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Annanism's avatar

I'm so down because I bought his favorite fruits yesterday, but he didn't come.What should I do?

Asked by Annanism (14points) May 27th, 2012
12 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I was back from travel yesterday, and bought his favorite fruits at half way, I really wanted to see him when I just arrived home, but he said no. I am totally down. This noon, he called me, but I was in a mood, I feel like I care about him so much, but he doesn’t care about me. So sad!

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AshLeigh's avatar

… Okay?
Why don’t you ring him now?

ETpro's avatar

Eat the fruit. His loss is your gain. And besides, fructose is a great antidepressant.

wallabies's avatar

Is this about a dude or a pet parrot? If parrot, two words – chicken nuggets. If dude, well, they are like toilet paper rolls…expendable.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is there a question here, or is this simply venting?

People are fickle. Women and men both. Relationships are ephemeral most of the time. While you were traveling, his life did not stop; he had to keep himself busy.

I’m sorry for how you feel, but this is reality.

bookish1's avatar

Make yourself a fruit salad and enjoy it.

Talk to him again when you are in a calmer state, tell him why you were upset, realize that he might not see eye to eye with you on these interactions, because, as @elbanditoroso said, his life did not stop when you were traveling.

Good luck.

marinelife's avatar

If you wanted to see him, why didn’t you talk to him when he called? There could have been many reasons that he could not come over right when you wanted him to. Why are you playing games?

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blueknight73's avatar

Call him! Tell him about the fruit! Invite him over and let him know you got the fruit FOR HIM!

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zenvelo's avatar

Call him back and apologize for being “in a mood”. Why should he hop to your expectation to be there for you when you get home from a trip, while you won’t talk pleasantly when he calls you? You were the one that was gone, did you say “I missed you and can hardly wait to see you”? or did you say “I’m home, you can come over now”?

Supacase's avatar

Did he know you had the fruit? That there was a special reason you wanted him to come over? If so, ii would think twice about him. If not, you cant exactly blame him for ruining your surprise. Men are terrible mind readers and generally not very intuitive in these situations.

Call him back and tell him it would be great if you can get together today. Say something like “I’ve brought some of you favorite fruits home from my trip and I would like for you to be able to enjoy them while they are still fresh!”

wundayatta's avatar

Act like you don’t care. If he is really interested in you, he will come around. If he doesn’t come around, then he wasn’t who you thought he was.

Eat your fruits yourself.

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