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elbanditoroso's avatar

Need some VPN advice - which is the best for the money?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33733points) March 2nd, 2013

With the cable companies starting this Content Controlling System, it seems like the option for me is going to be a VPN which essentially makes me anonymous to my provider.

The three that get the most general approval are:
– Hidemyass
– BT Guard
– privateinternetaccess

Of course, there are others. Each of the top 3 has different price points and hundreds of servers around the world.

What isn’t clear is how good they are at their job – do they really keep things as confidential as they say? How stable are they—are they ever down?

Have any of you used these VPNs (or others) and can you make a recommendation?

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11 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

VPNs don’t work this way. VPSn only allow you to access a secure network over a public connection, like airport wifi, it will in no way hide you from your provider.

Sunbear's avatar

There really is no true anonymity available on the net, but there is a decent article here that seems to address your question well.

BosM's avatar

Here are links to some good articles on VPN’s that might help get some clarity on which ones are better, and what they do.

FutureMemory's avatar

@elbanditoroso If you make a decision on a particular one, I’d love to hear a report on it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@FutureMemory – I’m doing a lot of reading – I’ll let you know

serenityNOW's avatar

@elbanditoroso – I second @FutureMemory – I’d like to know, too!

elbanditoroso's avatar

OK, all, here is what my research this weekend shows:

Unlimited bandwifth for downloads, $6.99 month, PayPal & credit cards
No logs at all. Canadian

Seems excellent but they don’t explicitly mention being Torrent friendly, so it is hard to be sure about that.
$49.95 / year, Pay pal, credit cards

No user logs, very very secure, seems like they have it together.
$5.95/month or $46.95 annual.
Unlimited bandwidth

Secure, but
very expensive – $80.00/yr

None of the others appear to be ay better than these.

My assessment is this:


BTGUARD 2nd, they just seem too slick to me

PRIVATEITNERNETACCESS – it bothers me that they don’t say “torrents are OK”. So I’m dubious about them

All the others: Too European and/or too expensive.

jaytkay's avatar

Thanks for the report, @elbanditoroso, that is useful info!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Here’s an article from PC World with a lot of answers. VPN How and Why

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