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auhsojsa's avatar

I keep eating things that continue to keep me fat, what is wrong with me?

Asked by auhsojsa (2516points) January 30th, 2012
9 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I’m not like 400 pounds or anything. Why do I keep going back on my word to stay away from, soda, burgers, fried foods, fast foods, high sugar drinks like Arizona Teas and etc. Have you struggled to keep off the junk? Can you inspire me please to make a positive change in my life style choice of foods.

At what point did you decide to fully commit to your excellent diet? Thanks. I’m down to do this but I don’t know how. So that would help too.

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rebbel's avatar

Simple answer is in your question: you keep eating them.
You should quit eating them.
Easier said than done, but you really should try to persist for a bit.
Agree with yourself that you will do so, for say, one week.
Trade the junk in for a few healthy things, like raw veg and fruit choose some that you know you like and are tasty (to you).
After that week, weigh yourself and see whether you lost some ounces.
If so, a great encouragement to continue, I would think.
If not, an even bigger encouragement to go on with it and meet yourself again on the scale in a weeks time!
This coming from someone who never had to diet in his life, so it could be that this makes no sense, but I wrote how I would battle it.
I am sure there will be Jellies who can give you advice based on experiences.

Judi's avatar

Things I do to fight this battle.
1. Environmental control. I don’t go near them and I don’t allow them in my house. The stop and go market is a death trap. Pay for your gas with a card outside. Don’t even go in.
2. Shop the outside of the grocery store.
3. Fill my diet with as many vegetables and fruits as I can eat
4. Weigh regularly
5. Forgive myself when I screw up instead of saying, “Well I already blew it, Might as well go back for the deep fried apple pie.” That’s just punishing yourself and it’s not productive.
6. Plan high volume low calorie meals, and make sure I have a plan B in case plan A fails.
7. Drink lots of water and a few other non calorie drinks.
8. Never drink my calories.
9. Eat my fruit, don’t blend it until it’s unrecognizable.
10. Journal what I eat so I don’t get calorie amnesia
11. Use the phrase, “Maybe later” when someone offers me something that is not in my best interest. Somehow, that phrase meets less resistance than, “I’m sorry, I can’t, I’m watching my weight.”
12. Exercise regularly. Once you realize how hard and long you have to work to rid yourself of one cheeseburger it makes you think how badly you really want it before you put it in your mouth.

Charles's avatar

I’m down to do this but I don’t know how. So that would help too.

This is exactly the reverse of the truth. You know how, but you aren’t committed to do it.

People with weight issues (people don’t have “problems” anymore, they have “issues”) are the most knowledgeable people in the world when it comes to dieting and caloric content.. An overweight person can tell you withing 2% how many calories are in that piece of pie or serving of french fries or hunk of garlic bread.

People aren’t overweight because they are ignorant or naive. Everybody knows what they should eat and how much they should it. It’s no mystery. Everybody knows what is healthy and what is not. Going to a dietitian isn’t going to solve anything.

People aren’t thin because they are more knowledgeable about food than “thick” people.

rooeytoo's avatar

Sometimes if you give yourself permission to eat the stuff you consider bad, but in very small amounts, then you don’t feel deprived by not having them. I love coke and candy bars, so I will often buy one and take a bite or 2 or a sip or 2 and then chuck the rest away. I feel sated and haven’t been too bad!

The other approach is to convince yourself that you are doing yourself a favor by not eating this stuff instead of feeling as if you are being deprived.

Kardamom's avatar

Make a plan, a written plan, a plan that has makes room for contingencies.

Know what you are going to eat, before you eat it. That means, write out your daily/weekly/monthly meals, so you know what you are going to eat and not have to figure it out at the last minute, or give into temptations.

Do NOT eat out until you have this plan thing under control.

Prepare all of your meals at home. Bring your lunch to work or school, do not buy any meals.

Find out what healthy meals really consist of, by looking at healthy eating websites and reading healthy cookbooks. If you don’t know how to cook, that will be a huge problem. Cooking your own meals will make your life a lot easier, than if you have to rely on other people to cook for you (family members or restaurants). When you cook for yourself, you can control exactly what goes into your mouth.

Purge your household (and workplace if you keep stuff in your office) of the things you know are not going to be on your new plan. If you feel guilty about wasting food, give it to someone else. Unopened items can be taken to a food bank.

Make a list when you go to the grocery store and stick to the list, do not shop when you are hungry.

Carry around a cooler when you leave the house. Always have in it some healthy snacks, like carrots and apples and grapes and whole wheat crackers and hummus so you will not be tempted to eat out or buy food from a vending machine.

Learn to try new foods, even ones you think you don’t like, over and over and over. Sometimes you have to try new foods 10 or 12 times to develop a taste for them.

Don’t ever buy soda or accept it it’s offered to you at someone’s home. Instead start drinking iced tea (either plain, which is much tastier, because it actually tastes like tea, or use a tiny bit of Sweet and Low, then ween yourself off of it, never add sugar). Or just drink water. Once you stop drinking all of the sugary things and you switch to plain iced tea and good filtered water, you will be able to taste things in a much clearer way than you ever did before. Same thing happens when you cut out all of the salt and artificial chemicals that are in most processed foods. You’d be surprised at how sweet and delicious a slice of raw beet can taste or how sublime a bowl of fresh blueberries can be.

Learn to flavor your foods with new things besides salt and fat. Try using a sqeeze of lemon or lime juice, familarize yourself with the spice aisle, try out all of the flavored vinegars, try adding lemon zest to dishes, spice things up with salsa or chile peppers.

