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jca's avatar

NSFW, possibly: Are you fussy about where you go to the bathroom #2?

Asked by jca (36062points) April 9th, 2012
23 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

If I have my choice, I like to go to the bathroom (to be as subtle as possible, ”#2” = defecate) only at home, in my parents’ house when necessary or if I’m staying in a hotel, then in the room’s bathroom. I don’t prefer to go in a restaurant or public bathroom, or even at work, unless it’s absolutely necessary. I think it’s because I’m self conscious and would like to be totally relaxed at the time.

Are you this way? I think a lot of people may be, but I’m not sure. I think (just a theory) that women may be but men may not be so hung up about it.

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gailcalled's avatar

Since my new non-meat, non-dairy, high fiber and veggie diet, I can poop anywhere. They are quick, neat and usually odor-free.

Why is there a need to be subtle, even about the nomenclature?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I prefer to only poop at home. I avoid pooping elsewhere, whenever possible.

ucme's avatar

I can’t shit on a coach, actually make that won’t.

Coloma's avatar

Yes and no. I never feel the urge to go poo when out and about, that’s reserved for the morning constitution at home. I was not too thrilled with chinese toilets when traveling in asia a few years ago. Squating and spattering on yourself.
I absolutely loathe outhouses and portapotties, and think that to die in one on a 90 degree day would be the ultimate in horror, but…when I threw a big live music and camp out party on my property a few years ago I had a porta potty delivered to save trafficing in my house.

Women were allowed to use the nice bathroom, men had to piss in the weeds or go to the porta-potty. lol Yep, I’m biased. ;-)
Then again, I live on property and it is not uncommon for me to go in the woods when I am too far from my house to make the trek back.
Sooo, guess you could say it’s a mixed “bowl” for me.

Brian1946's avatar

I am. The last time I used a public restroom for a deuce was February, 1999. ;-0

jca's avatar

I asked this because I am sitting at work and I have to go, but I am holding it till I get home.

@gailcalled: I felt “pooh” would be juvenile. S*** would be offensive. Defecate might be a word that some people did not know.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
rebbel's avatar

I prefer to decapitate at home.
But if the need is so high that I feel I am lifted a bit I can (and will) go anywhere.

coelacanth's avatar

I poop freely.

coelacanth's avatar

@rebbel What a violent home you live in!

@jca “I think (just a theory) that women may be but men may not be so hung up about it.”
I’ve actually found the opposite to be true. Think about how often women vs. men sit on toilet seats in public. Well, semi-public.

wundayatta's avatar

I prefer it to be clean. No messes all over the seat. No unflushed toilets. That sort of thing.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@rebbel Decapitate?!?!
Meh, I can go anywhere.

john65pennington's avatar

You are going to love this…............................

You remember the water bandits in Home Alone?

I had a guy that we called the s___t bandit.

Each house he burglarized, he would defecate on a kitchen table or a dining room table.

This was his mark as a burglar.

We finally caught him and placed him in a cell with no toilet. If he had to crap so bad, then he could do it on mattress…................and he did.

This guy was wacky.

Blondesjon's avatar

On my toilet, in my bathroom, reading the newest issue of Time.

i did go through a period when I was reading the classics on the shitter. i read ivanhoe, huck finn, moby dick, and one flew over the cuckoo’s nest

gondwanalon's avatar

I usually poop in the morning before or after I do my calisthenics but I’ll poop whenever and where ever I am if I have to go. Sometimes during my morning jog, I’ll have to run into the woods to poop. And more than once I’ve pooped in a neighbor’s rose bush garden. When nature calls you have to do what you have to do do do.

DominicX's avatar

Not really.

I mean, yeah, of course I prefer to not use public bathrooms. They’re not the cleanest, tend to smell bad, sometimes crowded…it’s not the ideal situation. But I’m not one of those people who would rather die than take a crap in a public bathroom. If I have to go, then I will, public bathroom or not. And of course I’ve been hiking/camping and gone outside…it’s not the worst thing in the world :)

All the traveling I’ve done has gotten me quite used to going to the bathroom in unfamiliar situations.

Berserker's avatar

Well, I sure like my privacy when I’m taking a dump. I don’t like public bathrooms, school bathrooms or bathrooms at work, since anybody can walk in at any time. Even if they don’t see me, it still sucks. I don’t wanna be heard lmao. But eh, if I gotta go, I gotta go.

rooeytoo's avatar

Thankfully most aussie public toilets are clean and neat. Every little town you go through has one in the park, you just have to watch out for snakes, lizards and toxic spiders. As @DominicX says, I have traveled enough that I can go anywhere but let’s face, there’s really no place like home!

Bellatrix's avatar

I really, really prefer to go at home. I will only go at work or while out if I absolutely have to. Since there really isn’t anyone who uses the disabled toilet where I work, if I really need to go, I go in there. At least there is nobody else in there but me!

My husband thinks I am an absolute nut. He can go anywhere.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I am only comfortable having a poo in my own house or my dad’s house (I used to live there) but if I am desperate then I will go at work (there are some toilets in the building that don’t get used very often but are still cleaned twice daily). I don’t like going at other people’s houses or in hotels if I am sharing a room with someone else. The first time I went on holiday with my boyfriend I didn’t go for five days but that made me quite ill. Now we have a routine. I put the shower on and the TV so that it will drown out any embarrassing noises. If I know he can’t here me then I am a little more relaxed. He thinks this is highly amusing!

Sunny2's avatar

I say, “If ya gotta go; ya gotta go.” Being specific about the conditions isn’t always possible.

jca's avatar

@Leanne1986: That’s funny. You sound like me. I had to stay in a hotel with a roommate (she was a stranger at first but we became friends). We were in training for about 8 weeks, one week on, one week off. We used to have this routine where I would get up earlier than she did, I’d go get coffee, go pooh and take a shower and she’d still be sleeping, so I didn’t feel self conscious. It worked like a charm.

When I’m out, I usually just don’t even want to or have to go, unless I’m sick.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
serenade's avatar

Tangential, but awesome poo story from a former female Jelly:

If I really have to in a public bathroom, I hold toilet paper a few inches below my butt to catch it so it doesn’t make a PLOP noise in the toilet.

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