Meta Question

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

I've just heard that there is a cap on how many points (lurve) you can give to a certain user does anyone know any specific details about this?

Asked by Self_Consuming_Cannibal (4269points) December 28th, 2012

If so that would be great, especially if you can provide a link to this info.

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46 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Jan will tell you. (Deductions for run-on sentences.)

janbb's avatar

Yes. After you’ve given 100 lurve points (20 GAs) to someone, none of your GAs to them will raise their totals.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@janbb Is that a daily cap or is this permanent?

janbb's avatar

Permanent. @gailcalled and I can lurve each other to death (and do) but our scores will not reflect this.

gailcalled's avatar

Forever and ever.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@janbb I’m not questioning the authenticity of your answer but how did you find out?

janbb's avatar

Good question. I think it was discussed on here at some point; not sure if it is in the guidelines or not.

gailcalled's avatar

Here is the official explanation, just not enough of it.

I can give you only 20 GA’s (5 points each up to a total of 100 points.)
No limit to the GQ I can give someone (one at a time), however.

Any time that the peguin asks a question I like, I can give her a GQ.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have seen it explained thus:

Any single user can give only 100 lurve points to any other particular user.

Only the first 5 GQs on a particular question or 5 GAs on a particular answer count toward gaining lurve. Any more is just for fun but will not count toward the overall lurve score for the recipient. Therefore, if you get 5 GAs from people who’ve already maxed out their allotments on you and a newer member comes along and clicks GA, it will not add to your lurve total. It’s for this reason that many members who’ve been here longer hold back on clicking GQ or GA. It gives the newer members a chance to bestow their lurve.

You can see the list in the link @gailcalled provided for further information.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@gailcalled Thanks. I think that’s kind of sad, that there’s a cap on it though. So just to make sure I’m understanding you you can only give out 100 lurve to any paticular user after that any time you click “Great Answer” it will show up but it won’t add to their total score. But there is no cap on how many “Great Question lurve” you can give a particular user?

gailcalled's avatar

There is no cap on a GQ, but you have to do it question by question. For example, I could give this question a GQ but only once.

Tomorrow I could reward any new questions you asked, if I felt like it.

You also get a point if you log in two days in a row.

janbb's avatar

I don’t think the GQs accrue after you’ve gotten 100 lurve from someone either though

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb; it is really hard to get the language right. What exactly do you mean?

wundayatta's avatar

There have been many discussion threads about this issue over the years. Maybe some of the older ones are more elucidating. I thought there was a 100 point maximum, whether issued through lurve for questions or answers. But perhaps GQs can continue to add points after the 100th point. Not sure about that.

Jeruba's avatar

I thought they closed that loophole—the programming oops that failed to hold a cap on points for GQs. I thought I saw those totals stop changing many months ago for people on whom I’d maxed out.

gailcalled's avatar

Shall we bug Auggie and ask her? She probably doesn’t have enough to do.

Fly's avatar

@Augustlan says there is no loophole anymore. There is a general cap at 100 lurve, regardless of whether it is given by GQ or GA.

JLeslie's avatar

I never heard of such a thing. So my lurve probably does nothing for Auggie, luckguy, jeruba, janbb, wunday, zensky, gailcalled, I could go on and on.

bookish1's avatar

I’ve already maxed out on numerous jellies, and I’m sure I soon will on you, @Self_Consuming_Cannibal.

wundayatta's avatar

No, @JLeslie. It means a lot to me. I may not get any more points, but I do look to see whether people appreciate any responses in particular. Seeing 6 GAs in a few minutes tells me I’ve hit a nerve, whereas an answer that has no GAs after days out there shows me it’s a dud, as far as gaining the appreciation of others. So please keep on adding lurve.

JLeslie's avatar

@wundayatta Yes, saying it does nothing was overgeneralizing. I agree with what you said. I rarely look at how much total lurve I have, but I do pay some attention to how mich lurve a particular qiestion or answer of mine received.

Coloma's avatar

Hey, no fair, my little green duck is just as cute as the damn Penguin. lol

jonsblond's avatar

I just gave @Jeruba a GQ for her most recent question she asked. She had 39424 before I gave her a GQ. She still has 39424 as I type this. The question only had 2 GQ’s before I gave her another one. I’m completely maxed out on her.

Paradox25's avatar

This was one of the reasons why I used to be somewhat hesitant about giving GA votes to responses by users who I usually agree with, because I want the points to actually count for when they write a quality detailed response. In the end I’ve realized this doesn’t matter since I ended up maxing those users out anyways.

Jeruba's avatar

So my lurve probably does nothing for Auggie, luckguy,...

