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Shippy's avatar

NSFW. Are you bored with the constant sexualization of female artists?

Asked by Shippy (10015points) March 1st, 2013
17 responses
“Great Question” (7points)

I was watching a few Adele videos. She has a beautiful voice of course, and to me is presenting a true talent. her voice. Someone commented on one of her videos so nice for a change a female artist not selling sex.

Personally I am tired of female artists using sex as a main selling point for their shows and videos. It’s boring and tired. Despite many having talent they continue to do so.

Any thoughts?

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cookieman's avatar

Yes, but the cold, hard truth is that if Adelle was a thin girl with perky breasts and nice butt, the powers that be would be pushing her to present as sexy – running around half naked. And she might not resist the idea for long if it helped move units.

Since she’s not, she gets to be marketed as a beautiful woman with an amazing voice and fun personality – which, of course, she is. But no marketing bozo or record executive is going to be forcing her into a thong anytime soon.

Plucky's avatar

Not exactly bored, but incredibly frustrated with it. It reminds me of how largely patriarchal and pathetic our society still is.

SamandMax's avatar

I’m saying nothing about Adele other than it ain’t for me. Suffice to say, to each their own.
I am tired of it, I’m glad I’m not the only one who is tired of it.

bookish1's avatar

Yes, I found this pathetic and disgusting even back when I was a teenager… I don’t really know what more to say about it. More lowest-common-denominator pop culture, more heterosexcapitalism.

marinelife's avatar

I am more tired of the constant sexualization of women as a whole.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not at all. The women are making their own choices about whether to sexualize themselves. It isn’t being imposed on them. Unless you think that women artists are blithering idiots who do not have the ability to think for themselves, then you must assume that they made a conscious decision on how they market themselves.

Sure, people may disapprove of the way women (and men) present themselves as part of their act, but they do it knowingly and willingly.

It’s the same principle as “why do performers in the symphony orchestra wear tuxedos when doing a concert” it’s how they create their identity and message.

Bottom line, if female performers didn’t want to sexualize their appearance, they wouldn’t do so.

Seek's avatar

Sex is a major motivating factor in every species on earth.

That said, the constant “I’m female and my only purpose is to attract you for the purpose of receiving your penis” is old.

I much prefer female artists who take a more powerful stance. “I’m here, I’m awesome, but you’re probably not good enough for me. I am the goddess. Love me and despair!”

Bellydancers immediately come to mind.

rojo's avatar

I think Jaded is the best word for my feelings on the subject.

OpryLeigh's avatar

If they have talent then I really don’t mind sexy music videos, photo shoots etc. I would imagine that it can feel quite empowering and I’m definitely in the “if you’ve got it, flaunt it” camp which may be an unpopular opinion coming from a woman but if Rihanna is half naked in her videos then I am not going to judge her for that or complain about it, she has the talent to back it up.

bob_'s avatar

Nah, I’m cool.

burntbonez's avatar

I think you may be bored with sexualization if you are no longer interested in sex. But most men are interested in sex all life long, to judge by how everyone I know talks about it. Also, it seems like most young women and many middle aged and older women are still interested in sex as they age.

Some of it is sublimated into clothing and makeup. I think it is safer for women to be interested in how other women look, but looks are a proxy for sex appeal and for sex, I believe.

Talent is also part of sex appeal. Adele may be fat, but she’s got a great voice, and her song won an Oscar, and she could have just about any man she wanted, if that’s what she’s into. Power is sexy. Status is sexy. It’s all about passing your genes on, which you can’t do without sex. It’s about getting the best partner you can to pass your genes on with.

It’s all about sex and there is a certain sour grapes feel to people saying they are bored by it. I think that happens when people don’t want to compete any more. They are tired of it. They want to give up. And they wish they could give up without losing status. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.

ucme's avatar

No, I like it a lot.

deni's avatar

Yes, I am, how sexual they are seems to be more important than actual talent now, which sucks. And, it’s also hard to tell who is truly attractive anymore! There is so much makeup, airbrushing, crazy dieting, no one looks like their natural selves. I think that’s terrible.

fundevogel's avatar

I browsed my favorite female musicians before writing this and while they’re all comely ladies in my opinion hardly any of them made sexin’ it up part of their thing. And those that did did it on their terms when they felt like it. I’m talking about women like Amanda Palmer and Beth Ditto. Women that give the middle finger when marketers say they aren’t nymphish enough to bring the sexy.

My pop music listening is pretty scant though. It seems to me the issue isn’t too much sexy, it’s female artists getting caught in a marketing machine that sees their bodies as baseline selling points. That my friend is whats wrong, that there sexiness is made as important as their music rather than a nice bonus when they feel like dishing it out.

diavolobella's avatar

@elbanditoroso If you think women in the entertainment field aren’t imposed upon and get to call all the shots concerning how they are marketed, you should come work in the music business with me for a while. It would be a huge wake up call. The record company who is giving you lots of nice money and is paying for everything very much gets to package you and present you how THEY wish. You might get a little say so, but not much. Trust me. Not until you actually become a star (if you do) and have some power over them because you are now a big money maker do you have much input at all.

Shippy's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yes of course. My question perhaps was worded incorrectly. The women themselves are what I would call the blithering idiots that are doing it. That is the sad part. @cookieman Not so sure. Adele with her beautiful face and body could put a tiny perky breasted girl to shame in the sex stakes if she wanted to. @rojo I so agree Jaded. @burntbonez I am probably more interested in sex than I have ever been at age 50. I guess I have become a little more sophisticated with it. To me what I see, is a flimsy sexual sale pitch.

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