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RareDenver's avatar

Are you content? If so share your happiness xxx?

Asked by RareDenver (13173points) March 24th, 2012
20 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

If you are really happy then tell us all, it might be therapeutic to just put it out there in words.

I have a wife who I adore and surprises me all the time.I have a job that challenges me but I enjoy. I work for a small company where I get on with everyone. My Dad is in a wonderful marriage and has shed loads of fun so that makes me smile. I miss my Mum

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Mariah's avatar

I am at college, having my mind stimulated on a daily basis. And I am reasonably healthy.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

I’ve been married to the same great guy for 41 years. .. I have a fantastic son and daughter in law and a WONDERFUL, loving 2 year old grandson! I’m not sure how it can get much better than that!

I’m a very lucky woman…. :)

CaptainHarley's avatar

I will soon be 69 years old. I am a 100% disabled veteran, so I have a stable income. My wife of almost 5 years and I love each other very much. God has been very good to us. We own our own home ( such as it is ), we have a new pickup truck we just bought. We have a full pantry, our own generator, and weapons with which to protect ourselves, should it come to that. We are trying to learn about sustainability and a variety of other skills. Although I worry about my granchildren, live is reasonably good for now. So I suppose you could say that yes, I am very happy.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am immensely fortunate. I have wonderful, healthy children and a caring, wonderful partner. I am successfully achieving goals I have set for myself and have the freedom and autonomy to do anything I want to do. There is nothing else I need. At this time in my life I may desire other things, but I really have everything I really need and I don’t think I could ever complain.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have the most incredible husband in the entire world. He is dedicated to me and my children and to improving himself and our relationship every single day of his life. We are fortunate enough for me to able to finish school once and for all without having to work full-time while I do so. We have a roof over our heads, great schools for the kids, and in all honesty want for nothing, we are healthy and the kids are thriving. All in all I am very happy and feel very fortunate. So the ex is kind of a jerk who consistently actively tries to make my life miserable with no regard for the children we made together, with all the positives in my life he ends up just being like a gnat I have to regularly swat away.

Charles's avatar

I’m happy 90% of the time. Married, four girls 12, 10, 8, and 4. Some employment instability lately. Very little personal finance instability. Health for me is 95% and for my family 99%. My mom is 89 and my dad is 90 – he is in a board and care and my mom lives alone nearby. Wife’s parents have cancer – they aren’t happy.

RareDenver's avatar

@SuperMouse just keep swatting and sounds like your husband is super xxx

RareDenver's avatar

@Charles 4 girls at that age, get ready for some crazy times ahead but never forget they are your girls, let them be who they want to be but guide them to be who they can be

filmfann's avatar

Q: If so share your happiness xxx?

Wow, xxx? Is this NSFW?
If I shared my happiness xxx my wife might be unhappy with me.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am very content. Contentment IS happiness, as close to sustainable happiness as it can be. I have a darling little home in a beautiful place, inner peace, no drama of any kind and am overall very content. :-)

CaptainHarley's avatar


Good for you! : )

CaptainHarley's avatar

Seems like we have quite a number of folks on here who are doing pretty well. Don’t forget to be thankful for all of that. : ))

Coloma's avatar

@ CaptainHarley :-) Well okay, it would be perfect if I had a million dollars, but, other than that….haha

CaptainHarley's avatar

LOL @Coloma

I don’t agree. Usually money in large amounts will only change people, and usually not for the better. If you have a roof over your head, food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear, some way to occupy your mind, and someone to love, you’re good to go! : ))

Coloma's avatar

@CaptainHarley True and I am not wanting for anything in the moment. It’s all good. ;-)

Berserker's avatar

I’m not content. In fact, I have come here to bring thee death and pestilence!

Nah. Everything’s pretty cool, yo.

downtide's avatar

I am completely content. I have a partner who loves me, I’m in good health and my transition is going well, friends and family all supportive. My job is as safe as a job can be in this economic climate, and I’m happy doing what I do. My one worry, about my daughter being long-term unemployed, is now resolved. She starts a job next week.

augustlan's avatar

Overall, I’m pretty darn happy. My husband may not be the perfect man, but he is the perfect man for me. I have three fantastic daughters, 14, 16, and 17 years old, and they are all healthy and happy. My job is awesome, obviously. :)

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