General Question

swimmindude2496's avatar

Does the Charger plug come with the MacBook so you can charge it?

Asked by swimmindude2496 (322points) May 19th, 2008
48 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Does the Charger plug come with the MacBook so you can charge it?

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Magnus's avatar

If I understood your question correctly: Yes, the MacBook comes with a charger when you buy it. Perhaps you’re talking about the special MagSafe charger plug for MacBooks, the answer is; yes, it comes with the MacBook without extra cost when you buy one.

iwamoto's avatar

it does? wow, i thought that for €999 base charge, the charger would be sold seperately.. hmmm, gotta remember to tell that one to the customers

swimmindude2496's avatar

Thanks everyone

wildflower's avatar

iwamoto – have you been charging your customers an extra grand for the AC Adapter?? No wonder you’re treating us all to a trip to the US :P

Spargett's avatar

I’ve never heard of a computer company selling a laptop without a means to recharge it.

That would be brutal.

swimmindude2496's avatar

neither have I was just checking

iwamoto's avatar

would it sound logical if apple didn’t sell them? i mean, where did this question come from?

benseven's avatar

It came from the fact that swimmindude seems to lack the ability to read through the Apple website under the section that lists ‘what’s in the box’ with his new Mac (that hasn’t yet been purchased, but I’m sure there will be a million more questions when it has!).

iwamoto's avatar

yes, i am dreading the day he does, if he gets the money though….

swimmindude2496's avatar

HEY! I can see everything ur writing and I already have $825 saved up!

iwamoto's avatar

you can? good, then you can also read our complaints about you :)

swimmindude2496's avatar


Bri_L's avatar

@swimmindude2496 – take their info and ignore their ripping. Its your right to ask. they don’t have to answer.

benseven's avatar

No, but we’re pefectly free to question why natural selection hasn’t taken care of this kid already ;)

swimmindude2496's avatar


wildflower's avatar

Be fair now! This kid is showing he’s capable of changing from PC to Mac…..

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change

-Charles Darwin

swimmindude2496's avatar

Thanks and I am paying for it myself! (not trying to brag)

bluemukaki's avatar

Can you cut the smileys? This isn’t some tacky web forum filled with greasy 12 year olds talking about Dungeons and Dragons, you can actually use words (yes, words) to express your feelings, but then again we don’t need to know your feelings…

iwamoto's avatar

it isn’t? :(

bluemukaki's avatar


bmhit1991's avatar

I believe that this is, without a doubt, the worst question I have ever read on Fluther. Yes. Definitely. Seriously. will answer all your questions. Spend as much time there as you do on here, and you’ll be convinced so much more that Mac users are the happy ones.
(until they meet swimmindude2496….)

benseven's avatar

Careful dude, or Bri_L will pick you up for bullying swimmindude.

Apparently on Fluther it’s illegal to rip into someone for asking stupid questions in case they’re slow.

Even when it’s a question like this.

Bri_L's avatar

it isn’t illegal. It just shows the type of person you are benseven. Kind of dull yourself.

Bri_L's avatar

and I will always stand up for people picked on with out mercy by the likes of you

benseven's avatar

Wow, you’re quite the webternet hero Bri.

Bri_L's avatar

Your quite the the punk. where would we be with out you…except better off mr. Dish it out but can’t take it. You keep trying to pull others in to. Kind of punkish.

bmhit1991's avatar

1. I’m pretty sure swimmindude is quite capable of defending himself.
2. He never said he couldn’t take it… Not that you’re giving him anything to take at all…
3. “By the likes of you”??
4. “It shows what type of person you are”? Yeah, I’m sure. Look at the question again. Honestly. This is not the place for these type of questions…

benseven's avatar

Your quite the the punk. where would we be with out you…except better off mr. Dish it out but can’t take it. You keep trying to pull others in to. Kind of punkish.

I’d love to sit and point out the grammatical and spelling errors in your message, but I have to dash off. Laters.

Bri_L's avatar

Please do. You would be proving my point. That you and others are for going the reason for this site to bully people. By the way, your arguements with only ??? What are those, gramatticaly correct. please focus on my spelling and grammar. You have no other leg to stand on.

iwamoto's avatar

well, i don’t see this as bullying, this is pointing out to swimmerdude that he needs to think first…

Bri_L's avatar

@ iwamato – bensevens remarks extend beyond this thread and are not just pointing out but picking on the questioner.

It is clear this site is becoming no place for someone who isn’t deemed an “intellectual” by the majority. That is to say, below or above a certain mental acuity, or with certain limitations. What is so damn hard about this. If you don’t like the question, just leave it and the guy or gal alone.

@ bmhit1991 – I am sorry for my over reply.

@ Benseven – your right by the way my spelling and grammer suck. See “How can I be a better speller” and feel free to contribute there. I admitted as much there and am working on it.

bluemukaki's avatar

The problem is that this guy could find out these questions on the Apple site in about 2 seconds, his profile states that he is an expert on Apple so not only is he filling the site with crappy questions but he is clearly planning to start answering questions about Apple computers without any knowledge of the computers at all.

benseven's avatar

Mate, you’re not worth my time, put simply.

