Social Question

creative1's avatar

Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 37?

Asked by creative1 (12081points) March 2nd, 2012

The game rules are:

Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily

The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,

Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.

There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.

Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.

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921 Answers

creative1's avatar

TJBM loves to play TJBM game

blueberry_kid's avatar

I Love Love Love playing.

TJMB is shocked that this game has gone on 37 times.

AmWiser's avatar

False….I can’t wait for it to reach 100.

TJBM will be around for TJBM Part 100.

Coloma's avatar

Well….maybe, maybe not, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Well, more likely I could get bitten by a rattlesnake or eaten by a cougar. lol

TJBM is the 5th jelly to answer

AmWiser's avatar

Duh! True :D

TJBM has a secret crush on a Jelly.

Coloma's avatar

Mmmm….I fancy one or two, one’s waaay too young and the other is not around much anymore.

TJBM likes Tsing Tao beer

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM thinks @AmWiser has an adorable picture:)

Coloma's avatar

True. All cats are adorable. :-)

TJBM thinks @AshLeigh has a very cute smile :-D

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, indeed. She’s a cutie. :)

TJBM is all tuckered out and headed to bed early tonight.

Coloma's avatar

Only 7:46 right now, but yes, by 10 at the latest, I am still catching up from a few crazy days.

TJBM is wearing white

AshLeigh's avatar

Awe, you guys are sweet!
Nope. Purple. :)
TJBM had a nice day!

Coloma's avatar

I did, True! I had someone kiss my ass after I called them out for being an arrogant jerk, and, I had a great hangout with a friend. Yes, a very good day.

TJBM will tell me their favorite color cat

AshLeigh's avatar

Chaos was light grey, and dark grey stripes. Miss that little guy. :’(
TJBM is @Coloma!

Coloma's avatar

True! :-P

TJBM likes tuna salad sandwiches with sweet pickle relish and tomato slices

Coloma's avatar

Poor missing Chaos :-(

reijinni's avatar

hate tuna!
TJBM would rather have a grilled cheese sandwich.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes please. With tomato soup.
TJBM likes tomato soup.

Coloma's avatar

I do! Grilled cheese and tomato soup is the best!

TJBM is hungry right now

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has hail damage that she can show us.

Coloma's avatar

False. But I have a yard full of downed branches from a windy storm the last few days.

TJBM is afraid of the dark

AshLeigh's avatar

The dark is afraid of me.
TJBM is afraid of clowns.

Only138's avatar

False…I would fuck a female clown. :)

The Jelly below me likes Schnitzel.

josrific's avatar

Can’t say, I don’t know what Schnitzel is.
TJBM watches the show Castle.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

A show filled with red heads and the guy from Serenity? Hells yes, I watch Castle.

TJBM is secretly a superhero.

jazmina88's avatar

Absolutely. SuperHIPPIE!

TJBM cares about others more than themselves.

ratboy's avatar

WTF! There are others?
TJBM has walked on the moon.

AshLeigh's avatar

All the time.
TJBM lives on the moon, like me.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Well, I get pretty high sometimes. But I usually come back home for snacks.

TJBM has planned an assassination.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

FALSE, well, I do use bug spray.

TJBM prefers baths to showers.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yes, most times.
TJBM changed pillowcases yesterday or today.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. Changed sheets Tuesday and will do again tomorrow. I’m a bit of a fanatic about clean sheets and pillow cases.

TJBM found out something today that made him or her quite happy.

Coloma's avatar

Well..I did yesterday, today is still young. haha
I found out that when I called someone out on their shit they groveled in apology, that felt pretty good. Jerk lol

TJBM refuses to put up with jerks

creative1's avatar

True I just walk away

TJBM like to go for long walk along the beach

Coloma's avatar

True, but I am 100 miles from the ocean, so I have to settle for river walks.

TJBM has a nice river in their area

creative1's avatar

Yes but I live on a lake that has trails to hike around the lake

TJBM enjoys swimming

Coloma's avatar

True. :-)

TJBM was up early this morning

reijinni's avatar

yes, but I’m going back to my normal time of 7:00 am.
TJBM puts mentos into their soda.

Coloma's avatar

False. Ewww. :-p

TJBM has a cute animal thing going on at their house right now My female goose Sonora is obsessed with the neighbors sheep, they are standing right next to each other at the fence and she is doing her seductive goose dance. lol

creative1's avatar

only my puppy looking so cute

TJBM loves pets

Coloma's avatar

So true! I am enjoying the best time with my gang tripping around my yard on this beautiful sunny morning. :-D

TJBM is going to enjoy a spring like day

creative1's avatar

If you called snow on the ground with rain coming down a nice spring like day then yes. Either way I am going to enjoy it.

TJBM is prepping for spring

Coloma's avatar

Haha..yes, but I would like to see more storms for us dry west coasters.

TJBM likes to eat outside all summer

creative1's avatar

Oh yesss and now that I have a real yard instead of just a balcony I am buying a big table and chair set for outdoors. I already got the big grill at end of season last fall that is sitting in the basement waiting to go outside. I can’t wait till its a little warmer out!!

TJBM enjoys grilling

MilkyWay's avatar

True, BBQs rock :D
TJBM wants some lamb steak and mash

geeky_mama's avatar

No thank you. I prefer to wait for my Chicago-style Deep Dish Pizza to be ready to eat.

TJBM is trying to accept what he/she cannot control. (I think I’ll pay attention to THESE things that I can control instead today..)

creative1's avatar

True, I also look toward the positive things going on instead of the bad

TJBM is changing careers

reijinni's avatar

TJBM love bacon-flavored coffee.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM loves an expresso once in a while

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.
TJBM bought new clothes recently. :)
I just found this super great vest. And the tag said “Ashley”. I was like “Fate!”

creative1's avatar

Yes I did, last week

TJBM is a shopaholic

AshLeigh's avatar

Kind of! XD
TJBM has a lot of shoes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I certainly have more that I think I would if I knew me! I’m not a clothes horse, but there is something about shoes…..

TJBM is having pizza tonight, like everyone else here is, except me. :(

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m not. D:
TJBM paints their fingernails pretty colors! :D

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. I keep them manicured and use clear polish. I like to be natural looking.

TJBM is wearing a flannel shirt

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m not. Although, I probably will be later.
TJBM wears flannel shirts to bed.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Never could I actually wear a flannel shirt due to various stereotypes surrounding people who do so in this region. Also, I just sleep in my clothes.

TJBM has an especially expensive piece of jewelry.

Coloma's avatar

No. I have some sterling silver and turquoise and mostly fun costume type jewelery. I’m an earring addict. But..I do have some expensive art/paintings. I’m more into art than jewelry. :-)

TJBM is having company for dinner tonight

creative1's avatar

Not that I know of

TJBM is making a big Sunday Dinner today

Coloma's avatar

Medium. It’s going to be a really warm day, in the low 70’s and I am making shrimp cocktails with french bread, avacados, salad, olives and some specialty cheeses and crackers. More of a California picnic dinner. :-)

TJBM will tell what would be a good lite-ish dessert for my picnic dinner

blueberry_kid's avatar


TJBM hates tornadoes as much as I do.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve never been in a tornado. I’m in the earthquake and forest fire zone here out west. I’m sure they are very scary. Oooh, Blueberry pie sounds divine!

TJBM is feelin’ groovy this morning, well rested and looking forward to their day

AshLeigh's avatar

I am.(:
TJBM is job hunting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, thank goodness. I’ve had enough of that to last a lifetime. I still look in the want ads, though, just so I can say “I don’t need to apply!!”

TJBM rarely eats before noon on Sundays.

creative1's avatar


TJBM is looking forward to the new week

MilkyWay's avatar

Not really, I could use another day off.
TJBM hates mondays

geeky_mama's avatar

I no longer hate Mondays..but that’s because I now tend to work all 7 days each week. :(

TJBM has plans to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t.
TJBM is wearing blue.

Coloma's avatar

False. Yellow and white. White tank top, yellow skirt.

TJBM can’t wait for dinner I am going to eat everything, a Sunday special. lol

creative1's avatar

Still full from a late lunch… no dinner for me, maybe a snack later

TJBM skips breakfast

MilkyWay's avatar

Usually yes.
TJBM likes a big lunch

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM listens to cable news.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, only BBC or ITV for me.
TJBM likes reading the news in a newspaper more than watching it on TV

AshLeigh's avatar

No news for me.
TJBM doesn’t care about the news.

reijinni's avatar

I do care about some of the items.
TJBM has made their bedroom to look like a church sanctuary.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have not. XD
TJBM needs to clean their room. I do.

reijinni's avatar

don’t want to bother.
TJBM wets their pants every time there’s a bad storm.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t. This is Alaska. Getting scared of a storm would be ridiculous.
TJBM is enjoying this sunny day. :)

josrific's avatar

Very true! Loved being outside for a bit of the day.
TJBM doesn’t eat processed foods.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. Processed foods make me strong like bull.

TJBM is strong like bull.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

I’m a taurus, does that count? But seriously, I’m like a twig.

TJBM has way too many tabs open.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Is 16 too many?

TJBM is good with math and that kind of stuff.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am. :) “You’re too busy saying the same tired excuse every other kid spews out about math: ‘When will I ever use this in life?’
If you’re leading your life in such a way that you never have to do math, congratulations, you are a donkey.
Why is math the only discipline that has to put up with this? People gladly learn art, music, literature and geography. You’ll even nod like a happy idiot when you learn what a haiku is, and you never complain or whine about how you’ll never use this in your ‘life.’ When is the last time you wrote a haiku, asshole?” Just read that somewhere. XD
TJBM uses math in their life. XD

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Nope. I use charm on women who know math when I need that kind o’ stuff.

TJBM uses charm to avoid things that are hard.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM had hiccups today.

Coloma's avatar

False, but my cat did. lol

TJBM is going to bed soon

AshLeigh's avatar

I should. But my hair is wet. So I won’t.
TJBM hates going to sleep with wet hair.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t do it. use a hair dryer and go to bed

TJBM has no curtains in his or her house—only shades and blinds.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. We have curtains.
TJBM is wide awake.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I am.

TJBM has a P. O. Box mailing address.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is harboring a criminal.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. Because if I was, would totally be posting about it on the internet.
TJBM has a slight cough. :(

Coloma's avatar

Yes, from allergies, oh spring! snif, snort, cough.

TJBM is tired from their weekend activites

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m tired from getting up at 6:30… XD
TJBM is not and early riser.

Coloma's avatar

False, I am an early riser but, it takes me about 3 hours to really get movin’. If I had to be at work again by 8 I’d be so screwed. haha

TJBM has something in their eye that they can’t get out Gah!

AshLeigh's avatar

I did earlier! XD
TJBM hates that.

reijinni's avatar

of course.
TJBM has nut allergies.

Coloma's avatar

False, just the usual spring and fall seasonal crap, pollen, weeds, dust.

TJBM wants to take a road trip

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.
tjbm should be doing math right now. I’m fluthering from my mobile in math class ;)

Coloma's avatar

@AshLeigh You little math skipper you! lol ;-)

False, and I hate math, but I love my calculator. I can process the basics in my head but as long as one can use a calculator and isn’t interested in being a an engineer or physics professor, well..fuck math. lol

TJBM says fuck math too!

mattbrowne's avatar

I love math. Without math there would be no electricity, no computers, no smart phones, no satellites, no web browsers, no Fluther.

TJBM doesn’t like the word fuck.

Coloma's avatar

True/false. I use it occasionally to emphasize my passion. Not a lot. My apologies if I offended anyone. Duly noted.

TJBM is more oriented towards language than math

AshLeigh's avatar

I like both.
tjbm is a fast typer.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM thinks taht curse words are the best part of language.

MilkyWay's avatar

Hmm, as much as I find them amusing and enjoyable,,, false.
TJBM has been called a ‘walking dictionary’ before.

josrific's avatar

Yes, all through school.
TJBM is a walking dictionary because they read so much.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is stressed

Coloma's avatar

False. Relaxed and waiting on my gardener buddy for some gardening. haha

TJBM deducts 13 lbs., the weight of the average human head, when they weigh themselves? lol

SpatzieLover's avatar

Teehee :) And 3lbs for my clothes, and….

