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snapdragon24's avatar

Anyone going through a transition phase?

Asked by snapdragon24 (1597points) July 21st, 2012
12 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

What’s been going on in your life so far in 2012 ?

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Blackberry's avatar

From awesome to extremely awesome.

tups's avatar

Aren’t we all all the time?

janbb's avatar

Long term spouse left after 38 years….

gailcalled's avatar

Define “transition phase.”

linguaphile's avatar

Definitely am. In more ways than one. Divorce, move to another state, new job, pursuing a new field of study, moved in to share a house with another family…

I’m hanging on to my sense of humor for dear life—have to or I’ll lose focus!

wundayatta's avatar

I am constitutionally opposed to transition. Stasis is the name of my game. That’s why I’m such a steady fellow. Anything you hear about me being bipolar is clearly so much nonsense!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yes, major transition and I don’t know whether to go ahead or just creep back into my old life and stay there till I literally rot away!

downtide's avatar

Aside from my sex transition (of which I’ve completed one year out of about 5 or so), everything else is pretty stable. The only thing that’s uncertain at the moment is my health.

Ela's avatar

I’ve been going through a slow transition for the last 6 years. Separation, divorce, school. I’ve been kicked down more times in the last 3 years, than I had been in my entire life. I hadn’t made much progress though until recently. So far, 2012 has been a very enlightening year for me. I’ve learned more about myself and have found more pieces of me that I’d lost.

snapdragon24's avatar

hey @Ela – I feel the same as you. This year has been a lot about self discovery, trying to build back the pieces that were once broken. @linguaphile, I’m impressed with your motivation and optimism to make positive changes for yourself, I send you my congrats! @wundayatta, I like your sense of stability. @janbb sorry to hear about your divorce and I hope things aren’t too difficult on your side. @ZEPHYRA I also feel like that sometimes…basically what parts of the old me should I keep or change to be more at peace with myself :) @downtide, you are very brave person for undergoing all these changes and I hope your health problems aren’t severe! @Blackberry , keep on being awesome! @gailcalled – how’s this year been different for you? and @tups, you are right, we are constantly evolving into something :)

AngryWhiteMale's avatar

@linguaphile, a good sense of humor will get you through a lot of things! Now that you’ve made the move, things should be easier, yes?

My latest transition year was 2010, and I suspect 2013 will be another one.

linguaphile's avatar

@AngryWhiteMale Easier in some ways, more challenging in others. The unknown’s a bit scary, but I’m looking forward to whatever’s coming. The move started everything rollin’ but I have no idea what kind of routine I will have in a couple weeks. I’m still in the adjusting stage and only know 3 people outside of the family I live with—so my sphere has gone from basically being on-call 24/7 to…. ahem… playing Suzy Homemaker. I have to laugh at how “domestic” I’m being right now- so NOT me!! But, yes, even with the new challenges, it’s much better!! :D

Hope your 2013 transition will be good.

@snapdragon24 Thank you!!

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