Social Question

RandomGirl's avatar

The Jelly Below Me - Part 47!

Asked by RandomGirl (3362points) April 4th, 2013
578 responses
“Great Question” (9points)

We haven’t had a TJBM thread in months. I enjoy these too much to let them die! :)

The game rules are:

Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be: False! I hate coffee or, True!
Then they might state: The Jelly below me has blond hair.

There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.

Thread will refresh at 500 responses.

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Mama_Cakes's avatar

What does “TJBM” stand for?

glacial's avatar

The Jelly Below Me.

rebbel's avatar

…is called rebbel.

TJBM wants to answer this, but won’t.

Strauss's avatar

Ohoho yes I will!

TJBM will help this thread become a continuation of that type of thread.

AshLeigh's avatar

I will.
Tjbm will also.

picante's avatar

Of course!
TJMB supports this initiative.

RandomGirl's avatar

Well, seeing as I started it… Yep :)

TJBM is tired of waiting.

cookieman's avatar

False. I am tired of whining.

TJBM needs a cookie right now.

AshLeigh's avatar

Them is up way too early.

tups's avatar

TJBM is wandering around aimlessly.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Not exactly. I was aimlessly surfing all the Q&A on Fluther and pounced on this question here.
TJBM is thinking of having seafoood for dinner.

zenzen's avatar

Burgers, actually.
TJBM likes burgers with mustard and onions, like me.

AshLeigh's avatar

I hate all of those things…
Tjbm is the mailman.

picante's avatar

No. Nor am I the mailwoman.
TJBM is an imposter.

dxs's avatar

How will you ever know?
The Jelly below me knows.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM is in a hurry.

Lightlyseared's avatar

TJBM gives a fuck.

Dutchess_III's avatar

TJAM didn’t do it right!

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Incoherency_'s avatar

Wrong as always, strainer brain! ;-)

TJBM thinks that @Brian1946 is now really annoyed, and will post an attempt at a retaliatory quip.

Brian1946's avatar

Wrong about that as you are everything else, lead head. :-)

TJBM is @rebbel?

Bluefreedom's avatar

No, TJBY is a patriot but will become a rebel against the Obama administration if it doesn’t get its shit together.

TJBM read comic books when he/she was in their younger days.

AshLeigh's avatar

Still do, sometimes.
Tjbm likes Batman :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

Batman was too old for me. I loved Robin

TJBM thinks maybe @rebbel is lost, perhaps fell off the seawall, and we should go find him.

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm is a Viking.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well. Sort of. I live in Winfield, Kansas and the team mascots are Vikings Their colors are purple too, which is my favorite color. It’s all pretty cool.

TJBM is a Neanderthal.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No, just balding.

TJBM needs a vacation.

RandomGirl's avatar

Sort of. Although, you can’t take a vacation from what I need a vacation from.

TJBM is looking forward to this evening.

lebber's avatar

After a whole 24 hours of searching (I found @rebbel, he wants me to let you all know that he didn’t fell off off the seawall) I am in dire need of a relaxed evening.
TJBM knows who is the current best soccer player in the world.

cookieman's avatar

Ummmm… not… me?

TJBM knows someone who does not like chocolate.
and finds that odd

genjgal's avatar

Me. Yes it’s odd. Even odder is allergy to chocolate. The poor people!

TJBM hates the season spring. (and is therefore odd)

tups's avatar

No, I love it.
TJBM is confused.

AshLeigh's avatar

A little.
Tjbm smiles a lot.

RandomGirl's avatar

When I’m at work, around customers, yes. I didn’t realize I did until one of the regulars started calling me “Smiley”.

TJBM works in retail, too. And likes it?

cookieman's avatar

Nope, but I did for two years (age 15 to 17). I liked it and it kept me away from food service jobs.

TJBM would like to change careers if they could.

genjgal's avatar

Yup. I’d like to graduate. School is my currect profession. haha

TJBM hates McDonalds and wishes never to have to work there.

tups's avatar

Kind of, but I like their ice creams.

TJBM likes Indian food.

cookieman's avatar

Sadly no. The only type of food I really don’t enjoy.

TJBM will buy me a milkshake.

AshLeigh's avatar

If you’re ever in Alaska, I will buy you a milkshake.
Tjbm has bear traps all over their yard, because they don’t share their milkshakes.

genjgal's avatar

Nope. We don’t have very many bears around here.
TJBM gets annoyed by people who try to make arguments about things they really know nothing about.
(guilty of the offense :P lol)

Bluefreedom's avatar

Very true. One of my subordinates at work often behaves in this exact way. It’s very obnoxious.

TJBM prefers laptop computers over desktop computers.

cookieman's avatar

False. I need a bigger screen.

TJBM would like a bigger something.

RandomGirl's avatar

Not off the top of my head.

TJBM knows a lot of pregnant women at the moment. Off the top of my head, I know 9 expectant mothers and 3 mothers with newborns. Three are sisters in one family, and five are sisters in another! Must be something in these families…

genjgal's avatar

TJBM ( @RandomGirl I almost wrote TGJerBM :P) is new to fluther.

AshLeigh's avatar

Been here for almost two years.
Tjbm wishes to devour the unborn. Eggs. I mean eggs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I did, too, just this morning!

TJBM wishes someone would rake her lawn.

Strauss's avatar

Change the “her” to “his” and you’ve got a yes!

TJBM is looking forward to the “spring storm” approaching.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes I am!

TJBM ate ice cream today. Yum!

RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM has a big day coming up tomorrow.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t. Wednesday is the big day :)
Tjbm also has something exciting happening on Wednesday.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Does a Dr’s appointment count?

TJBM has been more than 500 miles from where they live in the last year.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I haven’t. Hopefully we’ll be going to Salina some time this week, but it’s only about 100 miles away. But good enough for me. Get me out of the house.

TJBM needs to see a dentist.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, I haven’t been to one in over 10 years. I just broke a molar and the filling fell out. No pain, though.

TJBM has a (or several) pet(s).

RandomGirl's avatar

Yep. Shi Tzu/Pomeranian/Cairn Terrier mix. He’s 50 lbs of energy packed into a 12 lb body.

TJBM knows how we got lb out of the word pound.

Strauss's avatar

It comes from the Latin libra; the name pound is a Germanic adaptation of the Latin phrase libra pondo, ‘a pound by weight’.

TJBM knows the origin of the phrase ”...a pound of flesh”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do now! Shakespear.

TJBM wishes it would just rain already.

RandomGirl's avatar

Yes. It’s been threatening all day/weekend. :P

TJBM is feeling good about life.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not at the moment. But I will again before long.

TJBM saw her first budding leaves on the trees today!!!

AshLeigh's avatar

It snowed…
Tjbm knows about second winter.

genjgal's avatar

well now I do.

TJBM wonders what April snows bring….

RandomGirl's avatar

Oh goodness yes. :P

TJBM has brought real-life friends into the collective. It’s so much fun to have @genjgal around here!

AshLeigh's avatar

LezboPirate is my sister. She isn’t around much anymore, though. JoeyOhSoClever is one of my best friends. :)
Tjbm will tell us their favorite animal.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My favourite animal is the dog (specifically the Skye Terrier) followed by cows (specifically of the Highland variety!)

TJBM has a strong opinion about the late Margaret Thatcher.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, along with her pal Ronald Reagan!

TJBM has heard of subsonic vibrations.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve heard OF them, yes.

TJBM can hear (or used to be able to hear) the really high pitched whine of security cameras located in stores.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, used to be able to hear the high-pitches, until my tinnitus got too intense.

TJBM has tinnitus.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, but my husband says he does, but I can’t hear it so I’ll just take his word for it.

TJBM has ears like a hawk.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It’s eyes like a hawk and ears like a rabbit. Have wear glasses and I’ve got tinnitus.

TJBM is waiting for Spring. We missed it here, 87* F today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where are you? I can’t see you. Did you say something? I can’t hear you!

Spring stopped by for a couple of days. Now it’s raining and the rain is freezing. It’ll probably by 90 tomorrow.

TJBM doesn’t have any food in the house.

RandomGirl's avatar

I hope we do. We’re leaving an hour and I need food before then!

TJBM is doing something they probably shouldn’t.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. Which is nothing.

TJBM has 50 gazillion pictures, mostly of their kids, on the computer.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Not really. I don’t have any children of my own but I do own a really nice digtial camera which I don’t use often enough. You would think that I’d be out there more often accumulating a lot more pics. I’ll work on that.

TJBM prefers drinking coffee rather than tea.

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm is in love.

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM can hear rain at the moment.

RandomGirl's avatar

I wish. Nope, right now I’m all snuggled up, watching 2 inches of snow an hour come down oh-so-silently. Right now, spring is just as much a myth as unicorns.

TJBM is in awe of this. I can’t stop looking at the pictures…

Bluefreedom's avatar

It’s true. I am often amazed and sometimes shocked at the power of Mother Nature and how it can so forcefully affect the people and environments we live in.

TJBM rarely gets sick but sometimes uses that excuse to get out of a day of work.

Strauss's avatar

Used to, can’t use it anymore, though. I’m retired and mom works, leaving me to be the homemaker, and to supervise the 13-yr old when she’s not at school.

TJBM still has some green under the snow.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. And under the ice too.

TJBM likes her dogs.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

His/Her dogs, love’em.

TJBM has a new recipe they want to try out. Salmon spring rolls with mint and basil using a peanut/soy dipping sauce.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That sounds good!

TJBM is craving some jalapeno poppers!

RandomGirl's avatar

Ooh, yes.

