Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Do we need to update some songs for modern days?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) June 5th, 2013

like if the Bare-Naked Ladies songs if I had a million dollars, was changed to If I had a billion dollars ( Seeing one million just isn’t enough for some people ) ? Could we have fun listing some songs the need to be updated?

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14 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

I found this online in YouTube

CWOTUS's avatar

Absolutely. The Star Spangled Banner is in need of a serious re-write.

O’er the land of the free, home of the brave? Don’t think so.

How about concluding that song with:
“Well let’s wrap this up now, and get on with the game.”

It has the same meter and rhyme; it ought to work out okay.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Tweet A Little Prayer for You
Hey Dude
Dedicated to the One I Like (Sort of, But I Can’t Promise Anything)
The High Cost of Divorce Will Keep Us Together
Days of Red Bull and Rhododendrons
Hello, I Love You, Won’t You Text Me Your Name?
Good Morning, Chemtrails ( from new version of “Hair” now “Buzz Cut”)
I Wanna Hold Her Liquid Sanitized Hand
Working Nine to Nine
Cry Me A Clean Aquifer
Light My Sustainably Sourced Fire
Happiness is a Warm 3-D Printed Gun
If I Fell In Love With You (Would You Promise to Update Your Status on Facebook?)
The Fools On the (Capitol) Hill
You’ve Got A Cyber Friend
Manolos Are a Girl’s Best Friend
Why Don’t You Skype Me Anymore?
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and MSG
It’s My Party and I’ll Filibuster if I Want to
Across the Multiverse
Love Bytes
Where Do Broken Drives Go?
Saving All My Phone Credit for You
If You Don’t Redneckognize Me By Now (You Will Never, Never Know Me)

Pachy's avatar

Songs (like movies) were right for their times. I say let them be and just write new ones.

starsofeight's avatar

In my youth, I enjoyed reading Mad Magazine. They usually had a section entitled ‘songs sung to the tune of’. It was hilarious. They did parodies of moon river, white Christmas, downtown, and many other favorites. But I agree with Pachyderm_In_The_Room; new calls for new.

bkcunningham's avatar

You know you are old when someone wants to update a song by Barenaked Ladies to a modern song.

ucme's avatar

3 genetically modified mice
3 genetically modified mice
See how they, err…grow an ear on their backs!!

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Well before modernization I’m pretty sure this song was written for all of you dorks. o_0

talljasperman's avatar

@nofurbelowsbatgirl was that Howie Mandel, in the song at the bar stool? 2:29 into the video.

OneBadApple's avatar

I think Bone Thugs-n-Harmony re-did one of the old standards….

You are my ****in’ sunshine
My only ****in’ sunshine
You make me ****in’ happy
When mother ****in’ skies are gray…..

(Not sure, but I may have just dreamed this…..)

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room…. Thank you…and I have to agree with you…songs were
made as a reflection of their time. Hence my (absurd) song titles.

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