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BBawlight's avatar

Any Fan Fiction Suggestions for the Anime Death Note?

Asked by BBawlight (2437points) June 11th, 2012
2 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I’m an author for I only write stories for the Anime Death Note, my most recent one is Insanity is a Gift. If anyone here can help me get some ideas for another story, because Insanity is a Gift is about to be wrapped up, I will be very grateful.
Okay, I prefer to work with the characters Mello, Matt, and Near as main or side characters. I can throw in every other character as a side character.
Overall, I like to work with Mello, Matt, Near, L, Misa, Mikami and S. Gevanni .
I don’t go higher than T on my rating scale
And no lower than K+
My preferred Genres are:
Horror (I can go to M on the rating of my horror Fics. They can get a bit… messy)
Romance (No: Shota, Lolli, Shojo-ai, yuri. Yes: Yaoi, Shonen-ai. Strictly T rated)
So, let your mind wander and give me some characters, ratings and such. Don’t forget the prompts!
(I am also BBawlight on

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Nullo's avatar

I have never seen or read Death Note, but I have watched some anime and read and written my share of fanfiction.

Setting changes (different fictional universes, or insertion into real-life events), character role swaps, [Characters] perform Shakespeare, Deconstruction fic, slice-of-life vignettes. Self-insert if you’re feeling cheesy. You could roll all of your preferred genres into one colossal superfic, since none of your genres conflict with any of the rest of your genres. Heck, Angst and Drama are neighbors, live amongst family and between friends and can drive both to horrific acts, and work perfectly well on a spaceship. I was always impressed with author-grade continuation/AU fanfiction, though that’s a rare flavor.

My advice is to branch out. There’s plenty of good anime out there. Plenty of bad anime too, but plenty of good stuff. No sense in pigeonholing yourself.

BBawlight's avatar

@Nullo You should watch Death Note. And I do watch other anime, DN is just my favorite. I’m more familiar with the characters, too.
My favorite genre to write is Horror. Mainly because I tend to get very gory. I like to have those in special detail…
I love AU fics. I don’t really like cannon, though because I’ve already seen the series so…
I read Fanfiction every chance I get. I’ve read most of the Mello and Matt fics! :)

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