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XD's avatar

What does it mean when a much older lady gives you side boob?

Asked by XD (1524points) November 18th, 2011
44 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I’m rehearsing for a show that requires physical contact between me and another actor who’s a good bit older (in her 60s I think). She keeps pushing the side of her boob into my arm, and even went as far tonight as to hug my arm against her chest (as part of the action).

I know she likes me well enough—we’re friendly in all other respects—and maybe she’s a little sweet on me, I don’t know. (She’s also married.) I’m not interested or anything, but I’d like to understand what that kind of gesture might mean in this context. It just seems a little goofy, and other than trying hard not to move toward her boob or away from her boob in any measureable, noticeable way, I’m not really sure how to respond.

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zensky's avatar

Older women, especially over 60, should not be allowed to flirt whatsoever. In fact, once they hit 50 they are no longer allowed to even think about sex. Make that 45. And they should just shrivel up and die.

jonsblond's avatar

Some boobs have a mind of their own.

try not to take it personal

jazmina88's avatar

@zensky I just turned 50, and I’m not allowed to think about sex?? My life is over :p haha

Boobs are everywhere, they are there, they hit stuff. She is not showing you cleavage.
Your Momma has boobs.
If you get physically close to females, you may feel boob flesh. It will happen the rest of your life. Get used to it. But dont think it’s a flirt, unless she grabs your butt or bits, And there IS NUDITY.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Which boob? I think the left and right mean different things.

smilingheart1's avatar

@zensky, ...I guess we know that in your books euthanasia is what grandma figures have coming? Did somebody hijack your computer? That sure doesn’t sound line you.

zensky's avatar

@jazmina88 Pics or it never happened.

@smiling – must I use the tilde, now? Come on.

smilingheart1's avatar

Tilde? More meta mentoring a must.

jonsblond's avatar

yeah, I got the sarcasm. too bad for @zensky. I was ready to post pics of my smokin’ hot sisters (who are 50) in bikinis. They put many 20 and 30 yr old women to shame. just sayin’ ;)

zensky's avatar

PM me PM me PM me. Any of them single by any chance?

jonsblond's avatar

they both are. lol.

augustlan's avatar

Some people aren’t really aware of their bodies, and she may not even notice it’s happening. Other people are very aware of their bodies, and she may be doing it on purpose just to get a physical thrill. As someone else mentioned, boobs can just plain old get in the way, too. Hard to tell, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

Luiveton's avatar

@zensky And you’re allowed to think about sex?

LostInParadise's avatar

My guess is that she is doing it deliberately. She may be doing it for titillation (no pun intended) or just as a playful tease. If you are okay with it then just let is slide. The rules for physical contact are different for women than they are for men. The basic rule for men is that no physical contact is permitted.

Stinley's avatar

She’s got a badly fitting bra

Luiveton's avatar

She’s horny.

6rant6's avatar

5 most likely reasons:

5. You remind her of Sean Connery
4. She was cold.
3. She thought you deserved some luck for once in your sorry life.
2. She thinks of herself as much thinner than she really is.
1. You were standing on her mark.

Seaofclouds's avatar

You say the play requires a good bit of physical contact between the two of you, could it just be because of the way she is suppose to be in contact with you during those scenes? Perhaps she is just trying to do her best with the action and her boobs are just in the way.

janbb's avatar

A boob’s gotta go where a boob’s gotta go. Even Bubby boobies!

john65pennington's avatar

Have you ever seen a woman that is well-endowed, turn on her left or right side? You never see this in magazines.

They will not defy gravity and have a mind of their own.

Boobs, that is.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

She’s most likely just acting her role and means nothing by it. It’s fine, don’t have a heart attack. It’s just a boob.

Will people please quit being douchey toward @zensky? You can clearly see the silly sarcasm dripping from his comment. If you can’t….... you have no sense of humor and you are beyond help.

Ela's avatar

I think she’s doing it for a cheap thrill and to see how you react. I know I have complete control over my boobies and whom they brush up against ; )

I was all for that @zensky till ya lowered it to 45 LOL then I thought what the f…. some days all I think about is sex! <winks>

Sunny2's avatar

Perhaps only overly generously endowed women should answer this. From obeservation, I know some women’s boobs overflow any constraints and there’s not much they can do about it. It’s like a big stomach may contribute to unintentional physical face to face touching, side to side touching may have a boob involved. Whether she is enjoying it or you are embarrassed, there it is. You’re an actor! Act your part!