TJBM is on a diet

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM finds the notion of being on a diet extremely funny

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope. More like extremely necessary. (Welcome to life after age 30…)

TJBM needs to pack a suitcase.

Coloma's avatar

False, but I just unpacked groceries. ;-p

TJBM has allergies today

SpatzieLover's avatar

Probably, but the light cold is making me forget the allergies :D

TJBM has spring fever.

Coloma's avatar

True! Rain tomorrow, but, the last two days have been on the low 70’s.

TJBM has their house open right now

SpatzieLover's avatar

False. though we do air it out…but open? nope. it’s 30 degrees ;)

TJBM is considering what seeds to plant for a garden.

Coloma's avatar

True! Well, only flowers, maybe a couple of tomatoes. I have about 1000 hybrid morning glory seeds I collected last fall, I can;t wait to see if I get some new colors.

TJBM likes amber glass

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes rings

Coloma's avatar

Earrings. :-)

TJBM is happy because they have a nice clean house

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes, I always have a clean house. I clean my clean house to be sure it stays clean.

TJBM has snow tires on their car.

AshLeigh's avatar

Of course I do. How many times do I have to stress the fact that this is Alaska?
TJBM is going through a hard time today, and needs me to give them a hug, to make them feel better. :)

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I wasn’t talking to @AshLeigh

I do not want a hug—I’m not one of those gushy huggy people. I don’t usually share hard times either, so nunya.

AshLeigh's avatar

Someone can’t take a joke. And is kind of rude. XD
I technically wasn’t talking to you either, so no need to get all defensive. :P

reijinni's avatar

no hard time today.
TJBM made a mistake the day they said “I Do”.

MilkyWay's avatar

LOL, I haven’t made that mistake… yet.
TJBM is not much of a romantic

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. I’m the only romantic I know.

TJBM was polite when someone shared a really bad idea recently.

MilkyWay's avatar

Not that I remember…
TJBM is a hopeless romantic in denial

AshLeigh's avatar

If I said I wasn’t a hopeless romantic… You might think I’m in denial..
TJBM is in denial.

MilkyWay's avatar

True. I mean, False… o.o
TJBM is sleepy

reijinni's avatar

not yet
TJBM likes to listen to Teller’s voice.

MilkyWay's avatar

True :)
TJBM knows what @reijinni means for once

Coloma's avatar

Actually, no. lol

TJBM will tell me who Teller is?

AshLeigh's avatar

No idea.
TJBM draws on themselves. :O

Coloma's avatar

Not since I was about 15. lol Razzing you AshLeigh! ;-p

TJBM uses spray on hair

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t. XD
TJBM has a tattoo, and will tell us what/where it is! :O

creative1's avatar

Sorry no, I don’t do needles unless my dr need blood or I need a vaccination

TJBM has a piercing somewhere other than their ears and will tell us where

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I have one in each ear. That’s all. Thinking of getting more though.
TJBM has piercings.

Coloma's avatar

Just my ears, but my daughter has a few.
TJBM is in the shower

AshLeigh's avatar

Ummm… No. My laptop would get wet. XD
TJBM fluthers in the shower? O.o

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM doesn’t mind public speaking.

AshLeigh's avatar

I do mind.
I’d like to know how you do that, @MollyMcGuire!
TJBM would also like to know.

reijinni's avatar

not really
TJBM gardens in the nude.

Coloma's avatar

At times, yes, I have. That’s why I live in a secluded house, for the nature and privacy.

TJBM likes to be outside late on summer nights, nude or otherwise.

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. I take walks. Lots & lots of walks with dogs.

TJBM likes to take walks.

Coloma's avatar

True, I do. :-)

TJBM is totally out of it this morning because they stayed up waay too late last night

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. Extra espresso helped!

TJBM likes to warm their hands on a nice hot cuppa of something tasty.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Very true. There’s nothing like a hot cup of tea to warm the hands and the insides!!

TJBM has given something up for lent.

Coloma's avatar

False. I don’t belong to any religion that requires tithing or lent.
TJBM drinks half caff coffee so they can drink more, longer lol

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. I add water (Americano) to my espresso..You caught my trick! ;)
TJBM is enjoying blue skies today.

Coloma's avatar

Cloudy with some sun here and there, windy, after a few overnight showers. Really nice day actually. :-)

TJBM thinks Peacocks are beautiful birds, noisy but beuatiful

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. Family members have a sweet old guy on their farm…wish I had one!

TJBM has seen a badger in a garden.

Coloma's avatar

False. No Badgers around here, that I know of.

TJBM likes Prairie Dogs

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. I can only see them at the zoo, though ;) Cheeky, standing guinea pigs!
TJBM giggles regularly.

reijinni's avatar

not that much
TJBM likes it when they acknowledge their birthday at work.

Coloma's avatar

I am self employed so I don;t get work parties, I give myself a party. lol

TJBM has been to Bryce and Zion parks in Utah

SpatzieLover's avatar

False. —-one of our little friends is named after Bryce canyon, though!—

TJBM has been to Yellowstone National Park. I hope to sometime in this lifetime

Coloma's avatar

False, but I want to! I almost took off with a friend last October, but, it was too close to winter to do any camping and the bears were in an aggressive mode.

TJBM needs to go run errands and is sooo tired the thought of sliding behind the wheel seems almost too much. haha

MilkyWay's avatar

Hmm… what exactly do you mean by “sliding behind the wheel” then, hey @Coloma ? False.
TJBM will tell us their plans for tomorrow

Coloma's avatar

Getting together with a friend for our weekly river walk and picnic and Thurs. I am taking my daughter to get the Lasik procedure done on her eyes. 00

TJBM is starving right now I’m too tired to eat too. haha

reijinni's avatar

just ate.
TJBM will enjoy this story

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM wonders why @reijinni watches CBBC…

SpatzieLover's avatar

TJBM watches cartoons

reijinni's avatar

@MilkyWay, I don’t. Picked from FARK.

MilkyWay's avatar

@reijinni Ah..
@SpatzieLover True.
TJBM likes arachnids

Coloma's avatar

True. I like all creatures.

TJBM likes mint chocolate chip ice cream

blueberry_kid's avatar

With blueberries on top?!?!?!?!!!

TJBM has had ear problems (sadly…)

AshLeigh's avatar

I do not.
TJBM is taller than me. :(

geeky_mama's avatar

Probably not. I like to say I’m “Travel Sized”..

TJBM might be a Hobbit.

AshLeigh's avatar

I might be.
TJBM is shorter than me. :D

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Who knows

TJBM was not surprised by today’s primaries.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Not in the slightest. Romney took the states that will likely give their votes to Obama anyways, Santorum took the rest,

TJBM is wondering if they should have another drink.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I just put on my second cup of coffee.

TJBM likes to sail.

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really. D:
TJBM likes to sing. :)

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM handles his or her own tax prep.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t. Haha.
TJBM does!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Yes. And I mail the refund to my ex.

TJBM will share the last song they danced too with us.

AshLeigh's avatar Slow dance. XD
TJMB slow dances.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@AshLeigh I listened to that video – nice

I do

TJBM is a Jane Austen fan

AshLeigh's avatar

I like it, @MollyMcGuire(:
I am.
TJBM loves reading,

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I do, but haven’t read lately like I used to.

TJBM plays a musical instrument.

Coloma's avatar

I play hand drums, Djembes, Congas, Navahos, Celtics and Burkina Faso Bendres. I don’t wanna work, I just want to bang on the drums all day…..

TJBM likes ethnic drums

josrific's avatar

I do, can’t play them but I enjoy them.
TJBM is bored

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has a lot to do in a short amount of time

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m collecting sap from maple trees right now
TJBM likes making foods from scratch

Coloma's avatar

Yes, especially saucy sauces. lol

TJBM has taken their checking account down to it’s last $10 Gah…skimming the savings, psht! lol

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. :/
TJBM has an animal that snores.
My sweet girl is snoring on the chair behind me now

Coloma's avatar

Haha, no, but my new cat Myles has such a fluffy ruff that he sneezes a lot when his fur goes up his nose. lol

TJBM slept like a rock last night

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. not in the AM so much, though
TJBM sleeps with a window open.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, unless it’s the middle of the summer.
TJBM just killed a mosquito… Ew.

SpatzieLover's avatar

False. we won’t have those for a couple of months…Thankfully
TJBM has a birdhouse on their property.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, it broke :/
TJBM loves hearing the birds sing in the morning

Coloma's avatar

True. Love dem little birdies. :-)

TJBM likes egg salad sandwiches

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM dislikes eggs

Coloma's avatar

False. I don;t eat them a lot but I do like them. Plus, I kept hens for years, I got spoiled on homegrown eggs.

TJBM has kept chickens

MilkyWay's avatar

I’ve kept chicks… but they either died or ran away :/
TJBM has lost a number of pets

SpatzieLover's avatar

Sure…dozens. (lost as in death…I’ve never “lost” and not found a pet)
TJBM has kept an unusual animal as a pet.

Coloma's avatar

I have geese and I once had a Macaw and pet Deer mice and a BLM Burro that was taken from the Nevada Desert. Her name was Minnie Pearl and she loved Captain Crunch cereal. lol :-)

TJBM is ready for lunch

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. I just began to eat! :D

TJBM has unique flowers in the garden.

Coloma's avatar

Mmm..I have Zebra grasses and Myscanthus and a Himalayan Honeysuckle, but nothing really exotic.

TJBM has a water garden with reeds

creative1's avatar

Nope, just a lot of plants right now

TJBM has had a busy busy week

reijinni's avatar

TJBM knows what DDR really stands for.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM had something very exciting happen to them today :D

Coloma's avatar

Well, a friend is coming over and we are having lunch and I am highlighting her hair. If you can call that exciting. lol

TJBM highlights their hair

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. Right now I have chunky highlights ;)
TJBM has a hairdresser they recommend to all their friends.

Coloma's avatar

Not anymore. Haha

TJBM is s-t-a-r-v-i-n-g! My friend is 30 minutes late for lunch…girl..get it together! lol

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I had dinner recently
TJBM has a stomach ache :/

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. I feel great.

TJBM has started dinner prep for tonight.

reijinni's avatar

nope, dinner finished
TJBM is excited about Google Play.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM has a lot to do! Darn finals!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m finished with school, but the days of law school finals are not forgotten. They are the worst. One test for the course—that’s your final grade.

TJBM had a very cool delivery to their door today.

Coloma's avatar

Well, yesterday, yes! My new Panasonic Lumix FH25 digital camera I ordered last week. I love it!

TJBM has a new camera

AshLeigh's avatar

I got one a few months ago. :)
TJBM is having troubles with their space bar.

Coloma's avatar

No, but the mouse bar on my laptop is sticky. :-p

TJBM likes making videos around their house

erichw1504's avatar

True, of my baby girl.

TJBM is very organized.

Coloma's avatar

True, Usually, I have my disorganized moments. lol

TJBM is glad to see @erichw1504 back :-)

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, very!

TJBM has a nose that runs like a faucet.

josrific's avatar

False, it has become the opposite and is stuffed.
TJBM plays the piano.

MilkyWay's avatar

Keyboard, but I hope to be able to play the piano too :)
TJBM is frustrated because their phone has decided to die

reijinni's avatar

nope, have another
TJBM is wet today.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is horny today

MollyMcGuire's avatar

That’s too personal.

TJBM is planning home repairs for Spring.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am not.
TJBM is eating cookies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Does not go well with beer.

TJBM is wondering where all the good TV programming has gone.

Coloma's avatar

False. I haven’t watched TV since 2001. I do love my Netflix though. :-)

TJBM had a very busy day Whew, just got in a bit ago and stripped and put on my jammies…aaah, relax!

geeky_mama's avatar

Yep, me too. It’s nearly 8:30pm and haven’t made dinner yet.

