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Eggie's avatar

(NSFW) Can you help me with this?

Asked by Eggie (5921points) December 14th, 2011
15 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

I have stopped masterbating for three weeks now, but my testes really hurt. Is this normal, will it stop and can I do anything to make it less painful?

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t think testicular pain has to do with masturbation unless during masturbation you’re really rough with your testicles. I’d check it out with the doctor.

marinelife's avatar

If you have not taken a blow to the testicles, which I am assuming you would remember, I think you should se your doctor ASAP.

trailsillustrated's avatar

Are you a young person? it’s called blueballs and yes it hurts and start mastubating again. That will help.

whitetigress's avatar

You have blueballs. You have blueballs because you keep thinking about sex? It’s normal, you can keep stopping those sperm will just die off. Matter of fact I should stop too. Power to you for inspiration!

judochop's avatar

Welcome to your teenage years friend. This feeling won’t lessen for many years.

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sinscriven's avatar

Blueballs are uncomfortable but it doesn’t hurt in the sense of acute pain.

If it’s really hurting you need to go to the doctor soon.

SmashTheState's avatar

A couple of things to note. Testicular pain can be caused by a number of conditions which range from temporary and harmless to life-threatening medical emergencies. It’s a lot more likely that it’s the former, but because of the latter, it’s important that you consult a physician who, if nothing else, can put your mind at ease. If you read this answer I wrote, you’ll understand why it’s better not to ignore it in the hope it’ll go away.

Secondly, I’d like to encourage you to masturbate regularly, if you can. It’s a health issue for men. I’m asexual, so I don’t enjoy masturbation. It does nothing for me. If you’re a man and you don’t masturbate regularly, you’ll begin to get nocturnal emissions as the body’s way of ensuring that the plumbing continues to function properly. Unfortunately, these emissions don’t always occur frequently enough and, as a result, it can (and in my case, does) result in stiffening of the prostate, which then rips when I finally do get an emission. This results is a great deal of pain, pissing bright red arterial blood for the next two hours, and then pissing blood clots for the next two days. Not a fun experience. They used to call this “missionary’s disease” in the old days, since christian missionaries who abstained from masturbation would often have this happen to them. Take my advice, masturbate regularly and save yourself from a very unpleasant experience.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Eggie Welcome to Fluther! I agree with the suggestions of seeing a physician. After all it’s been three weeks. Unless you are sleepmasturbating and do not realize you’re doing it. Ok, goodluck and don’t worry dude…you’re gonna beat this, er…


I have to question the “blueballs” theory. You say that you stopped masturbating three weeks ago. Did you stop because your testicles hurt when you tried to masturbate, or did you just stop masturbating? If you stopped because your testicles hurt, then it wouldn’t be blueballs but some other condition, like an infection to the epididymus (the tubes over and behind the testicles), or testicular torsion, where the tubes from which the testicles hang from get twisted . Even a bad cold can cause an infection to the epididymus.

If you have been abstaining from sex on purpose for the past 3 weeks, then blueballs could be the reason for the pain.

The best thing to do is to get yourself checked by a doctor.

I agree with @SmashTheState—-masturbate regularly if you can. It’s actually good for us men to masturbate on a regular basis. It boosts your immune system, increases testosterone, and allows one to produce healthy, vigorous sperm. When you abstain for long periods, sperm quality and amount are greatly reduced. Athletes often hear this myth that if you abstain from sex for a long time, it will give them greater power and increase their agility. Wrong. Abstinence has benefits, but only if the period of abstinence is not that long. If a guy abstains from sex for a moderate period of time, THEN has sex, he often sees a benefit in his testosterone levels and strength.

Btw, welcome to Fluther. :)

Eggie's avatar

I am a young person (26) and I want to stop masturbating entirely…..I think that it would lead to more productive relationships and it will help me be a stronger person in terms of my personality. It didn’t use to hurt before, but only now since I have stopped.


@Eggie You don’t have to stop masturbating to have productive relationships and be a strong person, personality-wise. (I hope you read my pm to you.)

trailsillustrated's avatar

Read Dan Savage’s advice about this- it’s about how to mastubate regularly and still have pleasing sex with another person. Google it and read it.

Eggie's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES I would disagree with you, masterbation can inhibit ones sex drive and cause the brain to be addicted to self love which would hurt your level of intimacy with your partner. The body has its own natural way of cleansing itself, and we should not mess around with it.

coelacanth's avatar

@Eggie Masturbation is natural, and there is a large difference between engaging in pleasurable activities and being addicted to them.

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