CWOTUS's avatar

I expect that she’s trying to give you an artistic signal more than a sexual one. She’s saying, in effect, “Play the part that the playwright put on paper and the director is trying to achieve.” She’s saying, “I’m not made of china and we’re here to play our parts on stage. The stage directions call for us to be close [I’m assuming] so be close, dammit!”

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I literally am saddened that @zensky ‘s first answer received that many GAs – this speaks poorly of all of you who marked it as such. You do not get to decide when a person needs to ‘shrivel up and die’ or stop being sexual. I don’t even care if you think it isn’t sexist that it’s usually said about women (and you’ll pretend you think the same of older men), it’s ridiculous in general.

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Did it not occur to you that he was being tongue in cheek?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb I guess not it did not occur to me, given that many people do think this way. I retract my words if it was, @zensky

Ela's avatar

I gave @zensky a GA, I though it was funny as hell and if he was serious….
sorry zensky, I still think it’s funny as hell ; )

XD's avatar

Perhaps it’s my fault for posting this under social, but it seems like the old “signal to noise” problem has migrated to within a question. Is it me, or is there more blather and judgement, in particular, than earnest helpfulness lately? And thanks to those of you with helpful responses.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@XD Oh, I don’t know, what do you think it’s about?

CWOTUS's avatar

Oh, come on. @zensky?! Seriously suggesting that anyone ‘shrivel up and die’? The idea is laughable.

Just because I think it to myself often, and really mean it… doesn’t mean that he does.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@CWOTUS Yes, you’re right.

Sunny2's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I haven’t been around here even a tenth as long as you and I had no sense whatsoever that @Zensky was anything but making fun of the stereotype you (and I) dislike so much. Of course it’s laughable. He meant it to be.

Judi's avatar

She needs to get her glasses prescription adjusted or she has body dysmorphia and doesn’t realize how big she’s gotten.

JilltheTooth's avatar

OK, all praising and smacking of @zensky aside, I’m curious about the physics of this. Is the fact that it’s the side of the boob that’s important? Would it be more appropriate if it was the front of the boob? And has no one taken into consideration the fact that after it reaches a certain age and cup size the boob is likely to grow it’s own brain, achieve a certain sapience and start making its own decisions? I know mine have evolved in this way. It’s a damned bore. Sometimes a consensus must be reached to simply walk across a room. And getting dressed? My god, what a production every morning!

FutureMemory's avatar

Just shut up and enjoy it man!!!!!!!!!!!

zensky's avatar

Okay so it’s the next day and I can finally check up on this question. Truth be told, I had to PM explanations – so I should’ve added the ~ sign for those who might not know me (after all these years). And all this talk of boobs is getting me very…

Edit: Age is in the mind and though it is normal to appreciate the beauty of youth (I won’t fix an exact age to that) I am more attracted to those closer to my age than to my 20-year-old daughter’s age. But that’s just a personal choice. The important thing is that a person, male or female, is a sexual creature until the day they die – and I hope we all enjoy sex, or at least the thought of it – until we’re all in our hundreds. We are, of course, entitled to our sexuality – and body – owing no-one any excuses nor explanations whatsoever. The OP is obviously a young person. And Simone is, well, Simone. We’ve known, and I guess not known each other for years online – from before Fluther even… and if you don’t know me by now, you will never never know me…

rooeytoo's avatar

Does he mean the woman’s breast touched him? OMG, perhaps he should report her for sexual abuse!

Sunny2's avatar

I just reread the question. She isn’t giving it to you. It’s just there. Relax. This may be a new part of your reality, but there it is.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@rooeytoo Yep. He should file a restraining order, too. :P

rooeytoo's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate – maybe the lady needs one of those ahhhhh bras. Do you have them in USA, they look like a sports bra to me so they should be able to restrain her ladies even if they do have a mind of their own as @jonsblond said!!!! (ga to you mate!)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@rooeytoo Yep, we have those here. Perfect restraints, eh?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Maybe it is all you, and she is really not doing anything nefarious or otherwise..

Ela's avatar

Her boob itched and she thought you were gruff enough to . . . . yea, I dunno

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