TJBM feels like they’re spinning their wheels.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I’m just sitting.

TJBM wants to get away for a while.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Very true. I’m on my 11th work day in a row and it’s time for some R&R. At least I have the upcoming weekend off. I need the rest.

TJBM has never vacationed in Europe but really, really wants to.

Dutchess_III's avatar

True and true.

TJBM has family video on VHS that he or she needs to get put to DVD.

genjgal's avatar

I suppose so, though I didn’t have that in the forefront of my mind.

TJBM has never dieted. :P

RandomGirl's avatar

Not really.

It’s still not over for TJBM…

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s not?
Tjbm is hungry.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m getting hungry. It’s currently 5:10 a.m. at work and I’m just starting my duty shift.

TJBM prefers waking up to the sound of music as opposed to the sound of a traditional alarm clock ringing or buzzer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well…I do wake up to the sound of music. It’s my cell phone, at full blast, screaming Rush’s intro to “Tom Sawyer”...”BOWWWWW BOWWWWWwwwww wwww TODAY’S TOM SAWYER HAS MEAN MEAN PRIDE!!!BOWWWWW BOWWWWwwwww wwwwBOWWWWW BOWWWWWwwwww wwwwBOWWWWW BOWWWWWwwwww wwww
– I love that song, man!

TJBM loves elevator music.

AshLeigh's avatar

No. Haha.
Tjbm wants to rock down to electric avenue.

Dutchess_III's avatar

:) I love that song too! My daughter was little when it came out. She sang, “We gonna rock down to..electric avaluke!” :)

TJBM has sung a song for years without even understanding what the lyrics were Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress comes to mind, for me!

AshLeigh's avatar

Don’t go out tonight. It’s sure to take your life. There’s a bathroom on the right.
Tjbm needs a haircut.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Bahhahahaha! Bathroom on the right!

Yes, yes I do. I’ll do it tonight after about 3 beers. That’s when I do my best work.

TJBM has a HS graduation that he or she really wants to get to in a couple of months, but probably won’t be able to.

dxs's avatar

I sure hope I will saying as it will be mine.
The Jelly Below me dreads going to college graduations, however.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
RandomGirl's avatar

Oh boy, do I! My brother’s friends all graduated at the same time about 3 years ago. That was torture. Who actually enjoys 3 hours of awkwardness?! 0.o

TJBM has something they wish could happen tomorrow, but won’t for weeks. I finally have an appointment to see a neurologist next month.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah…dentist, but can’t get me in until July. WTH is up with that? But man…that’s nothing compared to a neurologist…that sounds scary @RandomGirl

TJBM has found out that most of the time things work out OK.

RandomGirl's avatar

I have! Over the last few months, I’ve had several times when I’ve thought life as I knew it was going to come to an end – but my fears have been relieved.

TJBM likes weird food combinations. My dad enjoys refried beans on his pancakes. With pancake syrup.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…I can’t think of any “weird” combinations I like! Jalapeno pepper and cream cheese, maybe. But that’s not weird, is it?

TJBM just wishes life would stabilize.

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm is conflicted.

Strauss's avatar

Yeah. I am hearing about the Boston explosions and need to get some stuff done around here.

TJBM knows someone in Boston, visiting or living there.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope, which I’m sort of thankful for.

TJBM is indulging tonight.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. Trying not to get too pissed,.

TJBM wonders, “Was the point proven?”

Strauss's avatar

It depends on what the point is.

TJBM knows what the point is.

@Dutchess_III is that as in pissed off or pissed up?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just pissed in general!
I do not know what the point is. I will never know.

TJBM was doing alright today, but now he or she is kind of sad and depressed.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope – that’s backwards. This morning, I was feeling stuck and like I was in a fog (which is how I’ve been feeling for weeks). But tomorrow I’m taking an important test for college this fall, and that idea kind of jolted me out of it, so I can do test prep stuff and get on with life. Thank goodness! I’m feeling the best I’ve felt in weeks!!

TJBM can relate to my brain fog.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Absolutely I can relate.

TJMB is eating chocolate chips.

Strauss's avatar

Nope! Finished ‘em this morning .

TJBM is emotionally drained from the events of the past days.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. Events of the past 3 weeks.

TJBM is wondering why we want to stay in bed when it’s raining.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nah, I want to stay in bed no matter what the weather is like. XD
Tjbm wonders of angry people know about naps?

RandomGirl's avatar

Oh I do. When the world leaves me wondering “What the…?!”, my response is to take a nap.

TJBM is glad it’s finally over.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. Not sure that we’re talking about the same thing, but yes.
Tjbm likes to hold babies :D

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yes I do.

TJBM loves babies but prefers puppies :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do. I can put the puppies in the bathroom if I need to. And I’m not required to carry them around with me every where I go. :)

TJBM is ready to go back to bed.

RandomGirl's avatar

I am. We’re out of town for a convention for a few days, and I’m just looking forward to sleeping in this nice bed.

TJBM is planning a getaway soon.

genjgal's avatar

yup. with you.

TJBM likes jeans.

AshLeigh's avatar

I do!
Tjbm wears footsie pajamas.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I don’t!

TJBM likes doing housework.

tups's avatar

God, no.

TJBM likes to read fiction.

RandomGirl's avatar

TJBM is missing someone. I’m at a conference, and my schedule is completely incompatible with my friend’s… And I hardly ever see him… And I was so looking forward to this weekend with at least a few hours. So much for that. :/

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm is really glad it’s finally the weekend :)

Strauss's avatar

Oh hell, yeah!

TJBM is glad the weather will finally let them get out into their garden.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not yet.

TJBM thinks this is the longest winter EVER.

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm is really really hungry.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope. I could snack, though…

TJBM is wishing life were simpler.

tups's avatar

I wish my mind were simpler so life could be simpler.

TJBM is simple.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

I wish
TJBM wants a dose of heart attack on a stick

RandomGirl's avatar

Well, if you put it that way…

TJBM has had odd things deep fried and on a stick. Deep-fried-candy-bar-on-a-stick, anyone? How about spaghetti-on-a-stick? Deep-fried-pickle-on-a-stick? This is Minnesota State Fair stuff right here ;)

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Yes, funny that you knew exactly what I was talking about….
TJBM is a bit fed up with their boss

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm likes to burn shit down.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Only in the winter with a permit
TJBM wants to relax at their cabin in the woods with a good bottle of 12yo Scotch

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes please.
Tjbm is having car troubles.

RandomGirl's avatar

Yep. My car doesn’t exist. :/

TJBM has changed a dirty diaper recently.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has been slow lately.

genjgal's avatar

not totally

TJBM gets annoyed when they can’t type

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I’ve never been unable to type, but yes, I think it would annoy me.

TJBM woke to a bright, bright, sunshiney day!

reijinni's avatar

not quite
TJBM was singing in the rain yesterday.

AshLeigh's avatar

It was sunny, but I did sing in the shower.
Tjbm sings in the shower.

RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM has had an “Oh no… I forgot!” moment recently.

Strauss's avatar

Yes! It was…it was…it was not a senior moment!

TJBM has held a newborn recently.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. My new niece :)
Tjbm loves goldfish :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. They aren’t big enough to eat.

TJBM is experiencing rapid temperature changes over the next few days. (Was 67 yesterday, supposed to be 87 today….Ahh ahhhh Kansas.)

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm can say the alphabet backwards.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“the alphabet backwards.” Why yes, yes I can!

TJBM is about to change from sweats to shorts.

AshLeigh's avatar

Jeans. School. Gonna put on pajamas when I get home:)
Tjbm loves pajamas.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I haven’t had “pajamas,” per say, in years and years. When I get home from work I put on slick pants and a t shirt. If it’s cold, that’s what I wear to bed and I’ll wear them the next day, until I need to go out and about. But..yes. I love comfortable clothes.

TJBM needs to wash the dog today.

geeky_mama's avatar

True enough..our dog could use a bath nearly every day. He’s just kinda smelly

TJBM knows the difference between yoga pants and leggings.

RandomGirl's avatar

Yes, I do.

TJBM needs to do something.

reijinni's avatar

yep, but when will it happen, who knows?
TJBM has something that they been putting off for years.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Yes, wisdom teeth. The operation is this weekend.
TJBM has surgery coming up

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t.
Tjbm will come eat cake with me tomorrow, for my birthday :D

reijinni's avatar

sorry, too far.
TJBM can drive by faith alone.

Strauss's avatar

No, but there were times in my youth I swore my car knew the way home when I was too wasted to be driving (behavior definitely not recommended!)

TJBM has had an emotional encounter on Fluther or similar on-line boards.

RandomGirl's avatar

Not exactly.

TJBM is having a busy, stressful week.

geeky_mama's avatar

Just busy, not too stressful. I’m in Florida for work and the weather sure beats the weather at home!

TJBM has pretty painted toenails and wants to show them off.

Strauss's avatar

Couldn’t be farther from the truth! Could benefit from a good pedi, but that will probably never happen!

TJBM is attending a school function.

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM is making antique treasure maps with her grandson.

tups's avatar

I don’t really have a grandson, so that would be impossible.

TJBM has no children.

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM has a plant next to their computer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, but I wish I did.

TJBM thinks that God is going to send some locusts after us all, as soon as the most recent winter storm passes.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No, but I’m awaitin’ the Cicadas and there a comin’.

TJBM remembers more than one return of the 17 year Cicadas. Like maybe three.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know what a 17 year cicada is…?

TJBM is trying to decide what time she should start her 3 hour bread so it won’t be screwed up by leaving it alone for 20 minutes while she gets the kids from school.