No, @JLeslie, it doesn’t. I consciously go along with what @Hawaii_Jake says here (above):

It’s for this reason that many members who’ve been here longer hold back on clicking GQ or GA. It gives the newer members a chance to bestow their lurve.

I know that if I pile on the lurve to someone on whom I’ve maxed out, it will actually reduce that person’s chances of gaining points because I’ve used up one of the 5 GA’s that will count for anything. Better they should get the click from someone whose lurve will give them points. After they have 5 GA’s, though, I click freely because at that point nobody’s will add to their score.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@EVERYONE-Does anyone know how to tell if you maxed out your lurve on someone or do you just have to keep track of that?

Jeruba's avatar

@Self_Consuming_Cannibal, it’s easy enough to tell. Click GA for someone who has fewer than 5 on a post, refresh the page, and see if their score went up.

I’ve maxed out on just about everybody who isn’t a recent arrival. After a little while you just know you’re firing blanks. And I know that lots of people have maxed out on me. I can get ”+5” notifications all day long, and at the end of the day it’s unlikely that I’ve added more than 10 points. It’s quite a compliment, actually.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Jeruba I can see both sides of that equation. Sure it would be cool knowing that that you have impressed so many people they’ve maxed out their lurve for you, but then again, it’s kind of cool to watch your Fluther score go up exponentially. So it makes me sad to realize that one day, if you people put up with me long enough, that my score will hardly move up.

But thanks for telling me how to check.

Jeruba's avatar

That’s why newcomers see their scores soar in a short time and older members may take months to add a thousand points. But unless it’s all about the points to you, it doesn’t matter. I don’t think that many people attach importance to them, since they’re really not good for anything but decoration and the fun of an occasional milestone.

Bellatrix's avatar

I don’t mind that we max out the lurve we can give to specific people. We can still show our appreciation by clicking GA. If you start getting too bogged down in the lurve system, you can drive yourself mad. Just ask interesting questions, give good responses and lurve those who you feel also do this and you won’t go far wrong.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Bellatrix and @Jeruba It’s not all about lurve but it does add a certain element of fun to fluther and to realize that while I’m gaining currently gaining several lurve a day, one day no matter if I become a better member, it may dwindle away makes me a little sad. But even without the lurve, fluther is f’ing awesome and I wouldn’t leave it for all the lurve on the site!

Thanks @Bellatrix and @Jeruba.

Bellatrix's avatar

Very welcome @Self_Consuming_Cannibal. I know it takes me an awfully long time to move through each 1000 as @Jeruba suggested. Since @Jeruba has been here much longer than me and many more people have maxed out on her, it would take even longer to click up the lurve total. It does make you realise how amazing the achievement of those jellies who have huge lurve totals is.

I know when I started fluthering I thought I would never reach 5000. To reach 50,000 still seems like an impossible task but a couple of people have got there.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@Self_Consuming_Cannibal I shall achieve 50,000 lurve one day if I can stay out of trouble long enough. LOL

bucko's avatar

I really don’t pay much attention to the Lurve. There are way too many people with 1000s of Lurve posting boring comments to merit me caring about how many Lurve I have.

janbb's avatar

It is frustrating when you are getting GAs all day and your lurve doesn’t move, but I’d rather get blanks than no juice at all. So keep firing folks! I don’t worry too much about trying to figure out whom I’ve maxed out on; it becomes fairly obvious over time.

What’s frustrating is that old Jellies that give you GAs don’t count and then you answer a question from a new person succinctly and they don’t know about lurve, so they don’t give you a GA either! How’s a girl supposed to ever get to 40,000?

And may I just add that that duck sure quacks a lot! lol

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

@bucko Good answer! I know you don’t care about lurve but I wish I could give you 100 on that answer alone!

dxs's avatar

. deep down, we all truly care about lurve .

bookish1's avatar

Yes, far, far too many homosexuals and homosexual-enablers with lots of love…

bucko's avatar

@bookish1 are you still mad because I think we should have separate locker rooms?

Coloma's avatar

@janbb Haha..Just call me chatty quackie

janbb's avatar

@Coloma Oh I do! I do! lol

ucme's avatar

I let all that shit simply go over my head.

wundayatta's avatar

A rite of passage: figuring out what lurve means to you.

Sorry, another boring answer by a long time jelly. Never mind. We have nothing interesting to say. Only people with low lurve counts are interesting. Newbies. The reason why people have lots of lurve is purely by chance, I think. It has nothing to do with the interest or utility of their answers. Well one thing’s for sure. People sure don’t do it for the respect they get.

bucko's avatar

I like that someone took the time to come up with awards.

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