Meta Question

zensky's avatar

How often/hesitatingly do you open a link to an (alleged) song?

Asked by zensky (13426points) February 21st, 2013

Does it matter what is said? For example, this is a great Neil Young song with lyrics

Or does it depend on who is posting it?

Would it matter if I said it was a quick link, i.e., only 240p?

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13 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

In chrome you can see where the link goes by putting your mouse over it. This one says it leads to so there is no problem to click it.

I do relax a little if it is a known user posting, but for the most part I always check before I click.

zensky's avatar

I did not know that – thanks.

I hate Chrome. I be old.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have chrome, but I only click on links from people I trust.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I be old TOO, but you ca also use Firefox for the preview of the link.

burntbonez's avatar

A song is usually fine. It’s the undefined links that worry me.

I know what I will find at the end of a song link. But I have no idea what I will find at the end of an undefined link. Will it be worth my time or will it be stupid? I hate it when people tell me something is relevant and it turns out to be worthless.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I check the URL. YouTube videos, like this one, are pretty safe. The worst thing that can happen is that I won’t like the video. If the link points to an unknown website, I might look it up to see whether or not it is trustworthy.

zensky's avatar

Awww you rickrolled me.

augustlan's avatar

I do hover over the link to see the URL, but generally I open links if I know/trust the poster. Sometimes I’m not interested in watching a video, so I might skip it if it doesn’t seem important.

glacial's avatar

I use IE, not Chrome, but I also get a preview of the link by hovering my cursor over it. I think that is pretty standard across browsers.

Bellatrix's avatar

I click if I know the poster. I wouldn’t click on links from someone who was pretty much unknown and had a very, very low lurve score and seemed like a potential spammer.

zensky's avatar

@glacial I don’t – explain… different IE?

CWOTUS's avatar

I was going to say that I only click on music links from people whose musical taste I appreciate, but that would be a lie.

I almost never worry about clicking on links in Fluther. I’m pretty well warned off the bad places by my virus checker, so I close the page and go on.

bookish1's avatar

I click on music links pretty frequently, but for some reason I am very resistant to click on random video links. And Fluther has nothing to do with it.

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