Strauss's avatar

No, but if I were that jelly, she would start the 3 hour bread 3 hours before she had to leave to get the kids. Otherwise, wait until they’re home and start it for tomorrow.

TJBM has a breadmaker.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, I do have a bread maker. (That was my logic originally, but part of what is included in that 3 hours is the baking time, but I’m making rolls instead so that baking time is a less than for the 1 hour required for a loaf of bread and if I’m not careful I’ll be leaving just as they start baking. It is very complicated! I’ve settled on…1:30. But I still am not sure….)

TJBM finds some things to be very complicated even when they’re not.

AshLeigh's avatar

Cooking xD
Tjbm is a hard worker.

RandomGirl's avatar

When I have motivation, yes. But when I’m just trying to fill time, finding work to do, until I get off work, then I get really lazy and sluggish. :p

TJBM uses a lot of emoticons.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has celebrated Thatcher’s death.

tups's avatar

No, I am opposed to the celebrating of anyone’s death.

TJBM would like to celebrate someone’s life today.

RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM is listening to classical music.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I’m listening to the sound of the heater blowing through the vents.

TJBM makes AWESOME homemade bread!

RandomGirl's avatar

My mom’s bread recipe that she’s been perfecting since she got married in 1985 is pretty good. I make that bread. ;)

TJBM has a back ache.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes I do,and I don’t know why.

TJBM wants to share her mom’s bead recipe with me. Yes that bread!

Strauss's avatar

No, my mom made awesome bread, but it wasn’t that bread. But this jelly will gladly share his bread recipe with you.

TJBM is putting off work in order to fluther.

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm thinks that gravy kicks ass.

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM is eating a baked potato with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, green onions, bacon bits and butter and it’s all @KNOWITALL’s fault.

genjgal's avatar


TJBM has the Peanut Butter Jelly song stuck in their head.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is using a win8 computer.

RandomGirl's avatar

I am, actually! Love this computer.

TJBM is super excited for something. I just found out today that I get to fly to Colorado Springs, CO, with @genjgal in July! This trip is going to be so amazing. :D

genjgal's avatar

Oh yeah. I just found out that I am going to Colorado Springs, CO, with @RandomGirl in July.

TJBM thinks it’s odd when girls talk to guys about clothing styles etc.

AshLeigh's avatar

Tjbm has purple sheets.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup, and they are in the washing machine.

TJBM thinks @AshLeigh has special vision.

reijinni's avatar

not really
TJBM wears depends.

AshLeigh's avatar

Every day.
Tjbm is old.

RandomGirl's avatar

No, although sometimes I feel like it. Seriously… If you’re going to drop off the face of the earth and then suddenly reappear years later, please appear the same when you reappear. Otherwise, I really feel old.

TJBM has recently had blood drawn. Five tubes of the stuff for about a bajillion different tests today!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Kind of. The last time was about 3 months ago and I’m due again in about a month. Have to have blood draws quarterly for my diabetic endocrinology appointments. Only 2 tubes at a time though.

TJBM has never been on a cruise but would like to take one someday.
Just don’t use Carnival Cruise Lines. They’re not doing so hot lately.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Yes, in fact I am planning on taking one in a few weeks. I would do it sooner but I just got teeth pulled.
TJBM wishes they couldn’t feel pain right about now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Fortunately, I’m not hurting anywhere.

TJBM needs to take a shower.

dxs's avatar

That is true. But I am not going anywhere special today, so I’d rather save water and wait until tomorrow.
The Jelly Below me is an environmentalist.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Dutchess_III's avatar

Sorta, kinda. Not rabid about it tho.

TJBM should be doing Something Else right now.

tups's avatar


TJBM wishes that all of their duties would disappear.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not disappear….get done magically so I could relax and feel productive.

TJBM is trying to invent a new toilet paper roll holder.

Headhurts's avatar

True – one that speaks and says ” replace me when empty”!

TJBM is guilty of not doing the above?

Dutchess_III's avatar

ALL of the above? That’s a LOT of not doing!

TJBM wants to send me a picture of her new and improved toilet roll holder when she is finished with it.

Headhurts's avatar

@ dutchess 111 no, the above line in my post

RandomGirl's avatar

I think @Headhurts would probably send it to you once she gets a patent on it. Because, you know, something like that would get snatched up immediately!

TJBM is very thankful for the Fluther community. I am. I love my jellies!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am VERY thankful for the Fluther community. I love being here.

TJBM wants talking toilet paper.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants recipe ideas printed on toilet paper.

geeky_mama's avatar

No thanks. I’m not thinking about eating/food when I’m using TP.

TJBM is baking something yummy.

Headhurts's avatar

I made a Victoria Sponge this afternoon, and it was very yummy.

TJBM wants to be sandwiched in the middle if a Victoria Sponge.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is a Victoria Sponge anything like a jelly fish?

TJBM is going to go eat the last piece of cream cheese cake.

Dutchess_III's avatar

nomma nomma!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is going to Camp Granada

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM loves crab legs.

RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM had a sleepy Sunday afternoon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yesssss. Got the kitchen clean. That’s about it.

TJBM is absolutely stuffed full.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is planning on wearing Google Glass.

Strauss's avatar

Probably not, but not out of the question.

TJBM is having a very productive Monday.

tups's avatar

Actually it has been far more productive than I had expected and far more lovely.

TJBM’s day was better than they expected.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope. I’ve had to take two naps already. Work is going to be a joy. :/

TJBM is doing that earbuds-in-the-ears-even-though-they’re-not-listening-to-anything thing. I am.

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM is looking at her dog thinking he needs a bath, BAD!

Bluefreedom's avatar

In a word, no. TJBY is looking at his watch wondering why his duty shift is taking forever to end.

TJBM yearns to go on a camping trip or some kind of vacation and get away from it all. Immediately.

Dutchess_III's avatar

YES!! OMG, yes.

TJBM wonders where @Judi is.

Strauss's avatar

Not until you mentioned it, but yeah!

TJBM sometimes wonders about formerly active jellies from whom we haven’t heard in quite a while.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. Like Red Power Lady. It always freaks me out when I click on a question, not realizing it is two or three years old, and see Jellies from so long ago.

TJBM thinks Auggie is getting even with us for screwing around the other day when she wasn’t looking Response moderated (Off topic)

Strauss's avatar

@Dutchess_III Psst! Careful, “Big ‘A’” is watching! What’s your “TJBM” statement?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know she is! ok. I’ll be good.

TJBM doesn’t get moderated very often but when he/or she does he or she feels like a 4 year old who just got swatted! And he or she HATES it!

RandomGirl's avatar

Sort of, yes!

TJBM is perfectly reasonable and rational, at all times.

geeky_mama's avatar

Ha! I struggle for reasonable and rational about 50% of the time. ;)

TJBM is on the road again.

Strauss's avatar

I wish! Used to be a lifestyle until about 25 years ago, when I settled down and got married.

TJBM has an anniversary coming up.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t.
Tjbm is in love with a pretty pistol.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well..yeah. She’s 16 months old. :D

TJBM would never have a handgun in the house.

tups's avatar

No and it would also be highly illegal.

TJBM likes guns.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I enjoy shooting at targets and would love to skeet shoot sometimes, but I would never have a handgun in my house, anywhere. When we move to the country we’ll probably get a 22 for da varmints.

TJBM is cleaning out files now, and wondering why she or he bought 20 packages of tiny stickers that you print pictures on.

RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM is having a busy day and has no idea how they’re going to get everything done.

Strauss's avatar

True, and my fluthering is not helping the situation~!

TJBM is going to get something outside done before the weather turns.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Too late!

TJBM wonders why some people ask the questions they do.

tups's avatar

Yes, seems like a lot of questions are quite rhetorical.

TJBM considers themselves lucky.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am. I’m at a low spot in my life again, but I have to remember that I am very lucky.

TJBM is discovering stuff they didn’t know they had.

reijinni's avatar

every once in a while
TJBM plans on hitchhiking.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Newp. Heard too many horror stories in the 60’s and 70’s about hitchhikers!

TJBM wonders if they should go to the doctor’s.

Strauss's avatar

No, I know I should see a doctor soon, but I’m waiting for my Medicare to kick in in October.

TJBM wishes s/he could afford early retirement.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not really. I like schedules.

TJBM has been reduced to eating boxed Mac and Cheese because there isn’t anything else here!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is refilling their shelves tomorrow.

Strauss's avatar

Nope, shelves were filled last week, first of the month.

TJBM likes the weather today.

RandomGirl's avatar

Haven’t been out in it yet. Busy with school. :/

TJBM is tired.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. It was raining and thundering this morning. That makes me tired!

TJBM is FINALLY getting into Spring!

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s pretty muddy from all the melting snow.
Tjbm doesn’t like mud.

reijinni's avatar

I really don’t like walking on soggy ground.
TJBM is sticking to sneakers this spring.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Or barefeet where I can get away with it. :)

TJBM has bad eating habits.

AshLeigh's avatar

Of course.
Tjbm doesn’t feel well.

RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM had a treat today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not yet. And I’m starving.

TJBM has a room they’re making over.

geeky_mama's avatar

Sort of. I’ve been adjusting my home-office and now it looks like this…but I still want to paint my office a different color (it’s the original color the previous owners of our house painted it..). We’ve been slowly repainting and removing wallpaper..

TJBM burns incense around the house.

Dutchess_III's avatar

….Is that a treadmill under your desk? Do you take walks without ever leaving your chair? :)

I would burn incense but I don’t have any.

TJBM has tried to recreate McD’s Egg McMuffin with no luck.

