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King_Pariah's avatar

What brought you to fluther?

Asked by King_Pariah (11484points) February 9th, 2012
28 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Yeah, this question was asked about four months ago, but since then we got some new faces and I guess I’d like to hopefully hear from them, or a few of them this round.

So what brought you to fluther?

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ucme's avatar


JilltheTooth's avatar


harple's avatar

Google. (Remember those good ol’ days?)...

Coloma's avatar

Jet lag

JLeslie's avatar

Augustlan. She found me on facebook, we went to high school together, and after seeing some of my status updates she told me I should check out fluther.

wilma's avatar

Google and tomatoes.

Ayesha's avatar

A really good friend.

wundayatta's avatar

I think @goldieav16 did, lo these many years ago. Back during the first exodus from Askville. If not her, then someone else who also left AV at the time.

erichw1504's avatar

The nekked pancake parties.

marinelife's avatar

Work. I was checking out social media for a client. Found Fluther and never looked back.

OpryLeigh's avatar

The closure of a previous Q & A website I was using. @JLeslie I have been on Fluther for nearly three years and I never new you and Auggie went to school together!

JLeslie's avatar

@Leanne1986 We have mentioned it before here and there. We were not close friends. We had just one class together I think? But, we both grew up in the same town, and so have a similar experience and perspective in some ways, but at the same time our family experiences were different, so it’s not like our backgounds are identical.

gailcalled's avatar


downtide's avatar

I followed the Great Answerbag Exodus of 2009.

Paradox25's avatar

By accident, looking up a topic while internet surfing. Every site that I ever have blogged on I found just by random googling since I don’t personally know anybody that blogs. I had also found sodahead, scepcop, wordpress and Michael Prescott’s blog all by random internet surfing. Fluther was my first Q & A site though since I’ve only recently in the past few years started keeping a computer in my house.

Bellatrix's avatar

Demolition sites.

picante's avatar

A former member told me about the site. His descriptions intrigued me. I came, I lurked, I created an account, I remain.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Steve Jobs

Jude's avatar

Relationship issues

HungryGuy's avatar

The subway :-/

mangeons's avatar

Augustlan told me about it, so I decided to check it out. I’ve been here ever since, though I go through periods of inactivity every so often.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Like @downtide, I came during the great Answerbag migration. I found Fluther to be much more serious about its guidelines than the other place was, and I ran afoul of those guidelines a few times in the beginning. I came to appreciate them, though. They keep the place running on a pretty even keel.

SpatzieLover's avatar

And, I miss her so (weep)

Sunny2's avatar

I asked Google a question and it sent me here for the answer. Lucky find.

FutureMemory's avatar

I was using Firefox at the time, and had just installed the add-on StumbleUpon which recommended it. I had never been on a Q+A site before, in fact I didn’t even know they existed.

downtide's avatar

I can’t imagine @Hawaii_Jake running afoul of the mods here.

Buttonstc's avatar

The iPhone app. It was free so I downloaded it and checked of out.

Took awhile to figure out that the mobile version was so much better than the app. :)

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