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Brie's avatar

I'm going to fail my Algebra final?

Asked by Brie (283points) May 3rd, 2013
13 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I have a final test in algebra on Monday.
I’m worried I’m going fail because rather than making sure we understood how to solve problems, my teacher felt pressured with time and has spent the last two months cramming up to 4 lessons in one day. I don’t remember much of it at all.

She’s been doing review this week and I missed it because I’ve come down with pneumonia and had to stay out of school.
She’s having saturday school tomorrow to review again but I really don’t feel like I can make it with my chest being so sore and the zpack I’m taking makes me nauseous.

I have to take it on Monday. It’s a state test so no exceptions.

I guess I don’t really have a question but I need some advice or a pep talk :(

I feel like I’m going to fail miserably and it’s hardly my fault.

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Brie First your not going to fail. What state are you in? And what can you do over the weekend to get ready for the test.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Shit happens.

All you can do at this point is study as much as you can before Monday and do your absolute best. Who knows? It may be easier than you think.

If you happen to pass it, great! If you fail, so be it. Will you fail the entire class if you bomb the final or are your other grades from the semester good enough to save you? Hopefully it’s the latter but, even if it’s not, you’ll just have to retake it. It’s not the end of the world.

I had a final today for the hardest class I’ve taken in college thus far – Sensation and Perception. Blech! So much material and sooo boring. Well, I’ve been slack this semester and missed way more class than I should have. I missed many lectures and never even cracked open the book. I thought for sure I’d fail and get a C in the class. Well, the test turned out to be super simple (thanks, professor!) and I aced it. All that worrying over nothing.

Just chill.

talljasperman's avatar

Failing a class Is not your fault… maybe you are meant to be an artist. Education is always a success if you learn about what you want and what you don’t.

P.s. don’t focus on the test it exists to help you measure how your creatively what works and what doesn’t… you should focus on enjoying your math classes if you don’t pass then It’s not your fault… Maybe you aren’t meant to have math in the career that you will go to… be your self and you will be honestly where you need to be. Have faith in your school… If your not meant to be a Ph.D in math doesn’t mean you can be a member of a profession that doesn’t require math. I took my diploma exam in math over 10 times and I got the bare minimum marks to get a high school diploma. I made it to university with a 50% math mark.

Brie's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Well, a friend brought over some practice worksheets that I missed.
I plan on studying those.

But if I don’t understand a problem, I can’t go in on Monday and ask my teacher. The test is in the morning as soon as I get to school.

And I’m in Tennessee. The education is horrible. I’m not from here originally so I can say these teachers literally teach to the test and in the weeks before the tests, they cram in as much as they can. I don’t remember a thing I’ve learned in school since 8th grade (when I moved here).

Brie's avatar

@livelaughlove21 I can’t retake it. It’s a state issued test. My grade is final and permanent.

I don’t know if my grades are going to help me because I don’t have any other grades!

We haven’t taken a test since the first nine weeks of the semester.

She said we didn’t have time and so in the two weeks I have left of school after the final, we’re going to take as many tests and homework grades as we can fit in.

And being forced to take tests, one right after the other, on information I learned two months ago, I’m probably going to fail them too!

Brie's avatar

@talljasperman I am actually an artist. I draw comics.

But the college I want to go to requires that I have a 4.0–3.0 GPA and a high ACT score.

I had a 4.0, but then I made a B in my other math class by two points.

And the highest score you can make on the ACT is a 36, I take all “advanced placement” classes and some of my friends are really intelligent and yet they’ve only made a 23–25 on it.

I’m probably going to make like a 19! I just feel bummed. I used to be really smart and I feel like my grades are suffering because of things out of my control (the pneumonia) and bad teachers.

talljasperman's avatar

@Brie You seem to be giving all your power away from yourself to the university’s… Don’t change for anyone other than yourself… you will be where you need to be…
Try it from this perspective if someone you just met says your a 6 of 10 and should try a little harder and put on some some makeup… Hopefully you would toss his but to the curb. It’s not your fault it universities are so short sighted by not letting you into their exclusive club then it is their problem and their loss. Bad enough that people are changing and denying who they really are for the right to pay $10 – 80 thousand dollars a year “for a dream college”... A dream college shouldn’t hurt to get in… nor should it ever require a student to change a core belief and your very soul just to get a shot at being the top 2% who actually get a job after college then something is wrong…
Some people believe in soul mates I’m starting to think that universities are manipulating peoples core beliefs to market them selves better.

CWOTUS's avatar

Take the test if you have to and accept the result, whatever it is. More important than that, accept the responsibility for the result. (You get to accept responsibility when things go right, and this is the flip side of that coin. It’s what maturity and growing up are all about, and those are a hell of a lot more important than one algebra class. Algebra you can make up.)

Most of what is wrong with the world today traces to… “but it’s not my faaaauuuulllllt!” (cried out in a plaintive, whiny, nasal, how could I have possibly helped that? tone of voice). “It’s not my fault!”… which is when those people start looking for someone else to blame. Don’t be one of those.

If you’re going to fail, then fail and accept that the failure was yours. Determine how to correct that, move on and make the correction. Repeat as needed and win at life.

snowberry's avatar

Never mind how horrible your present school situation is. Do your best where you are and go to community college to get your generals out of the way. Then get the highest possible grade point you can. If they are high enough they can overpower your high school grades, and you might still have the possibility of getting into that school.

LostInParadise's avatar

If you do not understand a problem while going over a worksheet, ask us! There are a few of us here who can explain things as well as your teacher could.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Brie I meant retake the class, not the test. You can’t retake the class? What kind of school is this?

My point is that worrying about it won’t change the situation and it certainly won’t help your grade. One failed test will not ruin your life.

gailcalled's avatar

I too would suggest strongly that under the circumstances, you ask the mathematicians here to help with specific problems. Consider it sick-leave tutoring.

Inspired_2write's avatar

If you pass the test then fine right?
You will always be worrying about measuring up, until you wake up and realize
that you you cannot measure yourself with others.
In short measure your progress with YOUR past progess, not someone
elses idea.
Have a Plan B always in case what you desire at this moment does not
pan out.
I suspect that you may be afraid of the consequences IF YOU PASS this test?
(then you would HAVE to continue along this unwanted path).
Sometimes Plan B is the best plan that sets you onto YOUR career path that is suitible for you.

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