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope, I have no love for MickyD’s EggMcMuffin. Haven’t tried to make one.

@Dutchess_III yes indeed, that is a treadmill under my desk, controls on my desktop. I force myself to get 10,000 steps per day before I’m allowed to lower the desk & sit in my office chair each workday at home.

TJBM is ready to plant their annuals this weekend. Yay, flowers!

Dutchess_III's avatar

YES! Yay flowers!!

TJBM has a young grandson in first grade who can tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the solar system.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope… But I have a sister in the seventh grade who can tell you anything you could ever want to know about the Civil War!

TJBM has problems with transportation. Right now, I don’t know how I’m getting home from work this evening!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would come get you but I don’t know where you are. Even if you told me where you were I still wouldn’t know.

The only problem with transportation right now is me getting up off my butt and getting into the car!

TJBM lives within walking distance of work.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, 5 steps to the stairs and 8 steps down, and I’m still home, now that I’m retired!

Strauss's avatar

OOPs! missed the edit window!

TJBM thinks I had another senior moment.

Dutchess_III's avatar

…It seemed sophomoric, than seniorish, to me. HA AHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!! Ok. It wasn’t that funny. :)

TJBM wishes they had a self loading and emptying dish washer.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM would be driving only if they had the willpower to do the road test.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I had the willpower a long time ago.

About an hour ago a van crashed into the lobby at the McDonalds in the town TJBM lives in.

RandomGirl's avatar

Umm nope. A drunk guy rammed through the DQ in town here last fall, though.

TJBM is waiting.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes. I am waiting, impatiently, for my 8 hour duty shift to end so that I can begin to enjoy a 3 day weekend.

TJBM hasn’t been to the movies in a while and would like to go see a new release.
But doesn’t want to pay the exorbitant price for the ticket and concession stand offerings.

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM went to a concert this week.

RandomGirl's avatar

TJBM has a cold.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, but I am freezing.

TJBM predicts that Trop Willie will respond next.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe . . . yes. maybe . . . . . no. . . .
let me look. YUP

TJBM has outside errands to do, mow the lawn, trim the bushes . .

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hopefully my husband will do that. I have a ton of inside errands to do, preparing for a big family dinner tomorrow.

TJBM can’t ever get the whole family together in one spot at the same time.

Strauss's avatar

If you talk about my siblings, it’s difficult. We are spread all over the coast, literally from coast to coast and border to border. We’re working on a reunion sometime later this year. I’m not sure…In my own family, the youngest is still at home, and the older two are in the area, but we still can’t all get to once place at the same time…Oh, well…

@Dutchess_III almost sounds like a Tyler Perry movie!

TJBM is enjoying the weather.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am. It’s beautiful. A bit on the chilly side, but I’m still leaving all the doors and windows open.

TJBM knows what to do in case of a tornado.

dxs's avatar

Saying as I’m from the Northeast, I wouldn’t be ready. I’d probably go somewhere underground.
The Jelly below me is enjoying this warm weather.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
genjgal's avatar

What warm weather? Frost tonight. At least it’s not snowing.

TJBM has read section 4–12 in Army Command Policy. (yeah I have)

RandomGirl's avatar

Umm no…? Why have you been reading Army Command Policy? I’m already laughing at the possible backstory here.

TJBM goes through phases of high activity on Fluther and then phases of ghostly absence.

genjgal's avatar

Sort of. Not really.

[lol…see my last question and you might know]

TJBM is studying in depth on how to write bills.

RandomGirl's avatar

I will be soon, after I’m done with basically all of school.

TJBM skis. Downhill, cross-country, or water?

genjgal's avatar

Nope. Only been downhill skiing once in my life.
TJBM is terrified of boats with motors. Particularly speed boats.

RandomGirl's avatar

Not really. I’ve been on them a few times in my life, and I’ve always been bored and cold. So the thought of being on a motorized boat just makes me think, “oh goody…”

TJBM finds the back-and-forth between @genjgal and myself has been interesting.

dxs's avatar

‘Tis absurdity.
The Jelly below me wants to stop this back and forth madness.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
genjgal's avatar

Can’t say I reckon so.

TJBM just watched 5 movies in a series in the last 24 hours.

dxs's avatar

I probably haven’t even watched 5 movies in 24 fortnights.
The Jelly below absolutely loves the outdoors and spends a ton of time outside.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
genjgal's avatar

No, I like it but not that much.
TJBM plays violin.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope – piano.

TJBM is about to get in the shower.

genjgal's avatar

in about an hour i will
TJBM needs to wash their sheets.

geeky_mama's avatar

True – but I’ve been holding off for a warm, sunny day to hang them outside on the line to dry.

TJBM loves the smell of sheets that have dried outside in the sunshine.

RandomGirl's avatar

Oh my goodness YES! It’s the most soothing, stress-relieving thing scent there is!

TJBM has forgotten to take their glasses off before getting in the shower. I didn’t remember to take mine off until I put my fingers up past my ears to get my hair soaked!

genjgal's avatar

yes actually back when I wore them. they are so annoying…
TJBM thinks life is easier now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was easier until I lost my job. But my husband has a good job so it IS still easier now than it was when I was a single mom.

TJBM is getting special treatment for Mum’s Day.

RandomGirl's avatar

Well, I’m not a mother, so not for Mother’s Day, but I am being pampered a bit. I injured my right hand (I’m right handed) somehow practicing piano yesterday. My hand is out of commission and I can’t do much. :/

TJBM has a funny injury they’ll tell me about.

Strauss's avatar

I do! Here’s the scenario: Open pasture, about sixty teenagers and forty adults. Place two bales of hay on end at either end of the field; Three rules: 1. No closed fists; 2. No intentional maiming or killing; 3. The ball may be held in hand for five seconds before kicking or passing.

At one point during the game, the ball was free; everyone was trying to get the ball out into the open for some passing and/or dribbling to the respective goal. I reached in with my hands at the same time another player (incidentally, my teammate) attempted a solid kick. My right pinky finger was caught between the ball and my teammate’s hiking boot! In the short time before the pain registered, I captured the ball, and threw it out toward another waiting teammate, then I looked at my hand. Then I felt the pain! When I looked at the back of my right hand, my thumb extended to the left (as it should), my index, middle and ring fingers extended forward (as they should) and my pinky finger extend 90 ° to the right (as it should not!). As I was held in a huddle while someone held my hand and pulled my finger to let it get back to (almost) its correct position, someone commented, “I guess you’ll never play piano again!” fortunately that was incentive for me to overcome the injury and practice intensely, until I could regain my old level of accomplishment on the instrument. It only took a couple of months.

TJBM is tired and about to turn in for the evening.

genjgal's avatar

Since it’s morning, no.
TJBM is currently in a math class…in their pajamas… wrapped up in a blanket…sitting on the couch…and eating breakfast…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes! Except I’m not in a math class unless you count this:
1. g → ♒(g)
2. ♒(g) v ¬♒(g)
3. ¬♒(g) → ♒(¬♒(g))
4. ♒(g) v ♒(¬♒(g))
5. ♒(¬♒(g)) → ♒(¬g)
6. ♒(g) v ♒(¬g)
7. ¬♒(¬g)
8. â™’(g)
9. ♒(g) → g
10. g
And I’m also not in my pajamas or wrapped up in a blanket . Or sitting on the couch. Or eating breakfast. But other than that, you’re spot on! :)

TJBM doesn’t know what the hell that was that I just posted up there.

RandomGirl's avatar

Umm, true… I think.

TJBM got up early.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, that’s relative! If you consider being up before noon “early” then, yes. I did.

TJBM wonders how Noah fit dinosaurs in his ark and wonders if the dinosaurs ate all the sheeps and pigs..

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope. Dinosaur eggs could have easily been gestating over the months they were on the Ark.

TJBM is in pain.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Haven’t heard that one before, but it’s interesting. Instead of taking 2 of every kind of animal, why not just take 1 pregnant one?

Not in pain, just feel like crap.

TJBM had a good breakfast.

RandomGirl's avatar

Well, you would need a way to make sure you ended up with a male and a female… But this thread isn’t a debate ;)

Sort of.

TJBM has posted in a TJBM thread for the sole purpose of responding to a particular post (like what I just did) and then done the normal thing just for uniformity’s sake.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Asking now! :)


TJBM wonders if any TJBM responses have ever been moderated.

Strauss's avatar

Not that I know of, but I could be wrong.

TJBM now has, has had in the past, or would consider in the future having a “friend with benefits.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, that would be my husband. :)

TJBM has posted a question based on some answers here.

genjgal's avatar

Um nope.
(How on earth would you know if the eggs were male or female? Considering the fact that reptiles don’t stop growing, I think the most likely case is the young ones were brought on the ark.)
TJBM thinks I’m a little bit coo-coo. (lol)

RandomGirl's avatar

Of course I do. Happiness is being friends with people whose craziness is compatible with yours.

TJBM likes to sit on their computer for longer than is healthy, watching interesting youtube videos.

genjgal's avatar


TJBM does not understand politics.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I understand enough to be able to keep up with what is going on in the country. Politics effect me too much to not have at least a basic understanding.

TJBM tries to keep up with the national news.

genjgal's avatar

very true
TJBM was a little depressed yesterday.

RandomGirl's avatar

More than a little.

TJBM has to stay away from the news or else they’ll get too worked up or depressed.

genjgal's avatar

Only occasionally.
TJBM pronounced fluther wrong at first.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I don’t believe so. I sounded it out and was pretty much dead on with my first pronunciation although I do admit I had to look up the definition of “Fluther” when I first joined the collective here.