Get a grip, it’s a web community – nobody cares about your socio-concious standing up for the little guy, especially when the guy in question is clearly not retarded but just lacks the basic 21st century skill of ‘Googling’.

I offered my help to him, in a previous thread, in a well-set out, helpful and thoroughly researched way. I even had a massive debate around the topic he was asking about. What emerged was that a) He doesn’t have a great grasp of what he’s asking about and b) He doesn’t actually take the time to read the answers given.

He’s a teen mac fan venting his enthusiasm – nothing wrong with that, but this isn’t really the place for it, and I hate to see time and effort wasted by the Fluther community on answering obvious questions, when even those answers are ignored.

I’m sorry if you believe me to be a bully, but it’s a tough ‘ol world out there, and I think this wee chap can learn to stand on his own two feet without some have-a-go-hero web jackass making a fool of himself on his behalf.


Bri_L's avatar

“mate” hope that helps you sleep, causes its garbage. He was always thankful. you take cheap shots every chance you can your statement above proves it. If I were not worth your time you wouldn’t have written what you did. But you did. and you filled it with “wee” little poor jabs at me. Nothing intellectual mind you, just cheap shots. Your wee. Your small. Your still a bully “dude” to use one of your favorite frases.
But, I am done.

I apologize for the level of my response. I know at times I sunk pretty low and I was wrong for doing that. I shouldn’t have and I wanted to publicly say I am sorry to you bmhit1991 and anyone else. There are more proper channels for my concerns.

I still believe in my point however, and I believe I have said all I can say and will leave it at that. I will leave you to your own devices.

benseven's avatar

I think ‘bully’ is far too strong a term. He’s not a child, and as he’s proved can stand up for himself. A quiet ripping on the internet never did me any harm when I was younger, and I’m not the only one to dose out the sarcasm on Fluther.

You aren’t worth my time – but Fluther is, and I’m being misrepresented here. I have taken one lad to task over his stupid questions and inability to question whether the information is already out there, and have merely poked fun and made sarcastic comments, and this is apparently tantamount to ‘bullying’.

You’re entitled to your opinion, though, so good on you for taking a stand against the evils of the internet. By the way, there’s a huge number of unrepresented n00bs over at Digg that really need you to stand up for them, because they’re also completely helpless against sarcasm, ‘cheap shots’ and criticism – all, of course, also known as bullying.

Bri_L's avatar

Your right. Bullying is to strong a word. I had not thought about it that way. To be honest it never occured to me. I get very defensive (no kidding eh) when I see something that might be a situation such as I described to you in private comment. This is very like that. I have training that leads me to strongly believe I am right. Never the less. It doesn’t give me any right to label you. And I myself thanked you for the technical help you’ve given.

So, while I can’t always agree with your commentary, I can say this. I am sincerely sorry. I apologize for how out of hand this got.

Didn’t see this comming did you. I am sorry .

iwamoto's avatar

haha, well, im glad it all turned out ok, by the way bri, very mature to admit being “wrong”

let’s just wait for swimmer to get his mac

Bri_L's avatar

I can be such a total ass when I get focused and blind.

thanks iwamoto!

bmhit1991's avatar

I would sag this though, as dead as this really does need to be: does anyone think it’s strange not only that this is being asked on fluther and not google, but it’s as if swimmindude hasn’t heard of google. Ithink google is much easier to find than fluther… Which leads me to believe he’s intellectual. I think it would be very difficult to find fluther without google. It sounds to me like most of the users here are mac users, which means very very very few people are on this site…

bluemukaki's avatar

Your logic is as sound as this: Squirrels eat nuts, male humans have nuts, therefore, you must be a squirrel.

Bri_L's avatar

I only found Fluther because it was listed on several sites as a top site of the year. The number of sites that google lists at any given time for a query doesn’t ensure you would find it. I am not sure that how you find it speaks to your level of intellect.

I am afraid I really don’t follow the rest of your post.

Sorry bmhit1991.

On a lesser note, where are you from? I have not hear the phrase “sag” before? I am totally curious.

bmhit1991's avatar

haha. huge typo. ignore my post. late at night. i wasn’t completely thinking straight. haha. sag was supposed to be say and i was typing fast on an iPhone….

Bri_L's avatar


I thought “cool, I just met someone from holland and attempted to apologize to someone from the UK. Who knows where someone who says “sag” is from.”

I have learned a lot of cool new sayings on fluther.

bmhit1991's avatar

haha. Nope. Only left the US once…to go to the Canadian side of niagra. Never left the continent. : )

Bri_L's avatar

Your kidding. That is the only time I did to. I saw Niagra and you know the only thing I talk about when I speak of the visit? How clean everything was. Beautiful falls and I notice that no one throws their gum on the ground “eh”?

bmhit1991's avatar

wow! Are you my brother?? Haha! I’m just kidding! If you were my brother, you’d be rude to everyone on the Internet, not sticking up for others! : )
Canada is amazing! Truly an incredible country!

Bri_L's avatar

Hehe. That was classic. Good one.

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