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Ltryptophan's avatar

How many miles can you expect to put on a scooter before it wears out?

Asked by Ltryptophan (12091points) May 30th, 2012

If I buy a scooter how many miles can I put on it before it gives up?

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6 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

That depends on how well you take care of it. I have neighbor that still rides his 60s era Vespa everywhere. I have also seen some that were trashed within a year because they were not maintained.

dabbler's avatar

Change that engine oil and do maintenance at recommended intervals and it could last a long long time. Wear your helmet and have fun!

majorrich's avatar

I had a 1982 honda Elite 150. (no longer made) I had 26,000 miles on it when I sold it after over 20 years of use. As far as I know it is still on the road.Of course it had 2 things going for it. I cared for it meticulously and it was a water cooled engine.

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rooeytoo's avatar

The mailmen in Australia ride the hondas until they hit 25,000k then they trade them. But I know people who have purchased the retired ones and ride them for over 100,000 or 60,000 miles. I saw a Yamaha bewe the other day and it had 65,000k on it and looked good as new.

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