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sweetprincess_0’s avatar
Your story edit
We tried to help a girl out, The cops are charging me with harassment. I left her stay in our home for 6 months rent free so she could get a head. She never looked for full-time work, worked some weeks only one or two days. She didn’t save a dime. and her car died, now she needed rides. All she had to do here was to keep up with the dishes, mop the floors and keep the bedroom and bathroom cleaned up. Do you think she would even do that. I told them all, you can’t show me your saving, I had to tell them to do the work since they wouldn’t just do it. I finally Told her shes got to start paying to stay. $5 a day. lol Well she didn’t pay, and never said a word about it. As if we didn’t say anything. And made me, So I told her she need to go. She moved out the and didn’t leave the keys. When we got to the club I asked her for them, and she said, don’t worry I made copies. Said I was only looking for a house cleaner. lol Heck if I live with someone for free I’d be asking them what I could do for them. Anyways, she kept running her mouth on me and I went around the table and grabbed her and pushed her back. So she called the cops. And they are arresting me for harassment. This women has a long history of problems with others. Right now she is on probation for assaulting an officer.
I want to counter file, as she started thing hole thing out of being mad that I kicked her out. She wasn’t afraid of me, she was trying to hurt me and have me arrested. I called the officer to counter file and he never called me back.
How do I go about counter filing, would it be harassment charges I should file or something other? Do you think I should get a lawyer for this? I don’t have the money. I could probably borrow some from a family member if need be.
I should just plead guilty and pay the fine. I’m just so mixed up as to what to do.
Thank you