Emotions are there to teach us something, about ourselves and others.
They are neither good nor bad, they just are.
While I do subscribe to the camp of we are responsible for our feelings, this is one of those philosophies that can be manipulated, as can everything.
It is true that nobody causes you to feel a certain way, but, it is also true that if I walk up and smack you in the face that you would not be feeling hurt had I not slapped you. lol
For every truth there is an opposite truth.
We can decide HOW much energy we are going to give to anothers foolish words or actions, but if someone has behaved badly and caused hurt we should also acknowledge those feelings and not minimize the impact.
Self knowledge is crucial though in being able to determine if your feelings are really for the reasons you think, or, if they have triggered other unhealed raw spots from within that are bringing up old unresolved feelings relating to past issues and not present mooment reality.