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yankeetooter's avatar

Anybody else have a worse Mother's Day than me?

Asked by yankeetooter (9651points) May 12th, 2013
25 responses
“Great Question” (7points)

My mother had a stroke today, and is still in ICU as I post this.

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XOIIO's avatar

I’m pretty sure someone somewhere has.

Blueroses's avatar

I’m sorry.

I hope she got help quickly. It’s not the trauma it used to be. So many treatments are available now.

Be well. My thoughts are with you.

Jeruba's avatar

I think maybe she did.

yankeetooter's avatar


@Blueroses…they were able to quickly give her help because my sister happened to stop by her house earlier than usual. I shudder to think if that had not happened…

Blueroses's avatar

Our little hospital has the best stroke-response team in the quad-state area. I see it every single day. First responder throws cryo blanket and lovenox. Immediate radiology locates the clot and it’s hit FAST!

I remember what it was when my great grandpa had a stroke. It is nothing like that now. Nearly always, we see full recovery.

I know that takes nothing away from the scare of seeing your mother that way. I know.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I surely hope your mother is recovering well. All the best with that.

My son’s friend and classmate graduated Miami University yesterday. Thirty five family members came in town to celebrate his accomplishment.

The boy died in a car accident this morning.

Blueroses's avatar

Oh, God, @RealEyesRealizeRealLies

Those are the ones that make me sob. So much lost potential and at the time of celebration. I don’t know if I could survive that loss. My heart goes out to his family (that sounds so lame compared to what I feel)

Coloma's avatar

@yankeetooter Oh I am sorry, best wishes to you and yours.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Tragic, that’s all. :-(

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Well I’m not trying to take anything away from the OP troubles. It’s tough dealing with family member health tragedies. It’s all relative.

And I’m ashamed to say, as selfish as it sounds, I’m glad my son came back home for mother’s day, and wasn’t in the car with his friend. He’s leaving tomorrow to go be with their family. I just can’t imagine.

No doubt that any tragedy or hardship is exponentially more difficult to deal with when it happens during a time of celebration, be that mother’s day, or graduation.

gondwanalon's avatar

I had very high pressure and intense 10 hours on the job today with only one small break (6 minutes). I feel like a truck ran over me but it isn’t even close to what you are going through.

Good health to you and your Mother!

livelaughlove21's avatar

What @Jeruba said.

Other than a horrendous sunburn, mine was decent.

Sorry about your mom.

YARNLADY's avatar

Oh, I’m so sorry for your pain.

My Sister-In-Law and her husband spent the day in the hospital with their youngest son (a teen ager) because he was taken in for emergency surgery because of severe pain due to gall stones and pancreatitus. The surgery had to be postponed because he developed fluid on the lungs and is now in ICU.

Bellatrix's avatar

:-( I hope your mum is doing okay @yankeetooter.

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies, that is very, very sad.

ucme's avatar

Those folks shot at in new orleans had a pretty shitty time.

crazygal's avatar

so sorry :( hope she is fine now

Pachy's avatar

I’m so sorry, @yankeetooter—for you, for her. That is a rotten thing to happen any day, let alone on the day you should be celebrating your mom, not fearful for her. I’m hoping that next Mom’s Day will be a happy one for both of you.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not to be sappy about this, but what an opportunity for you to show your devotion to your mother – taking care of her in a day of need and trauma. Just as she took care of you in your childhood.

In a way, this is“honoring your mother” in one of the best ways possible.

ldyhskpr's avatar

First Mothers day without my mom, it was very hard but I just tried to stay busy

JLeslie's avatar

@yankeetooter Sorry to hear about your mom. What is the prognosis? As many mentioned, if it is caught early many people have full recoveries from stroke. Do they know what might be affected, which part of the brain it was in? I guess maybe Mother’s day saved her life, maybe, hopefully, will result in a full recovery? That is assuming your sister went by your mom’s house for Mother’s day?

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies OMG! That’s just awful. Of course you are glad your son wasn’t in the car, no shame in that. Was the graduate the only one in the car? He was driving? Was he drunk? Such a horrible trajedy.

keobooks's avatar

My mother’s day was OK, but my mother in law had the worst one, IMO. Her sister died and on the way from the hospice, some teenager T-boned her car and totalled and she spent the day in observation to make sure she didn’t have a head injury.

Sorry about your mom. I hope she got it caught early enough to make more of a recovery.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

All the best for your mom, I hope she gets over the tough parts soon. Courage to you and yours who will be helping her stand on her feet again.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@JLeslie Apparently, his girlfriend was driving. I’m getting sketchy details because it’s not my immediate family. My son gets details from family members he doesn’t really know that well. I think they were heading home from a graduation party. I don’t know her condition, or if they were drinking. Waiting for my son to update me.

And I meant to say University of Miami FLA… not Miami U in OH.

yankeetooter's avatar

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and words. I went to see her again today, and she was looking much better. We could understand what she was saying too. Still no word on how long she will be in the hospital.

JLeslie's avatar

@yankeetooter Thanks for the update. I’m glad things seem to be going in the right direction.

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Did the girlfriend die also? So, I am guessing you have no idea if the accident was her fault? Did it involve other cars? It could have been just sleepy driving, which is as bad, can be worse than drunk driving. I am not assuming her fault, even other people on the road at late hours is dangerous in general.

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