TJBM is ready for Spring Break to begin.

Coloma's avatar

False. No kids here. @geeky_mama Oh man woman…you need a chef on standby lol

TJBM likes to take silly videos of their pets

reijinni's avatar

what pets?
TJBM has put a scoop of vanilla ice cream either on top of their steak or mashed potatoes.

Coloma's avatar

Never. No.

TJBM forgets that @reijinni is petless

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.
TJBM has big plans for the weekend!(:

Dutchess_III's avatar

@reijinni is petless??? Do you realize that spell check doesn’t even recognize that word??

Coloma's avatar


No big plans for the weekend, I had a big day today, I’m down for two. haha
TJBM likes Benjiman Franklin

MollyMcGuire's avatar

It this a trick question?

TJBM likes to change up the colors that her computer uses for all of the different bars and windows.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not very often. I’ll change my wall paper, often, but that’s it.

TJBM wishes she had gone to California when she was in college in the 70’s and set a man trap for Bob Seager!

AshLeigh's avatar

… Haha.
TJBM loves mint!(:

Coloma's avatar

True. I’m addicted to those Jello low cal chocolate mint mousse cups.

TJBM is looking forward to their weekend

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes I am. House to myself… What to do, what to do… :) Rave of one!
TJBM is cute. ;)

reijinni's avatar

sure am. run around naked
TJBM is still looking for a soulmate.

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM received some news today that could cause major change in their life.

Coloma's avatar

False. But the day is young. lol

TJBM has seen a bad car accident recently Oh man, yesterday I came upon a terrible crash, so sad, it is still bothering me.

SpatzieLover's avatar


TJBM has been in a car accident.

Coloma's avatar

True. Several, no injuries, and other than one rear ender, I have been the one hit. :-(

TJBM needs to wash their car

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope – I did that this morning. Yay for a clean car!

TJBM is about to take a vacation.

AshLeigh's avatar

Spring break starts today!(: Just staying home though. O.o
TJBM likes their steak medium rare.

SpatzieLover's avatar


TJBM is a picky eater.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM always have a problem with the tv being on the “wrong channel”

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really. I don’t watch much TV.
TJBM has a pet panda, named Pickles.

creative1's avatar

got 2 cats and a dog but don’t see no panda around here

TJBM wants to get a pet

AshLeigh's avatar

I want a kitty, and I want to name him Mayhem. :)
TJBM likes animals. <3

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

In the abstract. Like, I am glad they exist, somewhere far away from me.

TJBM has a movie recommendation.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I do. I’m with ya on the animal thing

TJBM’s bed is dressed in striped sheets at the moment.

creative1's avatar

Nope green

TJBM woke in the middle of the night only to have trouble going back to sleep

AshLeigh's avatar

I woke up at seven AM, on a day I’m skipping school. XD Does that count?
TJBM thinks that counts.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, 7AM doesn’t count!

TJBM unloaded the dishwasher tonight.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has a party to go to in 2 hours and they’ve still gotta make the chicken nuggets

Coloma's avatar

TJBM just washed their car and then flung a cup of coffee all over the outside . Seriously…sometimes. lol

AshLeigh's avatar

Haha. No. XD
TJBM has something to do today, and will tell us what it is.

reijinni's avatar

already mowed some grass.
TJBM hates yard work.

Coloma's avatar

False. I love yard work! I don’t like mowing and weed eating so I sub it out, haha, but, I love raking, pruning, and planting.

TJBM has Daffodils and other spring bulbs in their yard

MilkyWay's avatar

True, and last year’s potatoes have turned up too :D
TJBM made some chips to go with their chicken nuggets

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, but I ate chips at the Mexican restaurant.

TJBM is totally FULL after dinner and just wants to curl up on the couch and watch a good movie.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I’ve had a rice crispy’s treat, and a red bull today, and that’s all. XD
TJBM is not a healthy eater.

geeky_mama's avatar

True..but I’m trying to work on that. It helps that I am totally in love with arugula and want to eat it at every meal.

TJBM goes through food “phases” where they want to eat the same (favorite) food over & over..

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sorta. Mainly my specialty burritos!

TJBM wishes her food could magically appear, cooked and ready to go, instead of having to cook it themselves.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I enjoy making my own food. I love cooking :D
TJBM had a really nice day today

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I had a lovely day, got to talk to my daughter for a long time. I miss her.

TJBM is getting ready to turn on the TV to watch a program or movie.

Coloma's avatar

False. I just finished a movie and am killing a bit of time before an early bedtime tonight.

TJBM has been having trouble with the “over capacity” issue on fluther

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t know what the over capacity issue is——- would someone please educate me on this.

TJBM does know what it is.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Apparently a server went screwy the other night, causing people to get an error page when they were trying to get into Fluther. Even after it was fixed, you had to clean your history in many cases to get back on. That was fixed, but a lot of people are still having spot outages. The site seemed down earlier today when I tried.

TJBM likes candy.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I love candy—chocolate, mint, peanut butter—these are a few of my favorites. I have never used the drug referred to as candy.

TJBM has never used the drug referred to as candy.

AshLeigh's avatar

I haven’t.
TJBM just had sexy time. ;D

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t ask anyone such a question and don’t want to be asked either. It’s private.

TJBM watched a horror film today.

creative1's avatar

Nope didn’t watch any movies today

TJBM is ready to start their new week

MollyMcGuire's avatar

It will start ready or not.

TJBM is up very early rather than being up very late (like me).

Coloma's avatar

I am. I went to bed at 8:30 last night, I was exhausted.

TJBM has poison oak around their house Aaah spring, the first outbreak.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM can do a really good goosestep.

MilkyWay's avatar

Um, false?
TJBM can do the caterpillar

AshLeigh's avatar

The what? XD
TJBM will explain what the caterpillar is.

MilkyWay's avatar

A dance move :)
TJBM doesn’t want to go to bed even though it’s 1 am

josrific's avatar

True, I don’t want to go to bed when it’s only 7pm here.
TJBM just enjoyed a girl scout cookie.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False, but I did enjoy some ice cream and a bakery chocolate chip cookie.

TJBM can play a song on a telephone keypad.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I find it annoying
TJBM can play the keyboard

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I am a pianist

TJBM like Milky Way Midnight candy bars.

MilkyWay's avatar

@MollyMcGuire That’s really cool :D
True, I do.
TJBM is a chocoholic

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Thanks @MilkyWay


TJBM hates to be late.

Coloma's avatar

True I am almost always early or on time.

TJBM is having dinner later now that the time has changed again

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False—I didn’t really feel it too much this year. AHHHHH the joys of unemployment.

TJBM uses nightlights.

MilkyWay's avatar

False xD
TJBM is off to bed

Coloma's avatar

False. Only 7:32 on the west coast, and I do use nightlights. haha

TJBM is in the pacific time zone

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I am.

TJBM is looking for something good to read.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is going to try out the Hunger Games series

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Maybe later, but not now.

TJBM will also see the HG movie that coming soon.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is a sci-fi fan

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM has too much energy.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, just enough
TJBM loves talking in different accents (and annoying people)

AshLeigh's avatar

I do. :D
TJBM will tell us what they did today.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM forgot to take their drugs today.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t take any drugs, other than advil and the occasional herbal brownie. lol

TJBM is looking forward to several good storms this week Yay, the western mountains get snow!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I wish. All we seem to have here right now is pee-soup style fog all day! I’d welcome a good storm (maybe not snow but thunder and lightning would be cool!)

TJBM slept well last night.

MilkyWay's avatar

False actually, I had a really restless night :/
TJBM is fed up with something

Coloma's avatar

Mmm, I could probably think of something to be slightly fed up with, but no, I’m having a happy, easy day, in a good mood. :-D

TJBM is enjoying wild winds right now Yay storms!

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has been experiencing some very mild and sunny weather

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I am hot in my apartment in march with the heat off. In Frieken New England.

TJBM is a little regretful.

reijinni's avatar

on some things
TJBM wants to do away with DST.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM uses flavored coffee creamer.

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.
TJBM loves pajamas. <3

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Sure, right before I <Moderated by me as there are minors on this thread>

TJBM can’t seep either.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I never have trouble sleeping. I’m just not ready to go to bed yet.

TJBM washed her car in the past few days.

josrific's avatar

True, even vacuumed it out. Nice and clean!
TJBM is tired this early morning.

Coloma's avatar

True. I stayed up too late last night too.

TJBM is still drinking coffee

reijinni's avatar

no coffee here.
TJBM is excited about March Madness.

Coloma's avatar

What is March madness?

TJBM knows what March madness is.

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, and I’ll help dear Coloma, who like me must not be a big college hoops fan? Not to worry. We’re not much for betting on NCAA sweet sixteen brackets at my house, either.

TJBM would rather play sports than watch them on ESPN.

MilkyWay's avatar

True, I’m into sports :)
TJBM is into kick-boxing

creative1's avatar


TJBM plays or has played kick ball

MilkyWay's avatar

Kick ball as in football? Sure, I play.
TJBM knows there is also a dance move called ‘kick ball change’...

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has kicked somebody in the balls.

AshLeigh's avatar

My brother, a long time ago…
TJBM has a brother. :D

Ela's avatar

true I have 2!

tjbm has a sister

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM has four siblings.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

True. Creepy you knew that.

TJBM is driven nuts by their siblings.

Ela's avatar

<cues the twilight zone music>

just by one, the other 4 not so much

tjbm has spent time in the cuckoo’s nest

AshLeigh's avatar

Of course.
TJBM is mean! :O

geeky_mama's avatar

Not intentionally.. really, I try to be nice..

TJBM is a people-pleaser by nature.

Ela's avatar

true. I dislike arguments, conflicts and confrontations.
~peace, love and happiness is what I like : )

tjbm likes to argue : (

Coloma's avatar

False, but, when necessary look out, I’ll mop the floor with you. lol

TJBM has a strong and articulate personality

MilkyWay's avatar

I’d like to think so…
TJBM has had a looong day

Coloma's avatar

False. Only 1:25 on the west coast.

TJBM is having a nice day

Dutchess_III's avatar

I always have a nice day, especially when I’m working. I feel like I’ve been flattened with a steam roller, but getting to the point was nice and challenging.

TJBM is barefoot for the first time this year!

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m always barefoot.
TJBM is a hippie! :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, groovy, man! We have good vibes goin’ on between you and me, man, for you to have guessed that, man! That is soooo cool, maaaan!

TJBM is DYING for some orange cake or some carrot cake.

MilkyWay's avatar

Um… False though I would like some.
TJBM is being cyber bullied

AshLeigh's avatar

I am not.
TJBM is cute. ;)

MilkyWay's avatar

Lol! No comment.
TJBM strongly dislikes haters…

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I do. I take their women out of spite.

TJBM is watching too much news lately.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is listening to calming piano music right now

Ela's avatar

False. Will it make me feel better?

tjbm has the blues

Coloma's avatar

False. Just rainy day mellowness

TJBM likes peppermint sticks in hot chocolate

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ew no.

TJBM drops a stick of peppermint gum in their hot hot chocolate and swirls it around until it’s melted. Well!

Ela's avatar

ummm… false hot coco n pb toast… nummm

tjbm is tired and needs a cuddle like me

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I am not sure, Are you a good cuddler?

TJBM has no plans to sleep soon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m trying not to have anyt….I can sleep as late as 10:30 tomorrow before I go to work (usually up at 6:30,) so I’m trying to stay awake for some reason.

TJBM knows that there are only two thing that go with peanut butter on a sandwich, and that is jelly or honey.

Ela's avatar

False, there is only one and that’s pb

tjbm loves pb foldovers

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought nope, I am an awesome cuddler ; )

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM works in the field of her degree.

MilkyWay's avatar

Sure, I’m a food taster and have a degree in eating :D
TJBM is sarky

Dutchess_III's avatar

TJ doesn’t know what sarky is.