TJBM isn’t a conspiracy theorist but they are skeptical from time to time about what the mainstream media reports and what they really believe happens in some situations.

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM pronounces their own name wrong sometimes.

RandomGirl's avatar

I guess so. After a few hours of phone banking (Hi, my name is Sarah…) during election season, I start saying my name really weird.

TJBM has had a great day come from a mistake. Today I had to wait for two extra hours for my bus, and it turned out that I was able to sit in the sun on the soft grass with some really awesome people. GREAT day!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not today so far! But I know what you mean. It’s cool that you turned that extra time into a fun event, instead of steaming and stewing and getting upset. :)

TJBM is still waiting.

genjgal's avatar

Sure, waiting for lots of things.
TJBM lives where the weather is bipolar.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes! 30 one day, 89 the next!

TJBM can’t seem to catch a break.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What is a break? I’m retired and seem to be going for more than forty hours a week. . . . :>)

TJBM get into things and volunteers for everything.

genjgal's avatar

Not unless it’s political.
TJBM has been on fluther for over 2 years.

RandomGirl's avatar

On and off, yes. This time around, it’s been about 7 months.

TJBM is working around an injury.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants the next iphone

genjgal's avatar

nope. Never even had the first one. haha
TJBM has a new idea and they hope they don’t get lazy and let it slide.

reijinni's avatar

Too late in many cases.
TJBM quit going to Sunday School.

tups's avatar

I never went to Sunday School.
TJBM wonders why anyone should go to school in the weekend.

Strauss's avatar

Usually, yes, but I have attended certain classes on Saturdays.

TJBM likes the TJBM thread.

RandomGirl's avatar

Always have and always will.

TJBM finds it hard to explain things to people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. They just have a hard time understanding!

TJBM got a really neat piece of new furniture today.

genjgal's avatar


TJBM can’t think of a question to ask…

dxs's avatar

I dont think of questions to ask, I ask questions when they come to me.
The Jelly below me is looking mighty dapper this fine evening.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
dxs's avatar

Why, yes I am, thank you!
The Jelly below me agrees.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM is going to try to get some more sleep tonight.

genjgal's avatar

haha no
TJBM is stressed.

geeky_mama's avatar

Actually, no..I’m feeling pretty bliss-ed out (which is great for a Tuesday at work).

TJBM has sunshine on a cloudy day.

dxs's avatar

Nahh it looks more like clouds on a sunny day. Or maybe I’m just a pessimist. Or would that make me an optimist?
The Jelly below me knows the answer to the above question.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Strauss's avatar

Nope. It depends on whether your speed is slow, fast, or just half-fast.

TJBM knows someone who is affected directly by the weather disasters of the last couple days.

RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM has had a busy day today.

tups's avatar

Not too busy, but it left me tired.

TJBM habla español.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No, but I can order a cerveza and than ask for the baños.

TJBM thinks drinking beer is only renting it.

Strauss's avatar

Yep. A old saying I heard: If you’re peeing clear, your peeing beer

TJBM pays attention to urine color.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes I do, especially living in the hot desert environment of Phoenix, Arizona. It is very easy to get dehydrated here so I drink a lot of water and make sure my urine is a clear color as often as possible.

TJBM believes in the merits of capital punishment.

RandomGirl's avatar

I do.

TJBM flip-flops on important issues. I do.

tups's avatar

I sure do, too.

TJBM does not feel free.

Strauss's avatar

Correct, but by choice. I am married.

TJBM is married and wishes s/he were not, or is not married and wishes s/he were.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m married and I’m cool with that.

TJBM is feeling a storm move in and thinks she should move to Denmark.

RandomGirl's avatar

Ummm yes on the first part, not sure about the second part.

TJBM is feeling contradicted. Like being in pain but being thankful for the pain, which is where I am right now.

tups's avatar


TJBM is laughing on the inside.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mmmm. Not at the moment.

TJBM has a family member or friend who LOVES snakes.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yes. I love snakes myself and one of my closest friends has a ball python.

TJBM recently took a trip down memory lane.

Strauss's avatar

Yes. I was recently tracked down by a friend of my youth.

TJBM likes family reunions.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do like family reunions…casual ones, though.

TJBM likes class reunions.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I do not like them actually. After attending my first one (10 year reunion) and seeing how unexciting and uninspiring it was, I never attended another one after that.

TJBM likes to take pictures with cameras that need to have film developed as opposed to using digital cameras.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um. I miss my old 35 mm. I really do. But the advantages of digital are so freaking awesome. Only problem is, I now have thousands and thousands of pictures piled up versus the few hundred I took in all the years of using my 35 mm. (Ha ha! I have rolls of 35mm that are 10 to 15 years old. I take them in to get them developed, 3 at a time, once a month. Talk about a walk down memory lane. It’s my children, many years ago.)

TJBM thinks that, for the most part, new technology is freaking awesome.

tups's avatar

Not for the most part, no. Depends on how you define new technology, I guess. I think refrigerators are great and owens and showers and stuff. There are some things I am not so keen on, though. The internet is great, but it has some serious dark sides. It’s like there’s more than one dimension between people. I don’t like smartphones. Do we really need to be online all the time? Can’t we just take a bus ride and look out the window? I think modern technology causes a lot of people stress. I also think we have to be careful not to lose ourselves.

TJBM likes French music.

RandomGirl's avatar

Mmm yes. As far as I know.

TJBM is holding their breath about something. (figuratively, that is) My 94-year-old grandfather fell and hit his head about a half hour ago. My mom jumped into the car to meet him at the hospital. I don’t know much about what’s going on. I’m holding my breath.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh oh….keep us informed, @RandomGirl My husband’s dad fell when he was 88. It was a bad deal, but he recovered fully. He’s 90 now, and one awesome man.

Well, I’m holding my breath waiting for a piece of cheescake to thaw out, but it’s frozen solid. Guess I’ll die before I get to eat it. But, on the bright side, think of all the calories I’ll save!

TJBM is tickled pink that WalMart now carries cheesecake from The Cheese Cake Factory! Even though she / he hates shopping at Walmart.

RandomGirl's avatar

Ooh they do?! Yes, I am!! Although I’ll be on a strict no-sugar diet for at least a month or two, because of my Lyme disease and the antibiotics.

@Dutchess_III: my mom just called and gave me some more info. He’ll be fine, but he has 6 stitches and my mom is staying with him for twenty-four hours.

TJBM thinks ads on TV are really tiring.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Most ads are really tiring. I like the AT&T kids, though.

TJBM thinks the Super Bowl ads have just sucked the last 4 years.

genjgal's avatar

I’m tired of all the half naked women. (so many ads are basically soft porn. :/ )
TJBM can’t see their neighbor’s house.

Strauss's avatar

Sorry, I can see 16 neighbors’ houses (there is a cul-de-sac right across the street from my house, and my large back yard has 5 lots against it!)

TJBM can’t think of anything to say to TJBH.

RandomGirl's avatar


Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes, I certainly can. If fact, I can do absolutely everything possible….in the Matrix at least.

TJBM is in agreement that no more Matrix sequels need to be produced. Or any more Star Wars movies for that matter also. (I heard Disney bought the rights and we’re going to make more.)

Strauss's avatar

I would agree that no more need to be made. You can say the same thing about the Hobbit, Friday the 13th,Die Hard, or any movie with so many sequels or parts.

Of course, anything Disney has the rights to will be produced with artistic quality only as a factor in commercialization

TJBM thinks Disney has bastardized many fairy tales and other stories by “disney-fication” of the story line.

reijinni's avatar

of course
TJBM has a sweating problem.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I have a freezing problem!

TJBM may have spent a lot of money foolishly recently.

RandomGirl's avatar

Mmm… A few weeks ago when I bought a dress that I’ll probably never be able to wear… maybe. But it was five bucks, so hey, whatever.

TJBM just figured out how to do something cool. I figured out how to do a waterfall braid. This will be my hairdo for the next few weeks. XD

genjgal's avatar

I figured out the waterfall braid like a couple of months ago.

TJBM really needs some ideas…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do. I do. Ideas on how to make money.

When dealing with jerks, TJBM has to remind themselves that we are all nothing more than Great Apes. Envisions a chimpanzee in place of my boss.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope, I remind myself we’re all just sinners saved by grace. :)

TJBM wasn’t expecting that response.

Strauss's avatar

I had no expectations, so no.

TJBM is lucky to have her/his s/o.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am. He’s a pain, but overall, I’m glad he’s around.

TJBM still hasn’t turned on their AC.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope. Broke out a few fans so far, but not very often. We’ve hit 80 maybe once so far. :)

TJBM injured themself today. I sliced my thumb open with a peach (pit).

Dutchess_III's avatar

We hit in the upper 90’s for two days!

RandomGirl's avatar

@Dutchess_III Huh?

TJBM has done ^that^.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup, invisible ink on my laptop.

TJBM knows where to get great Barbeque.

Strauss's avatar

Yeah, of any type: Texas, KC, St. Louis, Chicago, S. Carolina, Georgia, Memphis, you name it, I can find you a good outlet. But my personal favorite is smoked low and slow in my backyard.

TJBM has a backyard smoker.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cook on a Big Green Egg at least twice a month, year round. Did spare ribs a week ago, next cook pork shoulder, will cook for 15 to 18 hours.

TJBM goes to the gas/diesel station at least once a week.

RandomGirl's avatar

Nope. But I did pump gas on my own for the first time yesterday. I feel so young XD

TJBM didn’t do anything for Father’s Day yesterday.

genjgal's avatar

I did stuff.
(Totally should have known you and I would end up pumping gas for the first time on the same day! What did I expect…lol)

TJBM is amazed by how much they and their friend end up doing together.

