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LezboPirate's avatar

Who is the person you are most ashamed to have a big fat crush on?

Asked by LezboPirate (1289points) January 5th, 2012
42 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

For example..

I have a crush on Kristen Stewart. She is the only person in the world that I am ashamed to admit this about.

Do not, however, take that to mean that I am a Twilight lover. I hate Twilight. Just saying..

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Charles's avatar

I rarely if ever fantasize or crush on famous or media people. Usually it’s the chick in the office or my wife’s friends or just plain women in the neighborhood.

Rarebear's avatar

Neil deGrasse Tyson

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I get a lot of shit for my crush on Woody Harrelson. I’m not embarrassed, but, people usually look at me funny for it.

marinelife's avatar

William Holden, because he was a raging alcoholic.

Bellatrix's avatar

I have quite a few crushes (okay a lot). I am not ashamed of any of them though. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Be a bit sad if we all fancied the same people. An embarrassing crush…

Is it embarrassing to say I fancy Dave Grohl? Mick Jagger?

Or one I was talking about yesterday – Stephen Fry… so gorgeous!

jca's avatar


jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (5points)
LezboPirate's avatar

No, I don’t think so. But then..I grew up with a weird family. Mick Jagger is a pretty common crush.

Bellatrix's avatar

I have had people go “ugh” though. He is so vibrant and energetic.

I think Kristen is pretty and more than that she has spunk. Doesn’t seem to cop shit.

rebbel's avatar

Madeleine Albright

jazmina88's avatar

Zen, in all his glories…...

He does look like Picard, right??

and Snoop Doggy Dog!

TheIntern55's avatar

Come on girls, you all need to admit you have a crush on Taylor Lautner…..or just his abs.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Well I am not ashamed to admit that I had an enormous crush on Lynne Russell of CNN News Caster fame. Now she’s a real estate agent in Canada and feels a bit freer to let loose for the camera a bit more than she used to.

But that was then and this is now… Carly Foulkes, the T-Mobile Spokesmodel has captured my fancy. No shortage of past model photos in her earlier career that show a face of grace and classic beautyOh Carly!

jca's avatar

Oh yeah I forgot Snoop.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
King_Pariah's avatar

A former good possibly best friend in hindsight now stranger/acquaintance. The crush still lingers but I’ve moved on. I guess it’s more like the one who got away… eh shit, probably why I’ve become so cynical (aka the disappointed romantic). lol

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Austin Powers!

Supacase's avatar

@Bellatrix I’m totally with you on Dave Grohl. I’ve been crushin’ on Jon Bon Jovi for about 25 years now.

The weird one, though, is probably Johnny Gilecki from Big Bang Theory.

filmfann's avatar

I hate her attitude, her politics, and her thirst for fame, but I would love to bed Sarah Palin.

That’s a gotcha’ question!

KatawaGrey's avatar

So many of my friends give me such hell for my crush on Selena Gomez. Usually they say something like, “But she looks like she’s 12!” I don’t think she looks 12. I think she’s smoking. It’s not so much that I’m ashamed about my huge crush on her, but I just get so much crap from people about it.

And, to be honest, quite a few people think I look like a teenager and I’m almost 23. When I was her age, I looked about 15.

@ANef_is_Enuf: He’s hilarious and he’s got a great smile. I’m right there with you. ;)

elbanditoroso's avatar

When I was 14 (40 years or more ago) I had a huge crush on Angela Cartright, who was the younger daughter on Lost in Space.

She never knew I existed…..

Kardamom's avatar

I’m not one bit ashamed of my sparky crush on Fran Drescher!

Brian1946's avatar

Jeena Han, who can be seen at 0:06 (on the left) and at 0:45 in this clip.

She was sentenced to 26 years to life for conspiring and attempting to murder her twin sister, Sunny.

I wouldn’t ask her out, but I vicariously find her fascinating. If she asked me out and if I wasn’t spoken for, I’d be tempted to accept, but I wouldn’t, mainly because she’s not getting out of prison any earlier than 2018. ;-)

elbanditoroso's avatar

She has a killer body, @Brian1946

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m not ashamed of anyone I have a crush on. I do get a lot of stick for my crush on Martin Clunes. He’s a prime example of someone I am attracted to because of his personality (or, at least, how is personality comes across) rather than looks. Whenever I see him on interviews etc he seems like the most genuine person.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@KatawaGrey he does have a great smile.

VoodooSocialite's avatar

Dmitry Medvedev

fundevogel's avatar

@VoodooSocialite Well that just makes me think of Putin. I can’t say I wouldn’t be tickled to have twelve months of him wrestling bears on my wall calendar. Though, if I could find a bear-wrestling calendar it wouldn’t really matter who was wrestling said bears.

VoodooSocialite's avatar

@fundevogel I would pay for a calender of Putin wrestling bears. That sounds fantastic.

jca's avatar

3rd confession: Anthony Bourdain.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
LezboPirate's avatar

LOL! Selena Gomez. I get her. My sister and I will just be chillin’ browsing the interwebs. We come across a picture of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber and we’re like “Why is her hotness with that?..”

Bellatrix's avatar

Again, not ashamed but James Spader. He is on Ellen. I think he is just gorgeous. Oh and Chris Isaak. I think I would rather have James though.

fundevogel's avatar

@Bellatrix I love Spader for always playing a bit of a sleeze. And also Secretary.

Bellatrix's avatar

He is now in the US version of The Office apparently (I had no idea and learned something from his appearance on and my very rare viewing of Ellen.) I haven’t seen Secretary. Since I know Spader is in it, I will have to look out for it.

filmfann's avatar

Spader’s character in Secretary wasn’t too far removed from his character in Boston Legal.
I love it!

LezboPirate's avatar

Secretary is an amazing movie. I love it.

AshLeigh's avatar

I can’t tell you. You’re my sister. But I’m gonna do it anyways. ;D
I pick… This bitch.

LezboPirate's avatar

Oh, Lord. I’ll do you a favor and not tell Morgan. She’s giving me crap about Kristen Stewart right now. But I guess it’s a nice change. I’d rather her insult Kristen Stewart than Mariska Hargitay.

AshLeigh's avatar

What can I say? That bitch is hot.
Punch Morgan in the dick.

LezboPirate's avatar

Meh, I can agree that she has good looks.

deni's avatar

@chyna I just laughed so hard at your answer. Thank you. I always liked to watch him on TV too, especially when I was little hahahahahhahahahahahhahaha.

newtscamander's avatar

Pete Doherty. But I can’t feel the shame, because I love him so much.

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