Meta Question

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Where is the question about Sandy heading towards the Northeast?

Asked by Adirondackwannabe (36713points) October 25th, 2012

What happened to this question? This is a mean storm. We need to be informed. Where did the question go?

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5 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Off to editing, apparently.

Check for accurate information. Rain in the forecast here (near you) from Sunday through the following Sat.

jca's avatar

A duplicate of last year’s pre-Halloween storm? I hope not. Last year I was at a party that Saturday night, when the snow came, and I had no power from Saturday night to Tuesday night. I had to stay at a hotel with my mom and daughter. My mom got the last room at a local hotel and paid $250 a night. We were so thrilled just to have heat and lights at the hotel! It was Doubletree, and it can normally be had for about $150 a night. I am hoping we don’t have this happen again this Halloween.

augustlan's avatar

“Coast” was misspelled in the title. It’s been returned to the asker for editing.

blueiiznh's avatar

@jca same this here last year. Barely got home to find a 60 ft formerly healthy oak tree on my garage. The weight of the snow was at the top because the leaves had not dropped yet.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve reposted the question here. Stay safe, everyone!

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