RandomGirl's avatar

Yes, I am.

TJBM is excited. I just got a treatment plan put together, and I should be feeling a lot better in two weeks. Also, I’m going on an awesome trip in a bit over two weeks. Life is exciting.

genjgal's avatar

not really.

TJBM heard something freaky today.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yep. This

TJBM has had a birthday in the past week.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…no (I was considering my kids too…..)

TJBM has close family members who were all born in the same month.

genjgal's avatar


TJBM could really use some information finder that is even better than google. (for sure not bing…)

RandomGirl's avatar

Mmm yes.

TJBM is sticking to a strict regimen. Like being on 9 different prescriptions/supplements and having to stick to the dosage/time regimen every day…

genjgal's avatar

Nope, and I don’t envy you.

TJBM is becoming bored with something.

tups's avatar


TJBM is going on a trip.

genjgal's avatar


TJBM is really getting tired.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve been tired. Went on a 4 hour road trip with my daughter, her 9 year old and the twin infants. 1 hour of it was Getting Lost. Oh, that’s funny. I just finished posting that and then saw @tups answer!

TJBM is impatiently waiting for their food to thaw out because they’re STARVING!

genjgal's avatar

TJBM had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

Bluefreedom's avatar

True – when I think of the context of your statement being applied to my first marriage.

TJBM watches too much television although the shows they watch are quite populuar ones.

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope. I’m not much of a TV-watcher. Though, I did just get my first DVR so maybe I’ll start watching some of the TV I’m recording one of these days.

TJBM has a unique hobby.

genjgal's avatar

Unique to my age group, yes.

TJBM really only watches old TV.

RandomGirl's avatar

YES! And Psych. ;)

TJBM is waiting (somewhat impatiently) for the next episode of a favorite TV show. (The Psych season 7 finale isn’t going to air until December 2013 sometime…)

Strauss's avatar

Yes! We recently got a DVR package with our content provider. I have been following several shows on Syfy. Defiance, Warehouse 13, and several others.

TJBM finds certain TV shows addicting

OpryLeigh's avatar

Absolutely. Grey’s Anatomy is my current addiction.

TJBM has to face one of their fears in the next week?

dxs's avatar

I’d say so, yes. But I don’t think it’ll be too bad.
The Jelly below me wonders why this sentence ends in a question mark?

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (1points)
RandomGirl's avatar


TJBM is trying to start on a project, but the many possibilities for the project swirling around in their brain are holding them back. Me all the time :P

tups's avatar

Yes, the project is what to do in life.

TJBM has a clear dream about their future.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has been away form the website for a while.

RandomGirl's avatar

Yep. I go through phases.

TJBM has days when their earbuds just won’t stay in their ears.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t use ear buds. They creep me out.

TJBM offered WillWorkForChocolate a cherry-chocolate-bacon cheesecake if she would slap someone for them.

genjgal's avatar


TJBM doesn’t see any progress whatsoever in new printers.

Strauss's avatar

Except the 3-D type.

TJBM can help us in coping with the heat.

genjgal's avatar

The heat doesn’t bother me.

TJBM thinks it’s kinda creepy that I can still post on here even though I deleted my account and can’t do anything else. O.o

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It just another “undocumented, no charge, enhancement to Fluther”

TJBM likes happy glitches to computer systems.

genjgal's avatar

for sure

TJBM just got some really good news.

RandomGirl's avatar

Mmm, nope. Not lately. Actually, just heard something kind of sad – a guy I used to be fairly good friends with made a really bad decision and got kicked out of the camp where we’ve worked together. Surprising and disappointing.

TJBM feels kind of numb, for some reason… I think it’s just from being tired, for me at least…

reijinni's avatar

nope, just along week
TJBM can solve Detroit’s problems.

Strauss's avatar

Theoretically, yes. Let the City of Detroit (as well as the State of Michigan) go back to being run like a government and not like a business. This is what happens when we allow our governments to be run by corporate interests.

TJBM sees a lot in the news today that is of interest.

Coloma's avatar news is always good news. lol
TJBM will tell me if this Part 47 of the game is still active or not?

Strauss's avatar

Technically, yes, it’s still active. According to this search, “TJBM Part 47” has not yet reached 500 responses.

Realistically, it seems to have been dormant (more or less) for about 3 weeks.

nice goose, @Coloma!

TJBM sometimes finds Fluther boring.

Coloma's avatar

True….it has been rather quiet lately and I have no questions in mind. haha
TJBM is trying to drop a few pounds and hates being deprived

Coloma's avatar

@Yetanotheruser Thank You..that’s “Marwyn” stuffing himself on clover. lol

geeky_mama's avatar

Yep. I’m trying to lose a few pounds but I have “foodie” I struggle.

TJBM loves summer and never wants it to end.

Coloma's avatar

True and false both. I like summer, gardens and long daus and nice evenings, but I also hate the heat and am ready for a change right about now. haha

TJBM is in a serious funk right now

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where you guys been??

Not a serious funk, but a mini funk.

TJBM has a stomach ache from eating broccoli and cauliflower and chocolate chips.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, false, but..I am indulging in a few beers and a steak sandwich right now.

TJBM has a stiff neck

Strauss's avatar

No, the stiffness is farther down (no, not there! It’s sciatica!)

TJBM is getting prepared for Saturday stuff now.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM thinks we need to have a new voting system.

Coloma's avatar

I think we need an entirely new species in office. lol
TJBM is apolitical

Strauss's avatar

No, definitely political.

TJBM notices that this question seems to pop up when there is no other question available.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, that’s the first time I’ve seen it.

TJBM notices that this question seems to pop up when there are no other questions available! :)

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has attended Ted Nugent’s funeral.

Coloma's avatar

TJBM needs to ramp up their exercise but is not motivated

Bluefreedom's avatar

Negative. I’m a diabetic and I follow a strict exercise regimen and I’m a really healthy diabetic.

TJBM always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument but never got around to doing it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

True. I wanted to play the piano.

TJBM finds it really hard to do one thing that most people find easy.

tups's avatar

Yes indeed… or so it seems. Being alive, eh.

TJBM thinks being alive is easy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

TJBM does not use a cheat in WWF.

geeky_mama's avatar

True. I don’t like to use cheats.. reminds me of when people skip to the end and read the last chapter before reading the rest of the book.

TJBM has a house full of kids.

Coloma's avatar

False, My offspring launched about 9 years ago now. Just 2 cat kids. :-)
TJBM is still waking up with folgers in their cup

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I’m up.

TJBM is SICK of everyone elses drama.

Coloma's avatar

No drama here, but I AM sick of all the nosey old bittys I live around in my new place. My GAWD…..get a life nosey old women! lol

TJBM hates nosey people

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Yup, why I live in the middle of nowhere

TJBM is celebrating something big that happened

Dutchess_III's avatar

Kind of getting ready to!

TJBM needs to clean house now.

Coloma's avatar

False. Saturday morning is my cleaning day, done for the week. Yay!
TJBM is hungry!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Take my dogs, @Coloma. You will NEVER be done.
Nope. McD’s this morning. :)

TJBM really likes his or her vacuum cleaner.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Nope, annoying piece of crap

TJBM is currently watching Firefly.

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM doesn’t watch TV during the day.

Coloma's avatar

True. Only on occasional stormy days, but only netflix movies, not a TV person aside from a few, select documentaries on PBS, History, etc.
TJBM is trying to diet but not doing very well. I HATE being middle aged, the lbs. just stick to my ass like glue! Bah, pffft, snort, huff!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I don’t diet. But right now I am STUFFED. I had a thick piece of pork chop that my hubs grilled last night (that I didn’t eat last night) and 2 jalepeno poppers. Blea!

TJBM likes technology a lot, but doesn’t let it consume their life.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

~ ~ Excuse me what did you say? i was paying attention to my cellphone alert and my FB page. ~ ~

TJBM has owned more than 10 cell phones.

geeky_mama's avatar

I had to think about it, but yes..I have now had more than 10 cell phones..and that’s not counting the ones I pay for but my kids use!

TJBM has had a slow (and hot) Monday.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, and smokey.
TJBM is sensitive to burning wood

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How are you doing with the fires out there? ? ?

Not if if it is BBQ.

TJBM is getting dinner ready.

Coloma's avatar

Bleh! It’s been a smokey hell for days now.

False. Just finished about an hour ago.
Now going to have raspberry sherbet. :-)

Likes raspberry sherbet

Strauss's avatar

Sometimes, but not with a smokey flavor.

TJBM has mistaken the smell of fires for neighbors’ barbecue.

Coloma's avatar

False. BBQ smells good, burning weeds and brush do not.

TJBM enjoys a little herbal essence from time to time

tups's avatar

Yes yes.

TJBM grows stuff in their garden.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, just harvested some collards, turnips, kohlrabi,basil, rosemary and lettuce this morning.

TJBM is a morning person.

Coloma's avatar

I wake up early yes, but…I need about 2 hours of coffee to launch these days. Middle age slump. lol @Yetanotheruser, cool garden harvest, I have 3 tomatoes, squash and peppers right now.

TJBM hates it when they are exhausted but mentally wants to do something anyway

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. Why can’t I just go to sleep instead for a while?

TJBM needs to take a shower.

Coloma's avatar

False. Just did! haha

TJBM hates Clam Chowder. gak!

Strauss's avatar

False, I love a good clam chowder. Don’t know about “gak”!

TJBM loves good food in general.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, but I don’t get it very often.