TJBM always manages to post questions that are going to get Fluther hopping just before (s)he has to go to work and gets to miss all the fun she started! Grr!

geeky_mama's avatar

Not me. I don’t think I get Fluther hopping very often…and I can check Fluther while working.

TJBM is goin’ on a road trip! (like me)

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM will do a little acting very soon.

Coloma's avatar

You mean like being polite to someone you can’t stand? lol

TJBM is annoyed at someone right now

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM will perform very soon

Coloma's avatar

No, I don;t when I’ll be called back to the stage. lol

TJBM is enjoying a rainy day

MilkyWay's avatar

False, a somewhat cold one.
TJBM woke up to really thick fog today

reijinni's avatar

nope, just rain
TJBM’s team is still in the tourney.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t have a team. lol

TJBM is going to watch a scary movie during a storm tonight

MilkyWay's avatar

Uh, nope. I’d rather watch the storm out the window.
TJBM is going to bed…. Night!

reijinni's avatar

not yet.
TJBM has ridden a horse naked.

Coloma's avatar

Actually, yes, I have.

TJBM rides/owns horses

AshLeigh's avatar

I used to own horses, and last summer I lived on a horse ranch.. I miss it! D:
TJBM loves where they live.

creative1's avatar

Yes very much so

TJBM lives where it is warm all year round

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. Of course. ;]
TJBM appreciates my sarcasm. :D

Coloma's avatar

True, I like girls with zippy personalities, like me! :-D

TJBM has a zippy personality

josrific's avatar

TJBM is enjoying St. Patrick’s Day.

MilkyWay's avatar

Uh, sure.
TJBM hasn’t really seen much happen today

Ela's avatar

True and false. True because I had to work this a.m and false because later it’ll be dinner and cake time!
<- is getting excited for caketime

tjbm has turned on their ac already

Coloma's avatar

False. Just had another propane fill yesterday, I am not looking at the statement, yet! lol

TJBM is having T-storms today….woo hoo, it’s rockin; out there now

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. XD
TJBM is @EnchantingEla!

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh beated me to it <sniffles>

Ela's avatar

O…M…G!! True! True!

tjbm wants to fly their kite today

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s not even windy. :)
TJBM is wearing a hat.

Ela's avatar

False. I rarely do hats. They muss my hair up n I only like my hair mussed up when…. I’m thinking random things <wink wink>

tjbm is wearing a hat though

AshLeigh's avatar

I am not. I haven’t left my bed at all today, yet. XD
TJBM is being lazy today.

Coloma's avatar

So far, true, but, I must go out soon into the elements and hit the grocery store and check my mail. I am waiting on 3 Amazon items to come. ;-D

TJBM is an Amazon junkie

Ela's avatar

False I don’t shop Amazon or even online for that matter : (

tjbm is an Amazon woman?!

Coloma's avatar

True, and I have an iron maiden form bra…boobs of steal. lol

TJBM has boobs of steel

Ela's avatar

Noooooo…. they’re pretty soft n boingy to be honest lol
lmao @ boobs of steel!

tjbm likes play gladiator/peasant girl

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am Coloma Turkey gladiator. Throwing rocks at the outta control flock of wild turkeys that are taking over my yard. lol

TJBM is hungry

Ela's avatar

False. I’m making my very first beef brisket and…. <peeks at it>.... it dun look too good : (
I may have to just have cake for supper : )

tbmj’s beef brisket looks delish mines like grey… is that normal?

Coloma's avatar

I’m not cooking a brisket, I’m having tomato soup and caraway jack cheese and crackers. Gray meat doesn’t sound very good. lol

TJBM eats gray meat

Ela's avatar

@Coloma I’ve never made it before. I don’t know what color it’s suppose to be LoL

Ela's avatar

False. Kids are voting for BK lol and so am I! I can cook, just not meat for some reason. I need to find me a meat man.

tjbm is a meat man ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

Of course.
TJBM is naked. O_O

reijinni's avatar

TJBM like pink slime in their ground beef and is wondering about this picture.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yessss! We have a winner!
TJBM is a winner.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is a champion

Coloma's avatar

Haha…yes, I have boobs of iron!

TJBM has blue eyes

josrific's avatar

Very true! They are my favorite part of me.
TJBM has a favorite part of them and will share.

MilkyWay's avatar

Um… I like my hair :)
TJBM is nekked and just got out the shower

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Half correct.

TJBM is a perv.

blueiiznh's avatar

nope, I am Italian

TJBM is half correct

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I’m now half covered.
TJBM is off to get a midnight snack

Coloma's avatar

False, it is only 8:32 in California, but, I just came in from the freezing rain and bedding down my critters, I might need a snack soon. lol

TJBM likes Mounds candy bars

AshLeigh's avatar

Never tried them…
TJBM likes Skittles. :D

Coloma's avatar

Meh, I like Whoppers. lol

TJBM is going to bed soon

AshLeigh's avatar

Meh. No.
TJBM is a night owl.

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM is going to cook something special tomorrow.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM can only speak in death threats.

Coloma's avatar

What? No, I’m assertive but not violent, as it should be.

TJBM is not violent

MilkyWay's avatar

True, but I like to box sometimes…
TJBM hates I.T

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has a busted bracket.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. O.o
TJBM is a baldy.

MilkyWay's avatar

Lol! False
TJBM thinks @AshLeigh is funny

Coloma's avatar

LOL..yes I do, and I love funny people! :-D

TJBM is still in their PJs at 11:07 am

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM doesn’t ever wear PJs anyway

Coloma's avatar

Only when I am awake, not to bed, no. That would ruin the sensuality of my ultra soft blankies. lol

TJBM loves Garlic shrimp

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has a ‘man’ crush and will tell us who it is

geeky_mama's avatar

Um..don’t you have to be a man to have a man crush? Sorry, no “man crush” here.

TJBM believes ignorance truly is bliss.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is a female

creative1's avatar

Hmmmm last I checked I was

TJBM is enjoying nice spring weather right now

Coloma's avatar

Haha, no, that was about 10 days ago, now it’s been cold and raining/sleeting/snowing for 6 days straight.

TJBM likes Blackberry jam

reijinni's avatar

don’t do jam
TJBM is using their Blackberry as target practice.

Ela's avatar

I don’t have a Blackberry : (

tjbm has a bucketberry

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM has berries on the brain

Coloma's avatar

False, but I had a berry dessert last night….mmmm

TJBM likes strawberry shortcake

Ela's avatar

True. With lots of whipped cream.

tjbm likes whipped cream too!

AshLeigh's avatar

Heck yes I do.
TJBM is wearing black socks.

Ela's avatar

false, my feets are bare i like rubbin ‘em together when i’m tired ; )

tjbm is wearing thigh highs

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

No. But I have a drawer full of spares if the owners ever ask for them back.

TJBM organizes their socks.

josrific's avatar

My goodness no!
TJBM irons their clothes.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM needs me to come do their laundry. I love doing laundry. :D

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is spreading dingleberry jam on their toast this morning.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

I don’t even know what a dingleberry is. Can’t stand jam, for that matter.

TJBM loves cooking.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is listening to music.

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM just ate pasta

Coloma's avatar

I did last night. :-)

TJBM collects unusual artwork

geeky_mama's avatar

Well, my husband has framed stuff he found run over on the side of the road.. I suppose that’s kinda unusual. (Just to be clear – in both cases it’s been fabric art he framed, not road kill.)

TJBM does not use personal checks any longer. (I have a friend who no longer has any bank checks at all – does all purchases with Pay Pal, cash, cards or online payments. This fascinates me!)

Coloma's avatar

False. I still write checks, and use cash, my debit card, credit card and pay a few things online as well. I often juggle things around depending, so I don’t want to commit to auto pay 100%.

TJBM is more of a spender than a saver

AshLeigh's avatar

True dat.
TJBM is a gangster. :D

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I’m a Don ;)
TJBM thnks txt spek iz gr8

Coloma's avatar

False, I don’t text, no cell reception on my mountain.

TJBM lives in a low/ no cell zone

AshLeigh's avatar

I do. Cell hell, I like to call it.
TJBM loves their cell phone. <3

Ela's avatar

False. I seldom use it.

tjbm would be completely lost without their cell phone.

AshLeigh's avatar

I would never know what time it is.
TJBM knows what time it is.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Of course I do, I have my phone right here.

TJBM has no internet access.

blueiiznh's avatar

nope, I mailed my reply in

tjbm knows how much a 45 cent stamp costs

Coloma's avatar

Um, let me take off my shoes and socks so I can cipher that. lol
TJBM is a dern good cypherer

blueiiznh's avatar

true, and scrabbler

tjbm mies the scrabble type questions here

Ela's avatar

True. We should dig one up…. or @Coloma should start a new one : )

tjbm have a favorite game and will share what it is

@Coloma I was gonna say False. I suck at ciphering, I hate the taste of gasoline ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

Apples To Apples.
TJBM has played it. :D

Ela's avatar

False but I have played strawberries to…. nm I forgotted I have to get strawberries off my mind.

tjbm will tells us how to play Apples To Apples

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

OK. You take cards and play them as directed by your daughter until she rolls her eyes and says “thanks for trying daddy”. Then she runs off and reads a book while you pick up.

TJBM knows how to use Kife in a sentence.

blueiiznh's avatar

True…...I kifed a knife to slice some strawberries

tjbm prefers strawberries over peaches

Ela's avatar

False.In a side by side by side taste test…. I’d have to taste ‘em more.
It kinda depends who what you put them on ; )

tjbm is having some fruit right now?!

Coloma's avatar

False. I just had dinner.

TJBM will start a new scrabble thread and give credit to act 3 of Zens invention. :-P
If you don’t give him credit he’ll be mad and let you know. lol

Ela's avatar

False. You do it <pushes @Coloma forward> I have to do laundry.

tjbm is doing laundry also

AshLeigh's avatar

Not right now.
TJBM doesn’t think that today should be the last day of spring break. :)

geeky_mama's avatar

Well, all good things must come to an end, right? Spring Break is over at our house, too. Kids were back to school, I was back to work. Back to the routine. <sigh>

TJBM has tried the new Taco Bell Dorito Taco shell. (Is it good?)

Ela's avatar

False I haven’t been to Taco Bell in forever. I only get to dine out when my meat’s grey. : (

tjbm dines out at least once a week

Psht!!! @AshLeigh! You was all about doin laundry last night!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I am a bachelor. If I didn’t eat out once a week I would die of vitamin deficiency.

TJBM will tell me how to iron a silk tie.

Ela's avatar

I’m a bachelorette, I don’t have any silk ties. But I do have a iron : )

tjbm has a cattle brand ironed on their buttocks

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t. XD
@EnchantingEla, I know, because I’m all done with my laundry. :)
TJBM has a pet duck named Marvin.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@AshLeigh seriously help a brother out!

Ela's avatar

Yea @AshLeigh!!

False but I had a dog named Fredrick once.

tjbm names their socks

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@AshLeigh ironing silk/ I may just buy a new one

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m on it!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. There are only vague categories. Mismatched greyish, mismatched blue kinda, and white not the same size.

TJBM drinks so much coffee their doctor told them it would be healthier to switch to cocaine.

Ela's avatar

True! So I did and he was right! I feel so much healthier ; )

tjbm wants do the coffee/cocaine switcharooski too!

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM loves to wear red.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am wearing red right now. :D
TJBM has brown eyes.[=

geeky_mama's avatar

That’s what my driver’s license says.

TJBM has lots of work to do today.

Ela's avatar

True and False. I have a lot of errands to run.

tjbm did not sleep well last night.

Coloma's avatar

False. I slept hard as I am wiped out from doing a ton of yardwork the last few days.

TJBM is still waking up this morning

Ela's avatar

True. I’m trying to decide if I should hit the shower or hit the sheets.
I’m so tired this a.m.

tjbm is definitely a morning person

Coloma's avatar

Usually, but not lately. The time change has screwed me up this week, staying up really late and taking forever to come out of the morning fog. My peak hours this week are 3— midnight. lol

TJBM is experiencing electronic frustration shit, bought the wrong memory card for my new camera and it’s not formatted for video. F—k it all! haha

SpatzieLover's avatar

All. the. time. ugh.
TJBM is enjoying the sunshine today!

