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Bigtechdude's avatar

How much is gas in your home town?

Asked by Bigtechdude (56points) June 4th, 2008
22 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Blue Ridge Ga. $$3.899 reg.

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melly6708's avatar

where i live its up to 4 something

last time i checked was like 4.17 the cheapest

Trustinglife's avatar

I got scared today… it was 4.19 two days ago, 4.29 yesterday, and today it’s 4.39. Hmmmmm…

And I saw 4.49 just a few minutes away. Oh, I live in San Rafael, just north of SF.

Starting to seriously think about changing some driving habits – driving less, carpooling more.

judochop's avatar

$4.18. Portland, Or.

Bigtechdude's avatar

Melly do you live out west ?

Upward's avatar

Oklahoma City $3.68

melly6708's avatar

@bigtechdude i live in a lil city called paramount

Bigtechdude's avatar

$4.49 thats sux bush needs to do something

Bigtechdude's avatar

I have to use my fed check just to buy a tank of gas

waterskier2007's avatar

4.05 ish

babygalll's avatar

It ranges between 4.49 and 4.79. I’m in Silicon Valley which is south of San Francisco.

exek1's avatar

$4.17 yup.

mcbealer's avatar

$3.95 western MD

iceblu's avatar

$3.94 NJ – Central, South

cooksalot's avatar

K, @judochop I don’t feel so bad about moving to Idaho. It’s $3.87 here right now. Of course tomorrow is the day it always goes up.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Over £5 so $10. So stop complaining ;)

cooksalot's avatar

Yeowch!!! Now that is spooky!

jenlk1207's avatar

$4.64 regular. That’s the cheaper of the three stations in town. I live in a small mountain town in Southern Cali. Population 3,200, so they can charge that much and get away with it since the nearest station besides the ones here are 30–40min away.

sccrowell's avatar

it’s too damn high!!!
87 octane $4.359, 89 octane 4.459 and 91 octane 4.559. 76 station…

melly6708's avatar

i heard that it was going to go up to 12 bux!!!

babygalll's avatar

Anything is possible.

judochop's avatar

4.84. As of last night. Portland, Oregon.

mcbealer's avatar

6/12/08 $4.029 87 octane Western MD is the going rate
I was down to 1/2 tank and filled up at the last sub $4 station in the area for $3.979.

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