TJBM has had a wild day so far.

Coloma's avatar

False, but a nice one.

TJBM is tired tonight

Ela's avatar

True, this is why I’m hitting the sheets.

TJBM is having breakfast

tups's avatar

Just had.

TJBM thinks noon is morning.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I WISH. I can’t seem to sleep past 7:30 a.m. any more and I don’t know why.

TJBM has a headache.

Coloma's avatar

Figuratively speaking yes. My nosey neighbors complained about my cat yesterday. Fucking city life, I gotta get out of here!

TJBM has got to get out of somewhere too

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just need to go somewhere else for a while. Anywhere else.

TJBM got something special the other day, and it wasn’t a cavity!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants Rob Ford to be their mayor.

Coloma's avatar

Who’s Rob Ford? lol
TJBM had mexican food for dinner and is too stuffed to move

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Seafood about a pound and a half of shrimp, stuffed not Mexican

TJBM has allergy to shellfish.

Coloma's avatar

False..I love shellfish!
TJBM is getting very sleepy

Strauss's avatar

Nope. Just had my super-caf coffee with extra shot of SToK!

TJBM is affected by the flooding in Colorado

Dutchess_III's avatar

Only via fb as I have friends in Colorado.

TJBM has been affected by flooding at some point in their lives.

geeky_mama's avatar

Not as severe as what’s in Colorado – but yes, I’ve seen my possessions floating in water in the basement a few times in life.

TJBM is focused on getting a lot done today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

False false false false! I’ve been running and gunning for 2 weeks. I put a dish in the dishwasher. I’m done for today!

TJBM is glad that God gives babies only to young people!

Coloma's avatar

Well…he gives them to a lot of grandparents too. lol
True though, at 53 my patience for screaming tykes is not what it used to be.
Men, dogs and kids are best admired from afar these days. lol

TJBM is enjoying a beautiful, sunny, perfect fall morning

Dutchess_III's avatar

Patience isn’t the problem…it’s the constant action!

Nope, cool, damp, rainy, but I love it.

TJBM is in a pickle financially.

Coloma's avatar

Yep. It sucks. Gone are the days of prosperity.
TJBM is hiungry!

Bluefreedom's avatar

True, I am hungry but not exactly hiungry. Off to make some lunch.

TJBM fervently believes in the merits of proper spelling in Fluther postings.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I due.

TJBM wishes someone would cook lunch for them.

Coloma's avatar

LOL…you two!
True, I am always the lunch maker.
TJBM recently found the perfect gift for someone without even trying

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Does it have anything to do (due) with Whipped Cream?

TJBM has a dinner to go to tonight. Someone else is cooking.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. No dinner tonight.

TJBM found a box of assorted chocolates at her daughter’s house, given to her by an admirer. TJBM stole one and put a note in the box that said, “CORRIE STOLE ONE OF YOUR CHOCOLATES!!!” Corrie is TJBM’s other daughter.

Strauss's avatar

No….just no further comment on that one, @Dutchess_III

TJBM has the windows open today!

Dutchess_III's avatar

True! And wore a light sweatshirt this morning!

TJBM has grandkids who fight over them.

Ela's avatar

Nopers. No grandkids yet.

tjbm is excited for Halloween candy! candy! candy!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, not excited for Halloween. Or Thanksgiving. Or Christmas. Work, work, work. Spend, spend, spend.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM has a mind to post random Youtube songs like This one

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I don’t mind at all. . .

TJBM thinks Wednesday is “Camel Day”.

Strauss's avatar

Yeah, my camel’s named Clyde…and I ride…‘cross the burnin’ desert

TJBM can separate an artists art from their politics.

Coloma's avatar

True, but I prefer apolitical artists myself. lol
TJBM has fall allergies bleh

tups's avatar

Yes, I am allergic to the Northern darkness that slowly invades the days.

TJBM has been to Buenos Aires.

Coloma's avatar

False, but I have been to Asia

TJBM wants to run away from life

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not really. I’d like to run TO life, someplace somewhere anywhere but here for now. I think it’s called a vacation.

TJBM can have nothing more than a bowl of steamed broccoli and cheese for dinner and be satiated.

geeky_mama's avatar

Too true. Not the least bit hungry after a few days of big meals this week.

TJBM is out of the country (their home country) at the moment.

Strauss's avatar

No, unfortunately, I haven’t been abroad since my stint in Uncle Sam’s Far East Marina in 1970. Wish I could.

TJBM understands what the US government shutdown is all about.

Coloma's avatar

Not really, and I don’t care. lol
TJBM doesn’t care

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do care. Not particularly worried about the shutdown, but I do care and I’m pissed at our governor.

TJBM thinks there should be 2 ‘Z’s’ allowed in World With Friends.

reijinni's avatar

don’t play that game.
TJBM wants their country to be a part of China.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Only insofar as teacher’s in China are held in the highest regard.

TJBM wants their country to be a part of Canada.

tups's avatar

Not really.
TJBM would like to live in Japan.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would like to visit there. The culture shock would be too much for this Kansas girl!

TJBM is a handiperson.

Strauss's avatar

Yep, that’s my job now that I’m retired…Handiperson, gardener and stay-at-home-type dad!

TJBM originally feared the worst when (s)he heard about the shooting in Washington DC.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No…I just now heard about it.

TJBM has the #1 most awesome son in the world!

Coloma's avatar

False. #1 most awesome daughter! Smart, funny.ambitious, a chip off the old mother block. lol
TJBM is baking their 1st pie of fall. Oh man, blueberry pie coming up!

Strauss's avatar

No, but I did make my first ever batch of mozzarella cheese last week. It came out a little bland, even with fresh basil from the garden. I’ll just have to adjust the amount of salt I use next time.

TJBM has recently completed or will soon complete a first-time (ever, of the year, of the season, etc).

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to come di(n)e with TJAM.

Coloma's avatar

Sure! I’m starving, whatta’ya makin’?

TJBM is a foodie.

Strauss's avatar

Sure! Let’s call it a dinner party! I’ve been cooking to some extent for over 50 years. I like food so much I decided I needed to learn to cook. But don’t worry, @Coloma, I won’t cook your goose!

TJBM is also a foodie!

geeky_mama's avatar

Yep, I confess I’m a bit of a foodie. I’m a better baker than I am cook, though.

TJBM likes to hike in crisp fall weather.

Coloma's avatar

True, well…not really hike, just walk, not so briskly. lol

TJBM is enjoying one of those perfect fall days right now. Awesome over here, coolish, about 68–70, slightly breezy, perfect afternoon!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am. I wish I had a fire going though!

TJBM has yet another day of running around like crazy.

Strauss's avatar

No, but I do have a fire going!

TJBM is watching for the freeze and/or frost warnings.

Coloma's avatar

False. Sunny and beautiful here all week in the mid-70’s. Cold mornings, warm afternoons. Just perfect!

TJBM needs kick start on their exercise program

geeky_mama's avatar

Yep, I sure do. Or, at least more consistency.

TJBM wishes there was really a way to block telemarketers and unwanted solicitors from calling their home & cell phone.
(National Do Not Call Registry my foot! Doesn’t seem to matter!)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@geeky_mama I can go in and block on my cell and land line on the interweb for my phones services for habitual telemarketers.

TJBM is tired of it raining and raining and… TEN DAYS cloudy and raining or drizzling.

Coloma's avatar

False! I want rain! It is nice and sunny here but we need rain!

TJBM likes the pumpkin theme going on here. lol

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Who you calling pumpkin theme, Willis ? ? ”

TJBM is tired and going to bed.

Coloma's avatar

Hah! True, like in 5 minutes!

TJBM snores like a buffalo

Bluefreedom's avatar

False. According to my wife, I snore rather quietly. Whatever that means.

TJBM has either seen a buffalo with their own eyes or they’ve eaten buffalo meat.

tups's avatar

No, I’m a vegetarian, but I’ve eaten buffalo mozzarella!

TJBM is a vegetarian.

Strauss's avatar

No, tried it a few times. Just not for me.

TJBM is an omnivore.

Coloma's avatar

True. I don;t cook meat every day but yep, I do enjoy a good burger, tacos, spaghetti sauce and chili, and chicken too.

TJBM hates state workers lol

reijinni's avatar

nope, depends on the worker.
TJBM has ran to the Bible when there is nothing on the roll.

Coloma's avatar

False, I’m a new agey type not a christian.

TJBM is looking forward to seeing the new “Carrie” movie this weekend

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope, too scary for me. (I’m a wimp.) But…I did see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2..because that’s what my kiddos wanted to see. (It was cute.)

TJBM is celebrating the fall weather by baking in mass quantities.

Coloma's avatar

No baking , but have made soup and chili.
I liked Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2, also. :-)

TJBM woke up still tired today

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM has an earlier start than usual tomorrow.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is playing the dozens.

Strauss's avatar

Dozens? Not sure what that is, so no…

TJBM is looking forward to a nice fall walk with her/his pet.

Coloma's avatar

Well…my cats don’t walk with me, but my goose used too. haha
TJBM is doing a rain dance

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to eat poutine using chopsticks.

geeky_mama's avatar

Ewww. No thanks..actually, no thanks on poutine in general.

TJBM is a master of procrastination.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, doing it right now. lol my defense just kicked ass on the housework all morning but still need to go do some errands…bah! I’m tired today! haha

TJBM needs 9 hours of sleep to feel optimum

ibstubro's avatar

False. I can easily get by on 6–7 hours.

TJBM used to bite their toenails.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants a new congressman.

tups's avatar

I am not American and have no opinion about that.
TJBM would like to dance tango in Buenos Aires.