Coloma's avatar

A little, mostly cloudy, sun breaking out now and then.

TJBM likes chocolate milk

SpatzieLover's avatar

Mmmm…I really like chocolate coconut milk. My son is now officially an addict ;)

TJBM has a food or beverage addiction. Mine’s my morning espresso

Coloma's avatar

Oh yes, morning coffee and I’m a sugar addict, must stay away from too many sweets, mostly ice cream and baked goods, not so much candy, but I keep tootsie pops around when I am dying for something sweet. Only 60 calories of pure sugar. lol

TJBM likes salt water taffy my fav. candy next to Skor and Heath bars

reijinni's avatar

I could use some right now.
TJBM is playing drawsome.

Coloma's avatar

Negative. You know I won’t know what that is. lol

TJBM knows that I don’t know much about gaming

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to sleep with this handsome man.

MilkyWay's avatar

No thank you, I’d much rather sleep on my own.
TJBM is a dude who looks like a lady

Coloma's avatar

False. I am a lady that looks like a lady. lol

TJBM takes vitamins every day

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. lots
TJBM utilizes natural therapy.

josrific's avatar

Not as much as I should.
TJBM has afternoon sleepiness.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

True. But I am gonna chug caffeine starting now.

TJBM is a straight male who found themselves clicking on @reijinni‘s link out of curiosity.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

God damn it. How did you know?

TJBM is eating a meal of the highest quality.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

True, in about 1.5 hours

TJBM uses such language as the one above me.

creative1's avatar

gosh darn no

TJBM can speak another language fluently

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM subscribes to at least one news magazine in paper form.

Ela's avatar

False. I only subscribe to Men’s Health atm

tjbm has 3+ mugazine subscripts

MilkyWay's avatar

False, not into mags.
TJBM will tell us their dream date

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

She insists on paying, then throws me down on the bed.

TJBM wants to invent a new Fluther game, but only has NSFW ideas.

MilkyWay's avatar

Lol, that is true No comment.
TJBM is excited

Ela's avatar

True. I’m excited about the new NSFW game @Imadethisupwithnoforethought is gonna start!
Count me in n link me up!!

tjbm likes to make up their own games

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I have yet to do so but I will PM you my game for review. So excited.

TJBM is jailbait but still answers the NSFW questions.

AshLeigh's avatar

Pffffffffft. Sixteen is the age of consent in Alaska. And I’m seventeen next month, so suck it! Also, I rarely answer them, as my sister is on Fluther, and the thought of her reading an answer like that from me is scary… >.<
TJBM is 109 years old, and will tell us their secret as to how they lived so long.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

I am. Being a snail helps, I highly recommend it.

TJBM has sixteen distinct superpowers.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is a timelord.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar


TJBM is wonder woman.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is Batman.

Coloma's avatar

False, but I am mother goose. ;-)

TJBM has a silver car

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM hit the snooze button too many times this morning, and is running late.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Nope, I was awake quite early this morning (half hour before my alarm) and so I did some chores!

TJBM is sore.

blueiiznh's avatar

not yet

tjbm will be sore later tonight

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM can do over 10 pull-ups.

reijinni's avatar

no way
TJBM is a disciple of Putin.

Coloma's avatar


TJBM has lots to do today

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has met someone amazing online…

creative1's avatar

Not yet, but hoping I will meet someone amazing somewhere

TJBM has been cooking outside on their grill recently

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has actually met their mayor.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have.
TJBM is from Canada.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. New Hampshire. It’s like Canada, but the men are hotter.

TJBM is having a drink and relaxing after a stressful day.

reijinni's avatar

no drinks.
TJBM wants to send his ex-wife to Iran.

josrific's avatar

Nope, I want to send my ex-husband to Iran.
TJBM enjoyed today’s weather.

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, very much. We’re a full 6-weeks ahead of our usual start-of-spring weather. I think the groundhog got it backwards this year..

TJBM can hear lots of frogs croaking in the backyard pond.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yeah, no.
TJBM took a nap today.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

True. I hoped to sleep until morning but I woke up at 11.

TJBM Has insomnia.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t. I have no excuse for my bad sleep patterns..
TJBM doesn’t make up excuses. :)

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

True. I shrug and have a shot of cheap whiskey.

TJBM is still in daylight while most of the US is asleep.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s 7:44 PM, and still light outside. Alaskan sign of summer. <3
TJBM made this up with no fore thought….

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Agreed. Planning is for suckers.

TJBM is going to find out soon I goofed on them on a different thread and going to make an angry face.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. No angry face from me. I giggled. :D
TJBM is a 38 year old man sitting naked in a bean bag chair eating popcorn. :P

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. Its a faux leather couch and I am drinking diet soda.

TJBM picks on her sisters, who are kinda violent in return.

AshLeigh's avatar

They haven’t been violent since we were small(er)
TJBM killed my kids, and wife. :’(

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar


TJBM is suddenly very concerned about what goes on in Alaska.

Coloma's avatar

Can’t say that I am, unless someone hurts our @AshLeigh then we’ll have to get a posse together.

TJBM can hear the roar of frogs right now Jesus, no endangered frogs over this way, thousands of them making frog love tonight lol

AshLeigh's avatar

I can’t.
TJBM thinks @Coloma is a sweetie. :)

PurpleClouds's avatar

That’s not really an appropriate use of the site, in my opinion. I don’t know Coloma.

TJBM bought or sold stock today.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is a nerd.

geeky_mama's avatar

I prefer the term Geek..but I suppose you’re right either way. ;)

TJBM needs more sleep.

reijinni's avatar

I do.
TJBM can’t wait to buy Windows 8.

Coloma's avatar

False. I have Vista and am happy with that.

TJBM has Vista

creative1's avatar

Nope Apple Lion

TJBM love Apple products like me

Ela's avatar

Yeps, I loves Golden Delicioushes! They are probably my favo but I like ‘em all (‘cept Grannies…they make my face all puckery). I dun like apple juice, tho ‘cuz I’m special that way ; )

tjbm loves grass juice

Coloma's avatar

You mean wheat grass or grass grass? lol
Yes, I like wheat grass juice, I also like “grass” in my brownies. hahaha

TJBM has a juicer

erichw1504's avatar

False, but I want one.

TJBM is a juicer.

Ela's avatar

False. But I want one <winks>

tjbm is a juicer who juices their own juice in their brand spankin’ new jumbo juicer

Coloma's avatar

True/False. I have a brand new juicer from a year ago I have used ONCE! It’s like the eliptical, looks nice on the counter but I am just not a gadget person.

TJBM has fallen into the trap of home gym equipment that becomes glorified clothes hangers

Ela's avatar

False. I don’t have that many clothes lol

tjbm has clothes in their closet that still have a tag on them very much unlike me lol

Coloma's avatar

False, not recently anyway. I do have a closet full of size 7 to size 12 depending on my chubby factor which I am working on again right now. Bah!

TJBM is trying to drop 20 lbs.

Ela's avatar

True. I’m a lil too fluffy around the edges for my liking. LOL @ the chub-factor!

tjbm can eat like a hog and never gain an once >: (

Coloma's avatar

In my dreams! If I had 3 wishes, that would be one of them. lol

Speaking of food, TJBM needs to go grocery shopping

Ela's avatar

True, true, true. Just finished up my list and headin’ out the door now. you peeperin on me?!

tjbm is going to market, to market to buy a fat hen

reijinni's avatar

TJBM puts ex-lax into their brownies.

Coloma's avatar

Haha no, only the finest Northern California herbal essence in my special recipe. ;-)

TJBM has been to Northern California

reijinni's avatar

TJBM thinks that @Coloma lives in the state of Jefferson.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

As stated above, posts about another user are not appropriate.

TJBM had toffee today.

Coloma's avatar

@MollyMcGuire What are you talking about?
@reijinni What is the state of Jefferson? Virginia? No, I do not live in the state of Jefferson.

False, no toffee today, but I did have some a couple of nights ago.

TJBM lives in the state of perpetual bliss

blueberry_kid's avatar


TJBM hates those white flowery trees that smell like pee.

MilkyWay's avatar

I have no frikkin idea what your on about 0.o
TJBM is confuzzled

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Agreed. Although I will spend the next few weeks sniffing trees.

TJBM tries to be the teachers pet when they have to attend class.

Coloma's avatar

False. I don;t kiss ass to be liked, you either like me or you don’t. ;-)

TJBM thinks ass kissing is repulsive

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM thinks someone is being to anal about a silly thread. >.<

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM haz mad gramma skillz, yo!

Coloma's avatar

Yep, I’m a mad libber. :-D

TJBM is wracking their brain to come up with a new biz. idea

SpatzieLover's avatar

True We’re planning on writing a book. That’s a biz of sorts
TJBM has been published.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, but only once, so far. I wrote an article & species list for birds of the Western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountain range where I live and it was published through a local wildlife rescue in their rehab manual.
I have several pieces out there now, waiting, waiting. I also have a torso sculpture of a woman who is a lingerie model in a local lingerie shops window. aaah, the starving artist type, that’s me. lol

TJBM likes clay work and sculpture

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. I tend to buy Earthen ware made by local artists :0)
TJBM is planning a quiet weekend.

Coloma's avatar

Most likely, storms a’ comin’. :-)

TJBM thinks @SpatzieLover ‘s little cherub avatar is so cute

Ela's avatar

I think he’s absolutely adorable!

tjbm believes in angels

SpatzieLover's avatar


TJBM lives in a rural setting.

Coloma's avatar

True. No place for geese in the city. lol

TJBM is so messed up with the time change, staying up late and taking forever to get it together in the morning Gah!

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. Last night, according to my FitBit, I was up 28 times and had an 88% sleep efficiency…sounds pretty inefficient to me.

TJBM is looking forward to spring aromas (I can’t wait for the lilacs & lily of the valley).

Coloma's avatar

Oooh Lilacs yes! I used to have 2 giant Lilac bushes at my old house, I miss them. They made a canopy over the walkway and were so pretty and fragrant.

TJBM will tell Coloma to get her shit together and go out and do her stuff now lol

AshLeigh's avatar

Coloma, get your poop together and go out and do your stuff now. :D
TJBM is enjoying a sunny day. I’m not. :(

Coloma's avatar

Half & half, started sunny, then changed to cloudy

TJBM likes veggie pizza

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Cheese is a vegetable right?

TJBM is a data hoarder.

geeky_mama's avatar

Maybe.. but I also share. Maybe I share too much..

TJBM has been accused of TMI.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, probaly, I’ve gotten better at not sharing TMI but I am an open book, nobody ever has to pry anything out of me. :-)

TJBM is eating dinner at 9:16 pm Jeez, this time change has me so off

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. I fed my kid late…Bad Mommy!

TJBM keeps some sort of a journal.

Coloma's avatar

I do! Especially on my relationships. Invaluable! Psst..I meant to spell Probably, not probaly. lol

TJBM keeps their journal in word on their computer

SpatzieLover's avatar

False. But it’s a great idea. I keep various journals and have been considering simplifying them somehow.

TJBM will be planting something this weekend.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

I spent much of today toiling in the garden in preparation for planting a significant number of new zealand lilies.

TJBM has platform shoes.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Heck no.

TJBM knows the Fox Trot.

Coloma's avatar

Only the horse. Nothing like a ride on a Missouri Foxtrotter. :-)

TJBM has ridden a gaited horse

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes ma’am.
TJBM has been to Washington.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m there now.

TJBM buys pastries in the supermarket deli section.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes yes, but, I am on a diet right now so pastries are out.

TJBM is waiting up for their cat to come home Gah…I’m running out of patience, hope the coyotes are busy tonight. lol

AshLeigh's avatar

I’ve been waiting for ten months… :/
TJBM is sleepy.

