Meta Question

mowens's avatar

How do you feel when you think something you say deserves lurve, and no one throws you a bone? ;)

Asked by mowens (8403points) July 19th, 2012
39 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

Have you ever said something you thought was hilarious or super helpful… and not gotten lurve for it? Site examples.

Does this make you want to use your Jelly stinger?

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gailcalled's avatar

No. What I think of my answer has nothing to do with objective reality.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m not actively pursuing lurve. Lurve happens when it happens.

mowens's avatar

I am lurve greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedy. It is a race, and I am far behind!!!! sting

wundayatta's avatar

You are so hysterically funny, @mowens.

In your own mind! Sting!

Coloma's avatar

Yes to @SpatzieLover You can’t hurry lurve, nooo, you’ve just got to wait…....

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It is understandable how you feel. Others have felt the same way, and there are several questions posted asking about how members award Lurve. What we all have found is that it runs the spectrum for reasons, thus making it subjective. It can’t be taken personally.

What can be done is to learn to read between the lines of the OP and respond accordingly. It also helps to know who you can joke with and who you shouldn’t. If it is a new member, try to help them out in a sincere, polite way. Once an individual member has awarded you 100 Lurve points, nothing else counts towards growing your score. New members are a fresh source.

And as @Coloma points out, just be patient. The more contributions, and the better quality that they are, will help to increase your score.

mowens's avatar

I think I just coined the phrase “Jelly stinger” You can say something mean as long as you emote a sting!!!

mowens's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer I was just trying to be funny. The way I see it, lurve is a lot like the card game “Apples to Apples.” You have to play the audience.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I occasionally think an answer of mine deserved more lurve than it got, but I think that has to do with having a really weird sense of humor that a lot of people don’t get. :D

ucme's avatar

I quite literally couldn’t care less.
An answers merit is not solely based on the trite little bracketed numbers affixed to it.

ucme (50052points)“Great Answer” (15points)
ucme's avatar

Shit, I was hoping for zero GA’s so the irony of my point would shine through.

ucme (50052points)“Great Answer” (12points)
ucme's avatar


ucme (50052points)“Great Answer” (12points)
jca's avatar

I lick my wounds and cry in the corner. I cry myself to sleep that night.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (8points)
Pandora's avatar

@ucme I’m on your side. You deserve no lurve for that answer so I won’t give you any, no matter how much I am cajoled into giving you lurve. I’ve got your back!
Flutherites please stop this harassment of UCME and give his lurve to me. I must defend and sacrifice.

mowens's avatar

@EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM MY LURVE!!!!!!!!!! sting sting sting sting sting sting sting sting sting sting sting sting STING STING STING

linguaphile's avatar

I lurve lurvely lurve and lurve to lurve lurvely jellies!

linguaphile's avatar

@mowens My lurve-sheild protected me from that. (giggles!)

mowens's avatar

@linguaphile IT’S ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! JELLY FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

linguaphile's avatar

warp-speed in 5…4…3…2…

mowens's avatar

@linguaphile ::Grabs a jelly tenticle from @linguaphile stopping his warp speed getaway::

linguaphile's avatar

drifts in stealth mode, evasive maneuver undertaken.

mowens's avatar

He’ll fly apart sir!


Trillian's avatar

Meh. I get knocked down, but I get up again.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

You can’t hurry lurve, you just have to wait cos lurve don’t come easy it’s a game of give and take…....

ucme's avatar

It’s a fucking madhouse in here!
But that’s okay though…......mostly.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I only like it because it’s a madhouse.

Sunny2's avatar

Back on track: I feel rejected when I’m the only one who doesn’t get even one GA. I pout for 2 minutes.

athenasgriffin's avatar

I feel as though there is less lurve floating about than there was last time I was here.(Around the summer/early fall of last year.)

Also it seems less busy. (Fewer people immediately answering questions, etc.)

jrpowell's avatar

A long time ago a received a Wacom tablet. We were joking about how fugly the Fluther tee-shirts were. Figured I would I would first use the Wacom to design a shirt. This is the result.

I gave up on the art thing and sent the Wacom to Dog when I sent her a hackintosh I built for her.

josie's avatar

I have pretty low lurve expectations.

rooeytoo's avatar

I find lurve happens when I stop looking for it and when I least expect it!

jca's avatar

@rooeytoo: Like now. :)

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
rooeytoo's avatar

@jca – thank you!!! and may I return the favor!

blueiiznh's avatar


Paradox25's avatar

Well they may not be the answers that others want to hear. I think I’ve broken the record on here for lone goose eggs in threads, but this won’t stop me from stating how I really feel about a topic.

As much as many on fluther are obsessed with using correct grammar, punctuation and writing intelligible responses, I’ve still noticed that a very helpful and accurate, but mundane response will lack GA votes compared to an unhelpful one liner many times. There is a lowbrow element on here too, but probably less so than many other sites I’ve been on.

athenasgriffin's avatar

@Paradox25 I’ve certainly noticed that as well. I call it the funny factor. Funny/witty answers almost always get more lurve.

I think short answers get more lurve than long answers because a lot of us are too lazy to read the long ones. I certainly sometimes fall prey to that.

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