Coloma's avatar

True, with some Coca leaves for extra Tango energy. lol
TJBM has traveled internationally

ibstubro's avatar

Sorry, I’ve not been out of North American, but I guess the US, Canada and Mexico qualifies?
TJBM attended at least one private school.

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM had a little victory today.

reijinni's avatar

not yet
TJBM is going to dress as a giraffe his Halloween.

Coloma's avatar

False. But I did win “best dressed man” at a party once. I dressed up like a construction worker, tool belt, leans, boots, stuffed a blanket in my falnnel shirt for a beer belly effect, wore my hair up under a hard hat with a blonde mustache. I looked like Captain Kangaroo. lol

TJBM is having a hard time getting motivated today

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, very much. Not having a very productive day. I actually said to my teenager that I feared I had lost the will do do anything other than play Candy Crush and eat McDonalds Mighty Wings. Though, to my credit, I resisted both the mindless game playing and the wings…at least up to now…

TJBM loves the Oatmeal. Both this kind and this kind.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, I love oatmeal, have it for breakfast several times a week. The first site is one I could grow to love over the next six months. I think maybe the second one too.

TJBM is doing a late-night project.

Coloma's avatar

False. It is 9:23 on the west coast and am about to go to bed. My cat is sitting on my desk next to my laptop with her eyes closed. Goodnight kitty. lol’

TJBM loves peanut butter on celery

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes I do. I also like peanut butter on carrots too.

TJBM loves cream cheese on celery.

Coloma's avatar

True, and, sweet chili sauce over creme cheese and cottage cheese for chip dipping. :-)

TJBM is going to see Bad Grandpa Jackass movie

ibstubro's avatar

Not seen a movie in the theater since the..80’s? 90’s?

Cottage cheese and sweet chili sauce sounds really good?

reijinni's avatar

not really
TJBM wants all the chick-fil-a restaurants to go out of business.

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, because their owner is a hateful bigot.

TJBM won’t knowingly spend money at a place of business that will profit people who are evil misogynists and/or homophobic bigots (even if they made tasty food).

Coloma's avatar

Does Walmart count and their purchasing meats from abusive factory farms? Yep, very true.

TJBM loves Tuna sandwiches with sweet pickle relish

Tropical_Willie's avatar

With fine chopped onions and celery TOO!

TjBM has trouble WIth the sHift key Some TiMEs>

Coloma's avatar


TJBM has a really cool computer chair

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Forty year old couch with a pillow on the coffee table for foot rest..

tjbm has Kneeling Chair .

ibstubro's avatar

Designed by Catholics, obviously, who are versed in giving penance. 3 Hail Marys and an hour in the Kneeling Chair.

TJBM has lost everything dear to them at some point.

Strauss's avatar

On several occasions, before I settled down and got married.

TJBM can hardly wait for the weekend and @ETPro’s NSFW thread.

Bluefreedom's avatar

True. It’s only Monday and I want it to be Saturday…..pronto!
(Not too excited about any NSFW threads though.)

TJBM is not a fan of Loverboy’s tune “Working for the Weekend”

ibstubro's avatar

WRTW isn’t a BAD tune. I’d sooner Black Crows “Go Faster” or even Alabama’s (I’m in a Hurry to Get Things Done”. lol

TJBM cheated at Battleship when they were a…what’s a baby jellyfish?...jel?

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

TRUE! Some of the pieces fit diagonally. My brother had FITS! TJBM is a thumb sucker

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. But I bite my nails which may be related.

TJBM wasn’t ready for fall.

Coloma's avatar

False, but I wasn’t ready for the time change. Bah Humbug!
TJBM has a list a mile long to things to do today

ibstubro's avatar

False. I’m coasting, as is my wont.

@Dutchess_III sure I was, it followed a big trip!

TJBM is minty fresh, and plays nicely with lamb.

Coloma's avatar

I am goosey fresh and if you even mention plum sauce or pate around my feathered friends I will truss you up like a roast turkey and put on you on the spit.

TJBM enjoys playful people whose personalities surpass that of a loaf of bread

ibstubro's avatar

False. I have pampered pumpernickel that has a positively powerful personality. It never loafs, it slices to the heart of the matter and descends from lots of old dough. Egos that can equal it are unequivocally entertained here.

TJBM eats toast in bed.

Coloma's avatar

False, I’ve slept with enough crumbs already.

TJBM is hungry NOW!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, yes I AM!!

TJMB is finally putting their house back together.

Strauss's avatar

Yeah, but it seems to be falling apart faster than I can get it back together!

TJBM is expecting guests at some time this holiday season.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mmmm. Probably. Haven’t thought that far ahead yet.

Coloma's avatar

TJBM noticed that @Dutchess_III forgot the tag line here

ibstubro's avatar

TRUE. And I was unsure of the procedure here, so I left it alone.

TJBM likes to drink beer and watch thunderstorms.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…true, actually I’d prefer to have a happy brownie and watch them from a hot tub naked in the rain. C’mon baby light my fire! lol

TJBM has an appt. in 3 minutes they are dreading

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No appointments tonight, it is 8:18 PM.

TJBM thinks it s time to have a class in proper punctuation in sentences.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Oh absolutely because without punctuation poor readers get confused not to mention breathless because it is important sometimes to inhale and exhale and we wait for punctuation to do that although sometimes it is confusing which punctuation should be used and where.
TJBM is blue in the face.

ibstubro's avatar

True. I was holding my breath to see if you’d ever stop rambling.

TJBM has never consumed an illegal substance.

Coloma's avatar

False, I’m a 70’s girl, but no long lasting habits.
TJBM was a 70’s girl

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No, but I don’t remember a lot of stuff from the 60’s and 70’s. ;>)

TJBM remembers their grammar school teachers names.

ibstubro's avatar

LaRue, Williams, Carey, Harlow, Jenkins and Hams.

TJBM has one spectacular holiday dish that’s always requested.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Nope. My specialities run with comfort foods. No big trick there My daughter and I have agreed to make cooking and experimentation with such things as appetizers and desserts our holiday events and new tradition. One year we did a seafood smorgasborg for thanksgiving
TJBM doesn’t give a hoot and just looks forward to the gift haul they will collect during the holidays.

Coloma's avatar

False. I’m in it for time with my daughter, good food and laughter, a few gifts, but that is not where the focus lies.

TJBM is irritated by demented elderly people that obsess on every little thing

( neighbor yesterday…” could you come here and tell me WHAT this IS?” pointing to a rivet in the metal molding on their sliding glass door.
Me:” It is a screw/rivet holding the molding in place.”
Them: ” But, but…I have NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE, HOW did it get there, WHY is it there?”

Me: It’s just part of the door…walking away as elderly person makes high pitched ” Ooooooooooh sounds and keeps repeating… I don’t understand WHY I have never seen that before!” pointing trigger finger at head

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. My mom had Alzheimer’s. It was a confusing, terrifying time for her.

TJBM has an insane cat.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III I know, but still annoying, sad too.
False, 2 very cute and smart and well behaved cats.

TJBM is having a hot flash lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. I have never had a hot flash in my life. Once I told my obgyn, who was a male, that perhaps I’d had some but didn’t know it. He told me that a female friend of his said that a hot flash was like an orgasm. You know it when you have one! I thought about that for a second then gleefully said, “Bring it on!!” He laughed and said, “Well, not like THAT!”

TJBM thinks it would be cool to get to baby sit twin babies sometimes.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

True I would have loved to when I could, BUT now my hands are unreliable and my mobility impaired and I wouldn’t want to trust their safety to my difficulties.
TJBM has a real slow signal like me and thinks it’s time to restart this thread.
(I’m still learning this stuff, I’m afraid of messing it up.)

ibstubro's avatar

True. I have a pretty slow connection, too.

TJBM knows the ins and outs of starting “The Jelly Below Me – Part 48!”

reijinni's avatar

TJBM forgot to put some bleach into their gas tank.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No more trans-fats and never put bleach in the gas tank.

TJBM wants to know how to get to TJBM #48 and that’s the way.

ibstubro's avatar

True. I just came from there!

TJBM can TJBM at more than one location.

Coloma's avatar

Huh? You mean like Starbucks? lol

TJBM loves veggie pizza

ibstubro's avatar

TRUE TRUE TRUE. Do you mean real pizza with veggies or the kind with crescent roll crust and cream cheese. YUM. Let’s have one for appetizer and the other for entree!

TJBM has a famous renegade in their family history.

Coloma's avatar

All pizza is god! :-)
True…I have old timers that were actually tarred and feathered for being part of the underground railroad and smuggling slaves during the civil war era. Eeek!

TJBM always uses their turn signal

ibstubro's avatar

True. Well, 98% of the time.

TJBM Scream out loud at people making traffic violations.

Strauss's avatar

No, but I do talk out loud to the characters on TV.

TJBM has talks to her/himself.

Bluefreedom's avatar

True. I have done this at one time or another but not on a regular basis.
No voices in my head talking to me either.

TJBM is an articulate speaker but doesn’t like to participate in public speaking opportunities.

Coloma's avatar

True and true/false. I don;t want to give a eulogy at a funeral but I will happily do some stand up comedy.

TJBM has to GO to the bathroom

Strauss's avatar

Nope, just got back.

@Coloma Somehow, I think a comic monologue would not be a bad thing at my funeral!

TJBM is looking forward to a REALLY GREAT DAY!

ibstubro's avatar

True! Yesterday was a glorious fall day here…sunny and crisp. Today promises the same.

TJBM has a secret that they’re dying to share.

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