Coloma's avatar

Not anymore, just woke up about an hour ago and it is 9:08 am on the west coast. :-)

TJBM wants a pet elephant

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants a pet cape buffalo.

Coloma's avatar

Actually I want a Water Buffalo, I love water Buffalos.

TJBM would like to experience being an animal of some sort

geeky_mama's avatar

No thank you, unless I could pick my owner. Then I think I’d want to be one of your geese. I’ll bet they have a good life.

TJBM has seen the “Hunger Games” movie.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM didn’t either.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. And it was good.

TJBM is jazzed for the Avengers.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t know if I’d say jazzed, but yes, my daughter turned me onto, uh, uh, Thor and The Green Lantern and they were fun!

TJBM will tell me which Netflix movie I should watch first tonight ” Abandoned” or ” The perfect host”

reijinni's avatar

don’t know
TJBM mixes bleach and ammonia into their toilet bowl.

Coloma's avatar

Not on purpose, I’d prefer to not die of lung damage.

TJBM has used personal lubricant for reasons other than personal lubrication

blueiiznh's avatar

yes, impersonal lubricant.

tjbm is an introvert

Coloma's avatar

@blueiiznh LOL..I lubed a lizard with astroglide that was stuck in a flower pot hole once. haha

False, extrovert to the 10th power, wanna talk, dance, sing, run, jump, all at ONCE? I can do it!

TJBM is wearing a hoody

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. Baseball cap. Although oddly, no pants.

TJBM also finds themselves having made odd clothing choices this afternoon.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, true. It is a stormy day and I am showered but in jammy bottoms, tank top and sweat jacket about to watch a netflix flick and eat pizza. :-)

TJBM subscribes to Netflix

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM loves cloudy days (even if they never see purple clouds).

Coloma's avatar

True and today is cloudy, waiting on rain, all cozy in my cozy little abode with my cozy cats and my cozy jammies on watching movies in my cozy-sac beanbag loveseat. lol

TJBM is cozy

PurpleClouds's avatar

I’m in comfy clothing too.

TJBM has never resided on a Lane (as opposed to an Avenue, Street, Circle, Drive, Road etc).

Coloma's avatar

False. I lived on Eden Lane for 8 years, a remote little country bungalow.

TJBM will tell us an unusual street name in their neighborhood. I live in a rural community with roads named Cougar Track, Rusty Nail and Gopher Gulch haha

josrific's avatar

All our streets where I live are directions. Walmart is on 3100 South and 5600 West. My house is…. South…. West. It actually makes places easy to find.
TJBM has had a rough day.

Coloma's avatar

False. Tired from yesterday but I have been a house potato today, it’s been great.

TJBM has 2 cats

AshLeigh's avatar

There are two cats in my house. One is my mothers, and the other is my sisters.
TJBM has three dogs.

Coloma's avatar

False, 2 geese, 2 cats and thousands of tree frogs. lol

TJBM has tree frogs around their house that hang on the walls

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Geckos, yes. Tree frogs, no. I believe tree frogs would probably melt on my house.

TJBM has a room they rarely enter.

OpryLeigh's avatar

No, I pretty much use all the rooms in my flat.

TJBM is currently looking after someone else’s pet.

creative1's avatar

False only my own
TJBM likes to be petted

Coloma's avatar

Sure, and my birds are into heavy pecking! :-p

TJBM will share a silly secret I like to get naked and rub myself all over my giant Zebra grasses on the patio by my hat tub, exotic grass massage. lololol

reijinni's avatar

TJBM will give out their facebook password during a job interview.

Coloma's avatar

Dumped FB, lack of interest

TJBM dumped their FB account too

blueberry_kid's avatar

For religious purposes, had too.
TJBM hates it when people are just too racist.

Coloma's avatar

True. I dislike closed minded people in general.

TJBM considers themselves to be open minded and able to change their beliefs based on new information

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM just painted their nails after a looong time.

Coloma's avatar

False. My hands are a mess, I just ripped off most of my fingernails doing a v=bunch of yardwork, I have to start wearing gloves. :-/

TJBM has comoany coming in 2 hours and is stalling on getting their groove on

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. No company. Just going to finish my yard work then chill and gear up for work tomorrow.

TJBM has BLISTAs on her FINGAs!

blueiiznh's avatar

actually yes. i did a spring rake of my yard.

tjbm has a fav number and it is number 9, number 9, number 9

geeky_mama's avatar

So true! That’s amazing – how’d you know?

TJBM has a least favorite number. (Mine is the number: 4. It has deeply negative connotations.)

Coloma's avatar

My fav. is number 8, least fav. 1 One is the lonliest number….

TJBM is multi-tasking right now I;m gonna make the company deadline, yes I am! lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep. Eating a fish sandwich and fluthering.

TJBM has one more thing to do before they can knock off for the day.

reijinni's avatar

nope, but I really do want to watch ‘Mythbusters’
TJBM wants to drive a FIAT.

geeky_mama's avatar

Sure, Those new 500s (esp. with the soft-tops that roll back) look like fun.

TJBM is too tall to fit comfortably in a Fiat or Mini-Rover.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nopr. I’m a dwarf. :)
TJBM is also a dwarf.

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM wants a new vacuum cleaner.

creative1's avatar

Nope just got one since the last one died after 20 yrs

TJBM has tried the Dyson Digital Slim and love how its cordless but has the suction of a corded vacuum

blueiiznh's avatar

um, no….was that a commercial?

tjbm is looking forward to Monday morning

geeky_mama's avatar

Argh no. 5am departure from the house for a 7am flight to the East Coast.

TJBM is going to bed early tonight.

AshLeigh's avatar

Probably not.
TJBM is skipping school/work to go shopping tomorrow! :D I am!

reijinni's avatar

shouldn’t have to.
TJBM has a serious need for printer ink.

Coloma's avatar

False, doin’ well with the ink in the moment.

TJBM is getting a cold bah, I think it’s true inspite of my denial

AshLeigh's avatar

I think I might be. :(
TJBM is having Pizza for dinner tonight! :D

Coloma's avatar

That was last night. Tonight is Chinese Chicken and and Blue Moon ale. @AshLeigh Bah humbug, I feel crappy. Hope it’s not true for you my little dumpling. :-)

TJBM has seen “The perfect host”

AshLeigh's avatar

I have not.
TJBM has, and will tell me if it’s any good.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has watched “Goodbye, Lenin”.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have not.
TJBM has a zombie plan.

Coloma's avatar

False, I have no plans at all right now. lol

TJBM is going to treat themselves to something today

AshLeigh's avatar

I am skipping school, and going shopping with my mom and sister!(: Might get a haircut like this. Eep!
TJBM has gotten a haircut recently.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, my hair’s long again :D
TJBM likes really long hair

Coloma's avatar

True. On some girls/women

TJBM has blonde hair

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope. I’m my hair-color is auburn.

TJBM feels cranky.

Coloma's avatar

False. But I feel stuffy and I have a stomach ache. lol

TJBM is wearing black

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar


tjbm has been lurking fluther for awhile waiting for a truly compelling question.

Coloma's avatar

True-ish. Not lurking but have stopped following a bunch of stuff and am ready for something new.

TJBM has allergies today

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM has at one time worked in a restaurant.

Ela's avatar

Worked in a few actually.

tjbm has worked at a drive-in theater.

Coloma's avatar


TJBM has worked in a crab processing factory cracking crab legs OMG! One of my first jobs, ick!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is running for a political office.

Coloma's avatar

Hell no, not ever!

TJBM is apolitical

blueberry_kid's avatar

Is the pope Atheist?

TJBM hates it when they don’t get the food they ordered.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to one of these names for their kid

creative1's avatar

Nope, wouldn’t do that to someone that I loved

TJBM has a child already

MilkyWay's avatar

lol, false.
TJBM is just drank a litre of Lucozade for no reason at all.

Coloma's avatar

What’s Lucozade

TJBM drinks Banana muscle milk

blueberry_kid's avatar

Bananas, never muscle milk. shudder

TJBM hates having a head cold as much as I do. <blows nose>

creative1's avatar

True and so happy that you can’t spread germs through the computer

TJBM has already had a rather busy week for it only being Tuesday

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. it feels like thursday!

TJBM needs allergy relief.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to sing this song at church.

blueiiznh's avatar

Revolution 1 possibly, but you first

tjbm is the tjbm

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Tjbm is the penultimate JBM.

AshLeigh's avatar

Of course.

blueberry_kid's avatar

NO! I’m 6 jellies above YOU!!!

TJBM likes counting on their fingers.

AshLeigh's avatar

Heck yes I do!
TBM likes to say Kentucky.

Coloma's avatar

Kin tuck eee. ;-)

TJBM likes to say Albuquerque

SpatzieLover's avatar

TRUE! I also like other fun words like chipotle

TJBM has a kind, light heart.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM’s first name starts with a B.

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM says a prayer of thanks before eating.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM believes that prayers are useless.

OpryLeigh's avatar

No. Sometimes prayer can bring someone peace of mind and , regardless of the reasons for this, I would never consider it useless.

TJBM Enjoyed an icecream in the sunshine today.

Coloma's avatar

False but I’m enjoying coffee in the rain

TJBM is out of it today

SpatzieLover's avatar


TJBM needs to tackle a list of “To-Do’s” today.

erichw1504's avatar

True, as always.

TJBM’s list of To-Do’s sometimes spill over into the next day.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, true. I have met most of my “To do’s” yesterday, infact I stayed up til one am, sooo, todays a floater day. ;-)

TJBM likes to watch old classic b&w movies sometimes

MilkyWay's avatar

True hehe. Oh, and Lucozade
TJBM is going to make a cup of coffee

Coloma's avatar

Just poured another, I slept in and will drinking coffee til noon. Or maybe I should go find some Lucozade lol

TJBM likes water better than energy drinks

reijinni's avatar

TJBM drinks Gatorade instead of Powerade.

Coloma's avatar

False. I drink Go Girl on occasion

TJBM is a go girl…quick-n-zippy

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM is a high energy person

creative1's avatar

usually yes but having anemia has had me very tired lately and finding it difficult to keep up with my usually very busy life

TJBM could use a nap

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Oh no, there ain’t no rest for the wicked till we close our eyes for good.

TJBM prefers suspenders on suits to belts.

SpatzieLover's avatar


TJBM likes to wear suits and feel all dressy.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

True. With suspenders.

TJBM is optimistic about the future.

SpatzieLover's avatar

True. Things are looking brighter each day.

TJBM is a pragmatic thinker.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I call it that. My father said I had a gift for thinking of ways to limit effort.

TJBM has a sketchy past and they tone it down now when they tell stories.

blueberry_kid's avatar

<cough cough> So you see kids, the man with the “Yellow Peep” in the alley…

TJBM enjoys Jazz and Soul music.

Ela's avatar

True (blues more than soul, tho)

tjbm knows who Lucille is

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Everyone knows the name of B.B. King’s guitar.

TJBM did something goofy today.

reijinni's avatar

can’t say
TJBM doesn’t like religion mucking about with his laws.

Ela's avatar

No but I I amucking in general. <amuck, amuck, amuck!!>

tjbm is a shmuck

Ela's avatar

True. I’m a shmuck for watching crime dramas when I’m home alone : (
I won’t be able to sleep tonight. : (

tjbm knows the name of Robert Cray’s guitar

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. And now I feel like a big loser and won’t sleep tonight.

TJBM feels guilty for their sins, but in a weird way, superior for having been there.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJMB has a dirty mind.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by women who do, however.

TJBM thinks fluther is slow tonight.

Ela's avatar

True, I feel very off balanced for some reason.

tjbm feels off balance also

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. My shoes are hard to walk in. :D
TJMB is excited about something.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. I have a limited emotional range

But, TJBM is in fact, excited about something.

Coloma's avatar

I am. Goin’ to bed in about 10 minutes. haha zzzzz

TJBM loves their bed and covers and pillows

PurpleClouds's avatar

Well, I’m very happy that I have a very comfy warm bed.

