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emeraldisles's avatar

What should I do my paper on?

Asked by emeraldisles (1949points) February 27th, 2012
16 responses
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I can do a paper on any topic and it has to be 7 pages long. I need a topic that has a lot of information on it. Should it be on something historically based or something else?

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tom_g's avatar

U.S. interventions in Latin America in the 20th century

john65pennington's avatar

How about the prices of products going up and the size of the product is shrinking.

Case in point is toilet paper. The rolls are now ½ inch smaller in width, than that of a year ago.

And, lets not forget candy bars. Remember back years ago when we were told the price of candy bars would be increasing, because of abad sugar crop in Louisiana? Candy bars almost doubled in costs. The next year, there was a bumper crop of sugar in Louisian, but the cost of a candy bar never came back down. Were the people lied to?

Also, the cost and fluctuation of a gallon of gasoline. Why and how it happens.

AshLeigh's avatar

Shock factor: Write about Jack The Ripper. :D

elbanditoroso's avatar

A historical view of laziness among students, and how it make America less competitive in the global economy.

ScurvyChamp's avatar

Well… what are your interests? Surely you should start there! :)

emeraldisles's avatar

Well I thought about doing it on the Salem Witch Trials. I just don’t know how to stretch it out. I could give backgroung on the trials, the theories on why it happened, and talk about some of the victims.( Sarah Goode, Tibuta, Sarah Osbourne, Bridget Bishop, Giles Corey)

john65pennington's avatar

2nd Answer, If you didn’t like the idea of toilet paper and candy bars, how about this….......

Why there should be a 25% surtax on pornographic books and relateted devices(joy toys).

That should stir up some interest.

newtscamander's avatar

I just wrote a paper about autism and it was so interesting to write and research!

sinscriven's avatar

Why not tell us your personal interests first? It’s easier to write out and stretch out a seven page paper when it’s a topic you have interest in or knowledge about.

whitecarnations's avatar

You should do your paper on Jazz music, a truly American music, and how it affected the music world. What came out of jazz? What did the Jazz age represent?

Kardamom's avatar

What kind of class is this? Is it a writing class, or something else? That would help us to give you an idea that might be better than others.

What exactly do you mean by it needs a lot of information in it? Do you need to cite a lot of studies, a lot of statistics, a lot of anecdotal evidence for why people do what they do or like what they like?

My mind is percolating with some topics, but I don’t want to suggest anything until I hear a little bit more about what is needed : )

emeraldisles's avatar

This is for an honors english class. I have no interests I can write about. She said the topic can be about anything we want. She said the last page and a half to two pages can be a reflection on why we wrote it etc.

Kardamom's avatar

@emeraldisles I’m still a little vague on the needs a lot of information part.

Just because it is one of my interests, you could write about how Christmas traditions came from other countries and how they morphed into what they are now, in the U.S. You could talk about the rituals, Christmas trees and ornaments, the foods that people eat, the decorating of homes and buildings and how Happy Holidays seems to offend some people rather than saying Merry Christmas. How most ornaments came from Germany before WWI and how they were usually very expensive handcrafted ornaments, then after the 2 world wars how mass produced ornaments ended up being the norm, like the Shiny Brite company. The songs, where they originated, and how almost every singer puts out a Christmas album when they hit the big time. The origins of Christmas cards, and how now many people send out e-cards instead. How some people tend to become depressed around the holidays, where other people embrace the holidays with joy.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why is it called ‘doing a paper’ when you are typing it on a laptop?

emeraldisles's avatar

I have no clue. But everything must be typed along with a bibliography or works cited page. I do enjoy writing. I just hate writers block.

Kardamom's avatar

Another idea, that is one of my favorite subjects: write about how a person who doesn’t know how to cook, would go about learning how to do that. Should they take a class (if so from where? Are free classes any good, group classes better than individualized tutoring), should they ask their mother’s or grandmother’s or even their father’s how to cook? Are there any good websites for beginning cooks. Should they buy cookbooks or watch the food network (if so, what shows are useful for a beginning cook). Should they go out and buy a bunch of fancy equipment or not, is there a list of useful items that a beginning cook should have in their kitchen? If so, which equipment and food staples should they purchase? What kinds of skills should a beginning cook learn (knife skills, learning how to accurately measure, food safety, cooking terminology) What kinds of dishes are essential for a beginning cook to master? Etc. etc. etc.

I figure if you’re going to write something, then it might as well be something that I am interested in LOL : )

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