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beckk's avatar

Is being 'predictable' a negative trait?

Asked by beckk (1266points) February 16th, 2012
14 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I am often told that I am very predictable. The ones who tell me this usually say it as if it is a negative trait. Multiple times I have been told to be more unpredictable and unexpected. On the rare occasion that I am unpredictable, people always say they like it. I never realized how obvious I am until I started college. My roommate is always telling me I’m too predictable.
If this is a negative trait, is there a way I can learn to become less predictable?
If it’s a positive trait, how can I help others to understand that?
Any opinion on the subject is welcome and appreciated.

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Earthgirl's avatar

It can be a positive trait. It’s good to be reliable and be someone people can count on to be there when they need you.

For your own good you might want to mix things up a bit. That is, do something a little out of your comfort zone once in a while. You may discover something new that will add another dimension to your life. And don’t be afraid to change your mind. Be open to new ideas. Otherwise if you are happy with yourself and content, don’t let them make you think it’s something negative. Just be yourself.

Blackberry's avatar

People won’t be saying that in a negative way when you’re the one always on time to work, or when you have a significant other that knows they can count on you. If anything, being predictable is one of the best traits.

Pandora's avatar

Yes and no. If a person is too predictable than they can become boring. Variety is the spice of life. But some predictability is a good thing. It says you know who you are and feel no need to change the things you like about yourself.
More than likely they probably just want you to step outside your comfort zone and live a little. You don’t want to get locked in at such a young age. Life is long and you can’t grow as a person if you don’t spread your wings a little. Even if you think something is silly. Just be sure to stay away from dangerous situations. Like drinking so much that you may end up being carted home by a stranger with ill intent or drinking to the point where you end up in the hospital. If your under 21, avoid drinking all together. But go out with a friend to a movie at 11pm on a school night. So you’ll be tired the next day. No big deal. Or skip a class to go fishing or ice skating. Just pick a class that you can ace blindfolded.

Aethelflaed's avatar

I know that people say it in a negative manner most of the time (because otherwise they use phrases like “dependable” or “reliable”), but I think it’s really a good trait. I think the key is to be adventurous on the small things – try new food, try a new club, try a new activity, try a new genre of book; but not on the bigger things – not when someone’s in need of your money (rent, child support, bills), not when someone’s expecting you to meet them at a certain time, not when your partner isn’t sure if you’ll be on or off again in a week.

Sunny2's avatar

People like you are very much valued in the work world. You’ll find a man who will value you for what you are. As for the women who are criticizing, you probably could loosen up now and then and do something spontaneously, like go out for ice cream of bring in pizza, but it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulder and a strict code of conduct. Everybody doesn’t need to be a party girl and may not want to be. To thine own self be true. And I heartily agree with what @Aethelflaed said.

ddude1116's avatar

Not necessarily. Some of the best occurrences result from a blatant lack of suspense or tension. For one, you’re fairly certain of what shall occur, and as a result there isn’t any stress involved. Spontaneity is fun for the short term, psychologically speaking, spontaneous types go through many friends and relationships, whereas those who lack such a trait have longer-lasting, and better, relationships, because they’re more trustworthy. Nobody would expect you to be gone tomorrow, out of the blue, which is a possibility for anyone unpredictable, for, after all, each person views the world through a monocle of perceptions and assumptions, and whenever these prove correct, it builds confidence and stability. Be unpredictable on occasion, to liven things up every so often, but otherwise, you’re handling a great trait, no worries.

linguaphile's avatar

People accuse me of being unpredictable, as if it’s a negative trait.

I’ve learned that all personality traits have flip sides—the benefits and the detriments. There’s no black and white, right and wrong when it comes to personality traits, just positive manifestations or negative manifestations.

I’m an expert at creating order out of chaos and pulling things that have fallen apart together—my unpredictability makes me good at that, but it also means I might not be on time for our date. I feel things strongly and wear my heart on my sleeve—which means my moods aren’t predictable, but it makes for a good creative writer and actor. If I use my unpredictability to my advantage- that’s a positive manifestation.

Use your predictability to your advantage and it becomes a strength.

Nullo's avatar

Your predictability is a good thing with respect to friends, a bad thing with respect to enemies.

ucme's avatar

Depends, predictable could mean that someone is dependable, particularly useful in the workplace.
In terms of relationships however it’s probably best to be anything but predictable, keep things fresh & full of vigour.

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes and no. For relationships it’s quite essential to be predictable. When it comes to problem solving or fruitful debates it can help to not be predictable and be able to challenge one’s assumptions.

thorninmud's avatar

Kind of depends on why you’re predictable.

If it comes from being habit-bound, so that your life is governed by scripts that you never reevaluate and just keep executing because it’s the easiest thing to do, then that’s negative indeed. It will keep you from growing as a person.

If it comes from fear of the unknown, being unwilling to ever take risks, then that’s negative too, and for the same reason.

But if it comes from having clear guiding principles that you stand by, then it can be a wonderful thing.

newtscamander's avatar

I’d say that for the people who appreciate your personality and company, predictability is very comforting, I like to be able to know what my friend’s reaction will be when I tell them something.

GladysMensch's avatar

It’s definitely not a good thing when trying to hide from the mafia.

beckk's avatar

Thank you all so much! Everything you said here makes sense and I really appreciate the feedback.
I now see the good and bad that comes with being predictable. I think I just need to step out of my comfort zone from time to time so I don’t become boring and chase everyone away.
Thanks again!

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