TJBM uses clothes pins for 100 things other than hanging clothes out to dry.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t even use them for that. :)
TJBM should be sleeping, but they’re doing other more entertaining things.

reijinni's avatar

just got up.
TJBM runs naked through the rain.

creative1's avatar


TJBM goes skinny dipping

AshLeigh's avatar

I have.
TJBM is too drunk to read a word I say.

Coloma's avatar

False. Only 9am on the west coast, it’s still the coffee hour not the cocktail hour

TJBM likes Peeps easter candy

blueberry_kid's avatar

Only when they’re stale.

TJBM knows who Foxface is, and will help me put my hair into her double buns.

MilkyWay's avatar

False and false :P
TJBM is in a mean kinda mood

Coloma's avatar

False. I’m not a mean kinda person bad karma for thinking mean thoughts. ;-)

TJBM is in a quiet kinda mood

MilkyWay's avatar

Kinda true.
TJBM just had some kebab

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is hungry.

reijinni's avatar

just ate
TJBM is an expert cat herder.

AshLeigh's avatar

Heck yes I am.
TJBM will tell us the first thing they see when they look to their left.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

An ashtray besides a glass full of whiskey.

TJBM has something strange to their left.

AshLeigh's avatar

Mr. Fluffles, maybe.
TJBM has a duck.

creative1's avatar

Just a stuffed on, but I am sure we will have plenty wild ones this year since we are living on a lake

TJBM likes to feed the wild ducks cracked corn

SpatzieLover's avatar

TRUE! We are the “duck” house of our village

TJBM feeds wild birds or animals with backyard feeders.

AshLeigh's avatar

I had one when I was little, but I don’t anymore.
TJBM is a rebel.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I was. But then I realized the man was trapped in their role like everybody else, and started to feel bad for them.

TJBM wants to be a rebel.

AshLeigh's avatar

Meh. I only rebel against my math teacher, and anything the boyfriend says.
TJBM is very very tall.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. Average height.

TJBM gets angry when fluther is slow.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’ve not experienced it.

TJBM cares not what Oprah Winfrey thinks about anything.

AshLeigh's avatar

That’s the truest thing I’ve heard all day.
TJBM is drinking water.

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM just woke.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants Oprah to go mute.

MilkyWay's avatar

Lol, no comment. I’ve never watched her.
TJBM doesn’t care much for American TV and thinks it’s much too dramatised

Coloma's avatar

True. I haven’t watched real TV in 10 years, I only watch DVDs.

TJBM slept like a baby last night

josrific's avatar

Nope, too wired!
TJBM is having a happy day!

Coloma's avatar

So far, so good. Nothing UN-happy has happened

TJBM sleeps in the raw

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I have never, ever been nekid so my answer is absolutely, unequivocally “sometimes.”

TJBM thinks this is just a BEAUTIFUL day to be off of work!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM sleeps outside.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes yes. I had a futon on my deck forever and it was great for summer night sleep outs.

TJBM likes star gazing

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has a star in their name.

blueiiznh's avatar

no, and i don’t click link s i dont now either.

tjbm had a tiring week/month

creative1's avatar


TJBM is ready to head to Part 38

Ela's avatar

False. I kinda like it here. I just got all cozy cozy : (

tjbm also likes it here : )

PurpleClouds's avatar

True, I’m loving it here in fact.

TJBM is a storm chaser.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM has gone out of town for the weekend.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I will be going out of town this evening. From about 5pm I will be in Cardiff for a friend’s hen party and I’ll be staying in a hotel for the night.

TJBM is still in bed.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, however did you know

Tjbm is thinking of 38

MilkyWay's avatar

I am now, since you’ve mentioned it.
TJBM is thinking of 69

blueberry_kid's avatar

False. TJ is thinking of 100.

TJBM understands politics.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM wants to study law

Ela's avatar

No way Frito Lay. Can’t see it happenin.

tjbm wants to write necrologies

AshLeigh's avatar

Maybe later. :P
TJBM is a procrastinator.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Only when I feel like it.

TJBM is staying on 37 because TJBM 38 seems an angry place.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is not angry. :D

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM gets angry easily.

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. I think it’s false. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY??? HMMMM???

TJBM never puts things back where they belong and it makes their SO very angry.

Ela's avatar

False. I’m the opposite. I put things back where they belong and it drives me bonkers when other don’t!

tjbm is having fun in the sun today

Dutchess_III's avatar

Me too @EnchantingEla…and my husband is the polar opposite. Drives me NUTS!
Not yet…cleaning the house first, then going to the land

TJBM had pizza for dinner last night.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

I did. A fine dish called ‘poverty pizza’. One takes a slice of bread, spreads tomato sauce on it, adds any pizza toppings, then heats it. Rinse and repeat, until no longer hungry.

TJBM now wants a poverty pizza.

MilkyWay's avatar

Why is it that I’m always so bloody hungry??
TJBM is off to the kitchen and had to get out of bed after reading TJAM’s statement

Ela's avatar

False. I just got into bed and have no intentions of getting out for awhile.

tjbm always reads in bed

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. Not always

TJBM has a candle burning.

Ela's avatar

False… true! I do now—Satin Serenade… mmmmm—-

tjbm loves candles

KoleraHeliko's avatar

I dunno…I mean I like candles, but I don’t know if I’m ready to love them, you know?

TJBM plays pen and paper RPGs.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, don;t even know what they are
TJBM had an excellent dinner tonight

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

My daughter took me to Taco Bell for daddy daughter date night. So true.

TJBM needed their daddy to hold their hand during the scary parts of movies.

MilkyWay's avatar

Absolutley false. I don’t want anyone’s hand holding mine.
TJBM has their hand busy eating popcorn and holding their drink during scary movies.

Ela's avatar

False. My hands are busy pulling my shirt up over my eyes and watching through the threads.

tjbm likes extra butter on their popcorn

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes butter and salt popcorn more than they like toffee popcorn

blueberry_kid's avatar

Neither. Cheddar and Caramel together are more amazing than anything.

TJBM has something stuck in their teeth.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

True. Whisky. Okay, swallowed it now.

TJBM Loves mashed potatoes.

blueiiznh's avatar

what is there not to love. Had them last night

tjbm sometimes fears putting their hand in the popcorn bucket.

PurpleClouds's avatar

I don’t eat popcorn that I didn’t pop, and I don’t buy microwave popcorn—yuk. So, false.

TJBM has been called a hippie before.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Years ago. Not so much anymore.

TJBM has just eaten some chocolate.

MilkyWay's avatar

OMG! I have an empty Flake wrapper in my hand 0.o
TJBM just had a weird moment

blueberry_kid's avatar

If you count missing my bed by 7 inches, and falling to my near death on my purple carpet a weird moment, then yes.

TJBM loves lacrosse

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM likes to listen to new stuff on YouTube.

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. Sometimes I listen to old stuff on YouTube. Like…Wild Wood Weed!

TJBM is sensitive.

MilkyWay's avatar

Um, I’m ticklish. But I’m not very sensitive emotionally.
TJBM has a lower than average empathy rating

blueiiznh's avatar

not sure where to check that rating.

tjbm rates empathy

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, on a scale of 1 to 10.

TJBM is scared to approach her boss(es) with anything

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is a bold person

blueberry_kid's avatar

Well, when it comes to someone getting made fun of, I am. But, standing up to my own mother, or teacher, or any authoritative figure, fuck no.

TJBM is into today’s fashion.

PurpleClouds's avatar

I doubt it!

TJBM is using a laptop.

creative1's avatar


TJBM ate eggs for breakfast

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM doesn;t like to eat eggs, but loves making omelettes

blueiiznh's avatar

false, i enjoy both

tjbm is hungry

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is thinks I’m weird

blueiiznh's avatar


tjbm is on the hunt

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is sleepy

blueiiznh's avatar

nope, just getting started

tjbm is a night owl

blueberry_kid's avatar

Correction: Party Night

TJBM likes water

MollyMcGuire's avatar

It’s my most favorite thing (not for drinking).

TJBM bought food today.

blueberry_kid's avatar

I like good food. ONLY from the Farmer’s market.

TJBM is religious, and went to church today.

creative1's avatar

I did go to church today and enjoy going most Sunday’s

TJBM had a big Easter feast

Ela's avatar

tjbm has a bit of a tummy ache

blueiiznh's avatar

an ache, but not in the tummy (more in the heart)

tjbm loves black jelly beans

Ela's avatar

False. You can have them all! : )

tjbm loves grape jelly beans… oh, and cherry!

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM adores cola bottles

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM has tried unsuccessfully to use contact lenses.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Yes, yes I have. They had little smiley faces on them, and I couldn’t wear them for more than a few minutes at a time because it was so damn weird.

TJBM has been putting something off for months.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes Alan Pownall

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False (don’t know who he is)

TJBM does not drive.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Quite correct. Freaks the hell out of me.

TJBM rarely wins anything.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is eating chocolate

PurpleClouds's avatar

Not yet, but there’s still time for ice cream today.

TJBM has already efiled their returns.

creative1's avatar

did that months ago

TJBM can’t wait till the weekend

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM feels cold

blueberry_kid's avatar

Cold, and tired. Stupid lacrosse.

TJBM hates jeggings as much as I do.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

After looking up what a jegging is, I do agree, they look ugly.

TJBM thought jeggings were the leg sweater things woman wore on their legs in the 80’s.

creative1's avatar

I had no clue what jeggings were until I looked it up but I didn’t think they were what were worn in the 80’s since I knew they were called leggings

TJBM likes the good old days when jeans were just jeans

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes combats

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM loves balloons.

PurpleClouds's avatar

Mostly true

TJBM likes his/her middle name.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

True. I went by it until my father died. I am a junior.

TJBM wonders how long TJBM 37 will keep active with a 38 out there.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well…. T/F. I didn’t know 38 was out there!

TJBM thinks my tractor’s sexy.

MilkyWay's avatar

True :P
TJBM would love to live on a farm

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh yes. True.

TJBM has to get ready for a bar b que on a farm now. :)

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is eating very sour dried plums :D

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM spends too much time on Fluther.

MilkyWay's avatar

True :D
TJBM is hungry

PurpleClouds's avatar

True. I am thawing pork chops right now.

TJBM hears thunder.

blueberry_kid's avatar

And see’s big lightning bolts.

TJBM’s throat hurts.

blueiiznh's avatar

Not yet

Tjbm has watched tv on a b&w set

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar


TJBM has watched scrambled analog porn on an old tv set.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM remembers furniture-type console stereos for the home.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is a very strict person

PurpleClouds's avatar

I think Kolera walked away from her/his computer

False. Strict, but not very strict.

TJBM took Home Economics in high school.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

I did. Forgot.
Indeed, I did. Had no choice. Was the only male to choose textiles over food and nutrition. Turned out to be a good choice as, for some reason, I’m good at sewing.

TJBM thinks this thread, while impressive, has been going on for far too long.

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. However, I head a rumor that there is a 38 out there and I need to find it.

TJBM thinks the words TJBM should be put on a T-shirt and sold.

geeky_mama's avatar

True – I’d buy it!

TJBM would like to start dressing like Dr. Sheldon Cooper

blueberry_kid's avatar

WHO WOULDN’T?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? (BIG Big Bang Theory Fan.)

TJBM has a stuffy nose.

geeky_mama's avatar

No..and oh whoa… deja vu!

TJBM has a wardrobe of primarily jeans + t-shirts

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM thinks it’s strange I’m here with geeky mama again.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Ermmm…..just a lil bit.

TJBM likes mayonnaise. (not me)

MilkyWay's avatar

True, I like it.
TJBM dislikes sour cream though

PurpleClouds's avatar

So very FALSE

TJBM has made sour cream frosting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I have not. I’ve made cream cheese frosting though!

