Social Question

Miss_Lou's avatar

What should I do about this guy I like?

Asked by Miss_Lou (2points) December 2nd, 2012
4 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I have known this very shy man for about 18 months now. When I first met him I was going through a divorce so kept to myself alot. However, I noticed that he gave ALOT of signals that he liked me. (He would stare at me alot, blush when talking to me, stutter during conversations, sometimes ignore me if I spoke with other men etc etc). I decided I would slowly try to get to know him because I find him so interesting and different from all men Ive ever known before.

Over time I began to like him and would initate conversations with him. He seemed to relax alot more around me and began to seek me out too.

I also sent him flirty text messages which he always replied to straight away but he never initiated anything. His replies were always somewhat formal too (as if he was unsure how to respond so took the ‘safe’ way).

Then he had to leave the place we got to see each other (which was only for 2 hours once a week). Knowing that I may never get the chance to see him again, I took the unprecedented step of sending him a text telling him that I like him and would like to get to know him better. I asked him if he would like to go for a coffee with me.

This time it took him 2 days to reply, and when he did he said
“Hi, sorry for the late reply. Stresses at work and home have taken their toll. I am getting on top of it but need time to sort things out. Hope you understand.”

I replied that I understand and told him Im on holidays soon so if he wants to catch up then, to let me know. I also told him that I respect his need for space and appreciated him letting me know how things are for him.

Since then I have not had any contact with him (as I want to respect his need for space / time). However, I am now a little unsure of what, if anything I should do.

I appreciate that he needs time / space and will honour that. But I dont quite know what to make of his message. I.e.- is it his polite way of letting me know he’s not interested? If he isnt interested then why respond at all and why all of the previous signals suggesting otherwise?

If he is interested, wouldn’t he have made a bit more of an effort to take me up on my offer? (Eg by telling me he would be in touch or something?)

Perhaps I’m confusing the issue with my perception of him being extremely shy and therefore think that he may need lots of encouragement before feeling confident enough to open up to me? On the other hand, perhaps he is just politely letting me down.

So, guys…please help me out here. If you were giving a woman all kinds of non verbal attraction signals (and were extremely shy to the point of blushing whenever she is around) and then she forthrightly told you she liked you, what would you think / do?

Should I wait or simply let him go and move on?

Thank you for any genuine responses.

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chyna's avatar

It has been my experience that if a man is interested in me, he lets me know pretty immediately. If he doesn’t, I have found he isn’t interested. Flirting a little is sometimes an ego booster for a man when he really has no intentions of following through. I think he was probably letting you down gently and I think if I were you, I would move on. If he is interested, he will let you know, but why wait around for him?

Kardamom's avatar

He may very well like you, but because of what he actually said, I’m guessing that he has circumstances, which you may be unaware of, that he may be unable to tell you about. He may have some serious financial problems (like just being poor, which you can hide for awhile) and he might be ashamed of that situation, and thinks that if he got involved with you, he would not be able to be on equal footing with you. I’ve been in that position myself, and it’s not very fun and no one wants to tell the other person this fact for fear of receiving pity in return.

He may have never been in a relationship before and maybe at his age, I’m assuming he’s well into adulthood and not a kid of 21 or younger, right? He may be ashamed of the fact that he has zero experience, probably because he’s kind of shy, and because he’s kind of shy he could never reveal this to you without feeling terribly embarrassed.

He may be shy, and also in a relationship (or have deep feelings) with someone else, that maybe he is not able to define or describe. Maybe he is involved or in love with someone, but they don’t have a full fledged relationship with a nice clean label to put on it. He probably liked you too, but he might believe that it’s not right to be involved in more than one relationship, even if the original relationship is not clearly defined.

He might be gay. Been there, done that. Don’t think that gay fellows won’t take or enjoy your flirty conversations, but when confronted with the idea of an actual relationship, that’s where they have to pull the plug. And this shy fellow, may or may not be out of the closet and he probably doesn’t want you to know.

This poor guy, may have familial obligations, such as an ill parent that he lives with and/or takes care of. Even though he probably liked you and enjoyed the flirtations, he simply cannot afford you the time to persue a real relationship with you, but doesn’t want to explain to you why he can’t and doesn’t want to have to hear your reasons for how it could possibly work out for the two of you. People in caregiver positions often cannot fathom being in a relationship with a significant other, because the caregiver position is simply their whole life (whether they wanted that or not).

And last, but not least, he may simply have one of those social anxiety/phobia situations in which, even if that person might like the idea of dating and a relationship, they simply cannot move forward to even get involved, not because they don’t like you, they simply have too many mental blockades in the way, and again, this might be quite embarrassing for him and he would likely not want to tell you.

I would simply not wait around for this fellow to make a move. I think he has made a subtle move by his reply, without having to tell you the real reason. I think you should leave him in peace and simply enjoy the time you had together. If, by some miracle, his circumstances change and he comes around with a changed mind, then by all means give it a go, but please don’t badger him and don’t beat yourelf up with all the why’s and what ifs.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Seems like there’s only two possibilities here…

1) He’s not interested and is letting you down easy. It could just be that you misinterpreted apparent signals he was sending. This was my first reaction while reading your question. Formal text messages and a 2-day delay followed by what sounds like a brush off. It’s not uncommon that people take interactions the wrong way and misinterpret the feelings others might have toward them.

2) He actually DOES have a lot going on, perhaps something serious, but he is interested in you. There could be something going on in his personal life that he doesn’t want to bring you into. To be honest, I’m not super confident this is the answer.

I suppose there could be the third option that he is just so incredibly shy that he’s scared to start something with you. However, shy or not, most men would be psyched to have a woman take the pressure off of them and make the first move. If anything, this should’ve made it very easy for him to say yes with little effort, so I doubt this is the case. If it is, however, this would be beyond shyness and into something a little more serious/clinical – sounds like baggage to me.

Regardless, I’d move on for now. He’s given you no indication that he will follow up with you or even has any intention to get in touch with you again. Waiting around is just asking for disappointment. Who knows? Maybe he’ll call. But in the event that he doesn’t, you don’t want to be sitting by the phone waiting for something that may never come.

Paradox25's avatar

I’ll give you some advice as a sometimes shy, but very introverted guy so I hope this helps. First of I disagree with the notion that if a guy likes me, he would pursue me since not all guys are assertive in that way. I do know one thing however, whether I talk to a girl first or vice versa if we hit it off and I decide that I’m interested in her then I’ll usually try to make something happen. Not all guys do the same things, like many women and dating ‘experts’ seem to imply. Also, circumstances in one’s life can have a powerful affect in how one relates to another, and I’m not aware of this guy’s circumstances as they really are happening, so it is difficult to make a judgement call based on some of the things you’ve described above. Personally I think he is feeding off of the interest he knows you have in him, and being there for him rather than having any interest in you. If the guy was never with another woman before maybe there would be an exception, but I don’t know his history. I would back off here if I was you and see what he does. (sorry I can’t paragraph on the computer I’m using right now).

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