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ETpro's avatar

[NSFW] Would you bare your sole to someone you knew was a foot fetishist?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) June 28th, 2012
34 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

TGIF Question—Well, at least it’s Friday EST.

What fetishes or, as the French say, petit divertissements would be OK with you if you liked everything else about your SO, and what would be a deal breaker—strictly off limits—no way you’d ever go there? There are the mild oddities like the full fashioned stockings, merry widow corsets, six-inch spike heels and long cigarette holders of Venus in Furs fame. There are those with interests in an exageratedly large body part, be it boobs, butt, beefcake or beaver buster. If you happen to have a body that fits the fetishist’s fancy, why not go for it? After all, other potential lovers might consider an exageratedly large appendage or fundament a fundamental flaw.

But there are a whole range of parphalias that aren’t at all innocent. Here’s a farily exhaustive list. As you can see some of these would require for acceptance either an incredible level of openmindedness, incredible like mindedness, or liking the fetishest’s incredibly large bank account. Which ones could you live with? Or, if nearly all would be fine, which could you not tolerate?

If you care to share, which have you tried, and how did the experience go?

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mambo's avatar

The fetishes I will absolutely not tolerate are the ones that have anything to do with liquid/solid bodily functions. I’m mostly open minded to the rest, but some are just way too weird.

ETpro's avatar

Thanks and welcome to Fluther, @mambo.

augustlan's avatar

If I’m honest, I have to say I’m not crazy about any fetishes at all. They make me a little uncomfortable, even if they’re completely harmless. I think it’s just the focus on the fetish, rather than on me as a whole that bothers me.

ETpro's avatar

@augustlan I can definitely see that.

augustlan's avatar

I do want to add, though, that I’m fine with experimenting and doing all manner of weird stuff (barring kids or animals, obviously). It’s just that it should be the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

SYS's avatar

@augustlan then what’s the whip for?

augustlan's avatar

@SYS For punishing bad jellies, naturally. Now bend over! :p

Aethelflaed's avatar

To just anyone who has a foot fetish? No. To my partner? It’s gonna be hard not to; I go barefoot a lot.

Experimenting… sure. Some. More than a lot of people, but definitely less than people who know me tend to think I will. None of the bodily fluids ones, ever.

marinelife's avatar

Ewwww, no.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey, if I love the person, and that’s what drives them a little crazy sure.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If I didn’t, I would be considered a heel.

mazingerz88's avatar

Oh yes! As long as it’s a woman. Heh. : ) ( Wait, maybe a dog would do. A bitch. Yessss. Lol )

Just like some people, I find it arousing to have a woman’s tongue flicking, slithering and licking in between or around each of my toes. Darn it, that level of kinky submissiveness just fires me up. And I always, always return the favor and more.

SomeoneElse's avatar

@ETpro ‘Bare your sole’, just love that! Foot fetishes – are they common? Personally I think my soles wouldn’t turn anyone on in any way!

ETpro's avatar

@SYS & @augustlan Time for you two to get a room. :-)

@Aethelflaed If all it took to turn my partner on is walking around barefoot in the house, I would feel deeply blessed.

@marinelife You never take your socks off? :-)

@Adirondackwannabe Seems right to me. Why not?

@elbanditoroso Ha! Great answer.

@mazingerz88 I see you have a flair for experimentation. :-)

@SomeoneElse Some call them common. I don’t let their opinion stop me. :-)

LittleLemon's avatar

No poo, no watersports, no exhibitionism, no animals, no children, no clowns. Seriously, they’re terrifying. Most everything else I could make work for the right person.

Edit: I just knew I’d think too hard about this question. No uninstigated violence.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@LittleLemon I don’t know about the clowns. Doing a clown might be fun.

LittleLemon's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Okay, maybe clowns, but no sad clowns.

Oh, I see what you did there.

Coloma's avatar

Not a fetish fan myself and would have a hard time allowing someone to suck my toes…gag!
I broke up with a guy once that was obsessed with being anally masturbated, once in awhile fine, but not if it is something you HAVE to do EVERY time to get off. I agree with @Augustlan, I want my partners focus to be on the totality of our experience not on one narrow little act that makes or breaks it for them.

Then again, I swim naked with my goose in the hot tub…sooo, if you’re really into feet, well…I bet my gooses big orange flappies might turn you on. hahaha

LittleLemon's avatar

@Coloma Wait you… you have a GOOSE?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@LittleLemon If I’m doing it right they shouldn’t be sad.

Coloma's avatar

@LittleLemon I do, I have two! My little buddies. ;-)

LittleLemon's avatar

@Coloma That may be the coolest pet I’ve ever heard of!

gailcalled's avatar

Only if it were menuiere done with clarified beurre blanc, and his feet were clean.

thesparrow's avatar

Lol, I would most definitely give my feet over to a foot fetishist! (As long as he stayed at the feet)

downtide's avatar

I agree with @augustlan – I would worry that the other partner was interested only in my feet (or my bodily functions, or whatever other feature they have a fetish on), and not in me as a person. It’s easy to feel that you’re completely replaceable in a relationship like that.

Paradox25's avatar

Too much vanilla sucks to me, so why not? This of course would only be the result of a sustained relationship anyways, so the fetish wouldn’t be the main criteria. Technically anything could be considered a fetish, so who’s to judge others on what they like?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

One has nothing to do with the other so yes.

ETpro's avatar

@LittleLemon I cam adapt to just about any kink, even ones you shun. But I totally agree children and violence are strictly off limits.

@Adirondackwannabe Yeah, what’s wrong with a little erotic clowning around?

@LittleLemon Copy that. As @Adirondackwannabe notes, if you can’t make the clown happy, what’s the point?

@Coloma Makes sense. And despite the goosing euphemism, presumably your feathered friends are not into anal masturbation.

@LittleLemon Oh please. Because they could make a movie. And what has that got to do with sexual attraction anyway? :-)

@gailcalled Please don’t restrict yourself to foot fetishes. The soul of this question lies much deeper, in the inner reaches of the mind.

@thesparrow Really. Foot worship would be enough? You must have led a sheltered life. :-)

@downtide I’m right with you on that.

@Paradox25 And I’m with you on that, too. :-)

@Simone_De_Beauvoir You’re ducking the main issue here. The question details count.

thesparrow's avatar

@ETpro I misread the question. I thought you meant to a random foot fetishist off the street..

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Nope. My feet are much too ticklish and I tend to kick out at anyone who tries to touch them.

That being said, if my husband had a foot fetish, I would “dress up” my feet and legs in whatever he liked, like stockings, certain shoes, etc… just as long as he didn’t try to actually touch my feet. =0)

ETpro's avatar

@thesparrow Aha. Thanks for clarifying.

@WillWorkForChocolate You’re in luck. I’ve read there are guys who only want to look. You’re also in luck your SO isn’t one of those guys. But I am with you. If there was some fashion statement that whipped up the flames of lust for my SO, I’d model it any time she wanted.

thesparrow's avatar

I would be fine with my SO being a foot fetishist lol. I see nothing wrong with someone desiring to worship my feet.

ETpro's avatar

@thesparrow No question that sex partners can do a lot worse than that.

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