TJBM is now going to tell me what she had on her shopping list!

geeky_mama's avatar

Today’s shopping list: Arugula (3), Cake Mix (2), Cream Cheese Frosting (3), Vanilla Extract, Cupcake liners (wrappers? papers?), Pudding Mixes (2 each Vanilla and Chocolate—for putting pudding in the cake). Can you tell we have a birthday party at our house tomorrow?

TJBM likes to bake.

blueiiznh's avatar

love it….something is in the oven

tjbm has a weekend full of fun

blueberry_kid's avatar

If you think making smoothies all weekend is fun, then yes!

TJBM plays sports.

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm sweats profusely

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM baths with a deodorant soap.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Haven’t had a bath in years.

TJBM is getting back into the music of their teenage years.

blueiiznh's avatar

false, i never left it as it is timeless

tjbm is going for a swim

MilkyWay's avatar

Lol, false.
TJBM wants to learn how to swim.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False, I’m a good swimmer.

TJBM notices a weird smell outdoors today.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Not quite. Smells like wet dog.

TJBM likes curly hair.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I think it’s cheating when you ask the same question as you did on TJBM 38!
Yes, I do like curly hair!

TJBM remembers catching jellyfish in a fish net and dumping them in a coffee can.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM just got deja vu

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. What I got was the first scotch of the evening.

TJBM just got deja vu

Ela's avatar

False. Deja vu, deja who? deja u!

tjbm feels like they were born during the wrong time era…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh hail no! I LOVE running water and electricity!

TJBM is slowly getting deja vu whether they want to or not.

blueiiznh's avatar

vuja de all over again

tjbm rests on Mondays

geeky_mama's avatar

Not so much. But then..I don’t rest much any day of the week.

TJBM is ready to retire.

blueberry_kid's avatar

When you’re only 14, you’re just getting started. You blew my cover @Dutchess_III !!!

TJBM has foot cramps.

creative1's avatar

True, I have plantar fasciitis that is really pretty painful

TJBM has had tennis elbow before

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, but I’ve had plantar fasciitis and you are right, the pain is horrible. I’m all well now. :)

TJBM has had back/spine surgery.

MilkyWay's avatar

Hope it heals soon @creative1 <3
TJBM has had a very late breakfast

PurpleClouds's avatar

True, but not today

TJBM takes vitamins.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM takes at least two prescriptions each day.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Nope. This girl’s immune!

TJBM likes taking their vitamins

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well…um. I always forget. I don’t t think I’ve taken any in 5 years, even though I have some. Does that answer the question?

TJBM keeps themselves on a pretty regular schedule.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nah. I go with the flow and am flexible.

Tjbm wears the pants in the family

creative1's avatar

I guess true except when I decide to wear a dress, gown or skirt

TJBM likes to wear nothing around the house

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM always sleeps nekked though

blueiiznh's avatar

True, and leave my bottom out of it.

tjbm has run nekked in public before

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ya, but I was 14 months old.

TJBM has a person visiting them from more than 1000 miles away.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM wonders what @blueiiznh ‘s bottom has to do with anything…

creative1's avatar

False but I would have to see what @blueiiznh‘s nakked bottom looks like to see if we can leave it out of it though

TJBM is wondering what @blueiiznh‘s bottom looks like ;)

Ela's avatar

ummmm…. well… do you? LoL
I wonder ‘bout lotsa things but I’m a real hands-on girl so I always have to touch… I can never just look…
I’d be like a kid in a candy store ; )

tjbm remembers the five and dime candy stores

PurpleClouds's avatar


TJBM has taken flying lessons. (meaning flying an airplane)

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Well…sort of. I mean, they told me how some controls worked and everything. Then they pretty much just let me fly it. A bit worrying, I suppose. A light plane, I’ll add. It’s not like people do that shit with a passenger jet. Jesus christ, I was a child when this happened.

TJBM is worried by this.

geeky_mama's avatar

Not at all.

TJBM loves rainy weather and thunderstorms.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is off to bed

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup, after three double Margaritas.. it’s “good night Irene”.

TJBM knows an Irene.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes I do.

Tjbm knows someone truly enchanting.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I have known people I would describe as enchanting through the years.

TJBM goes by his/her middle name.

creative1's avatar

Yes I do!! My parents started calling me by it when I was only 2

TJBM is going to see their mom on Mother’s Day

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM hates hot weather.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is looking out the window

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. The monitor is in the way.

TJBM just noticed there is a TJBM 39.

Ela's avatar

True! you shoulda tolded me!! <thumps>

tjbm took pics of the super moon last night and will share

MilkyWay's avatar

False and false.
TJBM has a relative who takes a deep interest in astronomy

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM is Smirnoff fan (just saw the advertisement)?

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Not particularly. I don’t even drink.

TJBM has written for a newspaper.

geeky_mama's avatar

I have, and a magazine once upon a time.

TJBM is a published author.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Umm, a published blogger that criticizes books!!!

TJBM has a blog

MilkyWay's avatar

True, a dormant one.
TJBM is a forgetful person

KoleraHeliko's avatar

Quite. I’ve forgotten my name at times.

TJBM doesn’t have enough hours in the day.

blueiiznh's avatar

sending myself out to be cloned

Tjbm has used a bow and arrow

creative1's avatar

True a compound bow

TJBM likes to eat fish and other seafood yummmmmmm

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Not so much, but I do like shrimp and can tolerate snapper and grouper

TJBM was in debate club in high school.

MilkyWay's avatar

True, still am.
TJBM enjoys politics

Ela's avatar

Yep, right up there with a root canal… I’m not at all political. It makes me eyes roll back in me head and not in a oooo that feels soooo good kinda way!

tjbm is a dentist

MollyMcGuire's avatar

FALSE. I can’t imagine a worse way to spend the day—putting my hands in someones mouth!

TJBM has rescued someone from water.

MilkyWay's avatar

True, a cat.
TJBM has a problem of animals following them home

PurpleClouds's avatar

Well, dogs seem to like me and I don’t like dogs.

TJBM would like to have my problem.

blueiiznh's avatar

I am good with that challenge and will take it over.

TJBM was on a boat recently

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM has bought As Seen On TV products and felt stupid afterward.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Yes. I hate Pajama Jeans, Pillow Pets, and the Shake Weight.

TJBM likes to sleep all day

Ela's avatar

True but I feel uber crappy when I wake up : (
plus I’m old… sleeping in is not setting my alarm and still only sleeping till 8am

tjbm rises before the sun

geeky_mama's avatar

At least this week I have. <sigh> I’m realllllly tired now. Can’t wait for my husband to be back and resume his usual early morning lunch-packing duties for the kid who has a 6am bus ride to school.

TJBM plans to sleep in this weekend.

creative1's avatar

False its memorial weekend lots to do so little time do it all in

TJBM is going to a memorial day parade this weekend

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is from a very historical place

creative1's avatar

Well the first liquid fueled rocket ever launched was in my hometown of Auburn Ma by Robert Goddard

TJBM will tell us a little about their hometown

MilkyWay's avatar

It will take days to list all the interesting and historically rich things about my city…
True, I’ll list some things.
1. The first ever English Bicycle was made in Coventry
2. Coventry was the only British City to lose a Cathedral during the WWII bombing on 14th November 1940
3. It is the birthplace of the Rover Car Company.
4. Coventry is also famour for Lady Godiva who was an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman who, according to legend, rode naked through the streets of Coventry in England in order to gain a remission of the oppressive toll imposed by her husband on his tenants. The name “peeping Tom” for a voyeur comes from later versions of this legend in which a man named Tom watched her ride and was struck blind.
5. It is the home of the famous Transport Museum, which holds the current Land Speed Record breaker and winner, the ThrustSSC.

TJBM is a history buff

blueiiznh's avatar

True and loved reading those facts

Tjbm is a peeping Tom

blueberry_kid's avatar

No. But I have been peeked at by one

TJBM likes cats

MilkyWay's avatar

True :)
TJBM loves playing football

MollyMcGuire's avatar

True when I was younger. I still like just passing the FB back and forth but no actual play action.

TJBM has no interest in vampire or werewolf movies or TV programs.

Ela's avatar

Falsish. I love vampire and werewolve books. TV and movies I don’t watch that much.

tjbm knows or is a vampire or werewolf.

geeky_mama's avatar

Oh yeah I do…apparently in Minnesota they’re active in politics. ...and hey, we did vote Jesse “the Body” Ventura into the Governor’s office, so who’s to say that a Vampire isn’t next?

TJBM is going on a Field Trip tomorrow.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes Vimto

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No idea what that is.

TJBM keeps a back scratcher handy.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Yes, my sisters.

TJBM has itchy arms.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is revising history

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Yes, in my History Irish Men secretly have controlled the world since 1917.

TJBM is up to late.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has no idea what @Imadethisupwithnoforethought just said….

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

False. I know exactly what I meant.

TJBM speaks tipsy english

creative1's avatar

only when I am tipsy

TJBM enjoys a drink in the evening

blueiiznh's avatar

I drink (water) all day.

Tjbm stops to smell the flowers often

geeky_mama's avatar

Very true. Especially this time of year.

TJBM prefers to travel by train (over planes or automobiles).

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I prefer automobile, then train. I try to avoid flying but I’m 2500 miles from my family so I’ll always have to fly I suppose. Car trips are definitely the best—my own schedule and take as much nonsense stuff as I want to.

TJBM has taken a voyage across the ocean, or would like to.

creative1's avatar

True I taken many trips abroad and have a list of more to see

TJBM is ready to go on a vaction anywhere

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes cake bars

blueiiznh's avatar

Possibly. Is it like a martini bar?

Tjbm owns something solar powered.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@creative1 I asked about voyages (cross the ocean on a ship), not trips abroad in general.


TJBM bought custom mats for their car.

blueiiznh's avatar

kinda sorta-sorta kinda – I bought a custom car for my mats.

tjbm sleeps in the bathtub

MilkyWay's avatar

I often fall asleep in the bath over the weekend. lol!
TJBM will tell us their favourite word.

geeky_mama's avatar

My favorite word is: さすが (sasuga). It’s a single word in Japanese that has no exact equal in other languages…which is one of the reasons I love it.
It’s used when you’re describing something that is so characteristic of someone or something. Like.. “Hot tubbing with geese? Sasuga @Coloma.”
(Where in English we’d have to say: “Oh, that is SO like you..” in Japanese you can just use one word!)

TJBM loves Spanish Moss on trees.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We have a couple of neighbors with that in their trees.

TJBM is going to an auction this weekend.

Ela's avatar

I love auctions! False on the going to one tho, unless you’re gonna swing by n give me a lift : ) Pick me up @8 n don’t be late!

tjbm likes to listen to polka music when cleaning their house

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I never have, but it might be inspiring and invigorating.

TJBM has a dead tree that needs to be removed from their yard.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes and the wind will take care of it next.

Tjbm is impatient.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Not like I used to be.

TJBM prefers curtains to blinds.

creative1's avatar


TJBM just put up their spring/summer curtains

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t change them with the seasons.

TJBM has a strong feeling about how the Supremes will rule on Obamacare.

Ela's avatar

Ummm… nopers…. but it’s after the fact so I know how it turned out.

tjbm prefers short, pasty and homely men over tall, dark and handsome men

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

To show up in a bar with? True. I purposely hang out with men I suspect are gross when I am going to a bar women frequent.

TJBM is giggling.

Ela's avatar

True, true, true, sooooooo very, very true!

tjbm is also giggling!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

true wee bit.

TJBM thinks TJBM 37 is the best TJBM thread.

Ela's avatar

At this moment, TRUE!

tjbm bits wees?! oh my!

blueiiznh's avatar

Oh my, but I I don’t bits and tell
Tjbm is a bit wee

MollyMcGuire's avatar

A bit wee what?

TJBM is planning a trip.

Ela's avatar

hmmm… not until fall : )

tjbm keeps a roll of tp in their glovebox

creative1's avatar

False but its a pretty good idea, but I do keep baby wipes in the car I guess those can do in a pinch

TJBM has wee’d before on the side of the road

Ela's avatar

lol true! <blushes>

tjbm has ralphed on the side of the road

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