous, like boarding school boys who would give you a swirley, get caught, and bitch to their headmaster, “Do you know who my father is?”

Neizvestnaya's avatar

#1 Xavier- nice traditional name that transcends generations.

#2 Simeon- great name, a little exotic for some but nothing that needs shortening or making a nickname for.

Dexter- gonna be played out.
Emmerson- invites shortening or creating a nickname for.

Kardamom's avatar

Gnarls sounds like snarls like the sound of a mad dog or a mountain lion, not like a name.

Simeon conjurs up images like This and This

Xavier sounds fine, but it would a little odd if the child wasn’t at least part Hispanic or Latino (like if he was a blonde haired blue eyed nordic looking child, or an Asian child) One of the coolest boys in my junior high, however, was an African American kid named Xavier, but everybody called him “X.” So if he’s not Hispanic or Latino, but he’s cool then it might work. On the other hand, one of my nerdiest school chums was a blonde, super-white kid, almost bordering on being an albino that took a sh*t ton of grief for being named Fernando. His name got shortened to Ferny. Nice kid, but I always felt bad for him. They should have just named him Eric.

Dexter sounds very silly to me and makes me think of This Guy or This Guy from the Past

Emmerson sounds pretty good. A lot of boys are given family names or last names as first names. Please do not name a girl Emmerson, or when she develops breasts, she’ll never hear the end of the jokes like “Hey, emmerson big boobies!”

keobooks's avatar

Gnarls sounds like an overweight pug dog that growls alot and chews on pant legs.

Simeon is too easy a target to make fun of because it sounds like Simian. Simon is slightly better.

I am not a fan of Xavier because I’ve met too many parents who pronounced it Ex-avier. Bleah. I like the Spanish Javier though.

Dexter is too close to Poindexter, which used to be the quintessential nerd name.

I don’t like Emerson because it sounds middle class attempting to sound posh. Sorry. I think I am going to add it to my list of names one of my cousin in laws may use.

zensky's avatar

Well, there is Gnarls Barkley

keobooks's avatar

OMG @zensky that was the most mesmerizing video I’ve watched in ages.

zensky's avatar

That it is.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Edit: I’m a fan of _ex-avier for the pronunciation of Xavier.

Harold's avatar

My opinion is that they are all a bit ordinary. Boys need conventional names or they’ll get bullied at school.

kitchi1's avatar

Emmerson’s my favorite. It’s SOO cute!!

I least like Gnarls, because it sounds like some sound you’d make when you sneeze. sorry
But the best is definitley Emmerson!!!
Sorry for hating on Gnarls…totally didn’t mean that…

keobooks's avatar

My cousin in law was pregnant when I posted that Emmerson was one of the names I put in the hat about which overly-trendy name she’d pick. She ended up naming her son Keegan.

Anyway, I guess so long as you didn’t pick Gnarls, he got a decent name.

beckk's avatar

I agree with anyone who has said Gnarls is an awful name. A friend of mine and I were talking about baby names, and that is one that he loved. I told him he was crazy.
Emerson is my favorite out of all the ones listed.

harple's avatar

@beckk Gnarls – crazy… good one!

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