Often it’s not the original food itself that is unhealthy, it’s the method used to prepare it that’s bad. For instance roasting a chicken is much better for you than frying it. Eating a piece of grilled fish with a splash of lemon juice or some fresh mango salsa is much better than eating fried and battered fish and chips with tartar sauce. The Mayo Clinic has a good list, with descriptions on what types of food preparations are best and how to do them.

Let all of your friends and relatives and co-workers know that you are starting a new plan and ask for their assistance. If they just can’t/won’t help you, learn self-discipline and learn how to say, “No thank you, I’m on a special diet.” or “No thank you, I already ate.” when people try to offer/force you to eat something that isn’t on your plan. If they keep insisting that you, “Just try a little bite, it won’t hurt you.” Then you have to say, “No, I really can’t. I’ve finally gotten my routine down and if I eat that, it will really throw a monkey wrench into my progress, but thank you for offering.”

If you have to attend a business lunch, order a small salad with fat free dressing, or get your dressing on the side and only dip your lettuce into it, don’t pour the whole container onto your salad and make sure you ask for no cheese and no croutons. Most restaurants can easily whip up a plate of steamed vegetables for you. Order water, or iced tea to drink.

If you have to go to a wedding or a party, eat a healthy meal before you go, so you don’t end up having to eat anything that isn’t on your plan. (I have to do this all the time, because I’m a vegetarian and there often isn’t anything that I can eat, so I plan ahead all the time).

Figure out what your triggers are and either avoid them, or cut them off at the knees. If you always eat fatty snacks while you are watching TV, think about that fact ahead of time, and fill some tupperware containers with individual servings of grapes, or little tomatoes or apple slices or carrot sticks. Make the healthy food easy to grab in a hurry, so that you don’t have to waste time prepping anything while you are in the middle of a temptation.

If you get triggered by temptation, have a plan of action for what you are going to do instead of eat that un-healthy item. Maybe you go outside and walk around the block, maybe you get online and start looking at healthy food websites, maybe you get on the phone for a good long chat with a close friend until the urge subsides. Find out what will work for you to cut the urge off at its knees.

If you know you always eat unhealthy things when you go out with friends, either start declining the invitations, or choose the restaurants yourself where you know you will be able to order something that fits with the plan. You may have to change your social life considerably, at least until you get used to your new plan.

Planning really is the key to making this thing work. Think about all of the things you have to do and the places you have to go and the people you have to be with in any given day and ask yourself all of the “What ifs?” ahead of time, so that you will have a contingency plan for when things get tough or if something unexpected comes up. Expect the un-expected and have a plan A, B and C ready to go.

There are all sorts of healthy menu planners online. Here is one from Fitness that has an entire month’s worth of daily menus with the recipes and shopping lists to go with it. This one sounds particularly delicious for regular folks, you don’t have to be like me and go vegetarian or vegan.

And here is a daily meal planner from Meals Matter

All of this may sound very daunting, but once you start planning ahead, and then following your plan, it will seem like second nature after awhile. Good luck on your quest : )

JLeslie's avatar

I have not read the answers above, so I might be repeating things. The sodas and teas probably have more to do with the caffeine than the sugar. Caffeine addiction is very powerful. You think you want the taste of the drink, which is definitely part of it, but the caffeine is the real pull. If you decide to go caffeine free whatch out for chocolate cravings, which has caffeine, your body will figure out where it can get its fix. Remember to cut down before going cold turkey, and get ready for a headache for a couple days and falling asleep everywhere. Another choice is to drink caffeine, but sugar free or low sugar, make your own tea. I don’t like fake sugars or diet sodas, I prefer controlling the real sugar.

As far as the crappy food, take all the crap out of your house, and swear of fast food for three weeks. Once you do it for a while it will be easier to stick with it. Cut all restaurant meals in half, and take the rest home. Also, figure out why you are eating and when. When you are bored? Lonely? In a hurry? And, adjust for it.

Soupy's avatar

I have to say I agree with @Charles

You know what is making you fat. You know that you need to stop eating rubbish foods and exercise more. This is not rocket science. It’s not a matter of not knowing what to do, it’s a matter of you just not doing it.

Firstly, remove temptation. Do not buy bad foods when you go shopping, only stock your pantry with good foods. Then when you go for a soda or a chocolate bar, there will be nothing there.

When you go out, just don’t buy junk food. It’s not hard. When you see a fast food restaurant, walk past it. If your friends want to go for lunch, pick a healthy place. If they want to go and eat rubbish, whip out a packed lunch or just wait ad eat later. There’s no rule that says you must eat burgers and fries.

You need to learn some self-discipline. No one is making you eat this sort of food except you. Tell yourself no.

Male's avatar

I’m actually doing the same thing and I’ve been having some success.

In the past, I’d always relapse and go back to it.

This time around, I’ve literally scared myself out of eating any more junk food by reading about the harmful effects it has on your body. I’ve been “trying” to quit for many years on and off, but this time, it’s for good. The shame from past failed attempts also helps.

I can’t give any real pointers since I don’t know anything about your self-control, but you should make yourself feel like shit after you’ve caved. If you have any sense of shame, it may push you out of it and break the habit.

mattbrowne's avatar

You’re an elephant rider and haven’t retrained your elephant, which is a hard thing to do and therefore takes time. But it can be done.

“The mind is divided in many ways, but the division that really matters is between conscious/reasoned processes and automatic/implicit processes. These two parts are like a rider on the back of an elephant. The rider’s inability to control the elephant by force explains many puzzles about our mental life, particularly why we have such trouble with weakness of will. Learning how to train the elephant is the secret of self-improvement.”

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