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partyrock's avatar

How can someone lose 10 pounds in one month?

Asked by partyrock (3870points) May 2nd, 2012
34 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Can someone tell me what would be the best ways for someone to drop 10 pounds in one month? Including how much exercise to get, what to eat, etc? Fruits, veggies, carbs, no carbs, cut all sugar? No bread? All protein and fiber? Thanks.

and is it possible to lose 10 pounds in a month if you don’t exercise? But change your eating habits? Can someone tell me all the possible ways? Thank you.

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mothermayi's avatar

Don’t drink sodas, eat extra fruits and vegetables, cut way back on bread and potatoes, eat only lean meats, and stay away from sugar.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Have laparoscopic surgery. I lost 15 lbs in the week after I had mine.

partyrock's avatar

@mothermayi – But eating red meat (steak,etc) isn’t good right? So what can I eat instead for meats? Salmon and Chicken right? Turkey?

partyrock's avatar

@WestRiverrat Thanks but I can’t do anything with surgery. Just want to know how to lose it without surgery.

digitalimpression's avatar

I’ve found it’s much easier to lose weight by cutting certain things out of my diet, rather than trying to force myself into a 100% healthy diet.

I was able to lose 10 pounds in three weeks by cutting out soda, chips, and ice cream (my biggest weaknesses)

More importantly than that, from what I’ve found, is a consistent eating schedule. Eating 4 or 5 small meals throughout the day is better than 2 big ones. Breakfast is very important as it gets your metabolism kicked off for the day.

As far as exercise, just make sure you exercise consistently! Whether it’s 30 minutes or 2 hrs isn’t as important as how consistent you are. It should be enough exercise to at least break a sweat.

Anyway, I’m not a dietitian or a personal trainer or anything.. this is just what I’ve found to work for me personally.

partyrock's avatar

What would be good things to eat then? Lots of salads, salmon, some chicken, and mostly fruits, veggies, and nuts for a snack right? And cut out all carbs, bread, cereal, pasta,etc? Thanks guys

partyrock's avatar

@digitalimpression – Wow you really lost that much weight just by cutting those things out? Did you exercise as well during those 3 weeks?

partyrock's avatar

@digitalimpression – Do you think dancing can help me lose weight? If I break a sweat? I can dance for like 40 minutes and I’ll be sweating a lot and my heart will be racing. That’s an option I have.

digitalimpression's avatar

@partyrock I ran 3 times a week and did muscle building exercises on the other 2 days.. allowing rest and recovery over the weekend.

Heck yes dancing can help you lose weight. It’s a lot more fun than a treadmill too.

partyrock's avatar

Fat is basically calorie intake, so could I lose weight just from eating more healthy? I did notice I eat a lot of stuff that has pasta, bread(I go crazy on bread), and lots of coffee :( and chocolate and sweets.

partyrock's avatar

@digitalimpression – As long as it breaks a sweat right? Yeah cause I don’t have a treadmill :-( do you think it will help if I can dance for 40 minutes a day? It’s not light easy dancing either, it’s the kind that makes your heart beat go up and gets you sweaty.

partyrock's avatar

But I’ve heard also that eating too much fruit isn’t healthy, becuase they contain lots of sugar too?

partyrock's avatar

Do you guys think it’s possible to drop 10 pounds in a month by eating better and dancing for 40 minutes a day..?

mangeons's avatar

It is possible to lose ten pounds in a month. As @digitalimpression said, it’s a lot easier to start by cutting unhealthy habits out of your diet. Do you drink soda a lot, eat late at night, eat a lot of sweets? Try replacing unhealthy snacks like chips with healthier alternative like nuts, fruit, veggies, or Greek yogurt. Eat more fish and poultry rather than red meat. Try to eat less pasta and white grains. If you’re having rice, make it brown rice. If you’re having bread, make it whole grain. Add a vegetable to your meals whenever possible. Though people say that fruit is bad because it contains a lot of sugar, it’s a much healthier alternative to sweets and stuff like that because it’s natural sugar, not a lot of artificial flavors and ingredients you can’t pronounce, so I wouldn’t necessarily rule out fruit as a healthy food source.

While it is possible to lose weight without exercising, it’s much easier to lose weight if you exercise. It doesn’t have to be something boring like running on a treadmill, it can be anything that gets you up and moving and breaking a sweat! Try playing a new sport, riding your bike, going for a run outside, or dancing. Do something that you enjoy, and it will make the whole process a lot better. That way, you’re not just losing weight, you’re also getting in shape!

mothermayi's avatar

@partyrock Eating red meat is perfectly healthy, in moderation.

partyrock's avatar

@mothermayi – Mkay thanks

tom_g's avatar

South Beach diet. Easily. I have done it more than once. First 2 weeks are a bit rough, but you’re definitely eating enough food. You just might have some carb withdrawal.

gailcalled's avatar

See some of your earlier questions on eating properly, exercising and weight loss, please. You have all the objective information you need. It’s time to start doing and stop asking. Can you get started somehow?

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tom_g's avatar

Wait..huh? is this a bot?

King_Pariah's avatar

Do it the old wrestling way, Don’t eat and limit fluid intake. Not at all healthy, but hey, it works.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Come on, cut her some slack, she’s young woman struggling with body and weight issues.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@partyrock Stay at your present calorie intake and increase your physical activity. It’s a simple equation. Burn more than you eat, lose weight, consume more than you burn, gain weight.

Charles's avatar

Assuming you weight 120 pounds now and you want to lose 10 pounds, or 1/12th of your weight, you could weigh ten pounds less if you could reduce gravity from 9.8 meters/seconds^2 to about 8.9 meters per second^2.

AshLeigh's avatar

My mom lost a lot of weight by eating breakfast, and not eating too late. She says “After six, it sticks.”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AshLeigh Excellent answer. That is true.

Salem88's avatar

Just fall in lurve. I lost 5lbs this week already!!!!!!!!

WestRiverrat's avatar

I should elaborate, the surgery was not weight loss surgery, that was just a bonus.

Salem88's avatar

Make that 6lbs.!!!!! just had to weigh myself…..thank you jellies.

Sunny2's avatar

You can count calories and hold it to 1200 per day. Lots of greens and veggies; small amounts of chicken or fish. I disagree with drinking less fluids. Drink much more, to help flush the wastes from your body. No sodas or alcohol; just coffee or water. Skip desserts unless you include them in your calorie count. Yes, fruits have sugar, but the calorie count is much less than chocolate, ice cream etc. And, while nuts are good for you, you need to check the calorie count.

partyrock's avatar

Tom g no I’m not a robot lol :)

partyrock's avatar

Salem you lost 6 pounds in one week? What?!!

partyrock's avatar

Charles that was an intriguing answer :)

Bent's avatar

So long as you consume fewer calories than you burn in exercise, you will lose weight. If you do no exercise, it will be much harder to consume fewer calories.

Cut out all sugary stuff, soda, processed (white) carbs and fried or fatty food. What’s left will be mostly healthy, and if you’re hungry between meals, munch on celery sticks and drink water. You should be able to lose 10 pounds in a month if you have a lot of willpower and you’re strict with yourself.

Salem88's avatar

The first time I fell in love (19 yrs.old), I lost 30 lbs. In 40 days. Went on biggest shopping spree cause nothing fit in my closet. Was thin for next 25 years. Me in lurve….you just can’t beat it:-)

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