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Katniss's avatar

What are your thoughts on Theresa Caputo (The Long Island Medium)?

Asked by Katniss (6656points) July 8th, 2013
18 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Do you think she’s the real deal? A hack?

I believe that she truly has a gift. My fiancé thinks she’s a joke.
I want to drive to Long Island and spend $200 for a reading. He says “Hell no”. lol

Does anybody watch her show? What do you think?

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syz's avatar

All mediums are hacks. Her gift is separating the gullible from their money.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (5points)
JLeslie's avatar

I’ve seen her a few times. She seems to have some sort of gift, maybe it is just intuition? I don’t really believe in that sort of thing but if you want to do it go ahead. I once had a reading by a woman who worked for me, and she didn’t tell me everything she saw, and I do wonder what she saw now. She made a face like something was wrong when She was talking about me having children and I did have very bad GYN health problems and never had children even though I always wanted them.

Pachy's avatar

Your fiancé is the only genuine meduim—er, medium—in this scanario. He correctly foretells the future waste of $200.

elbanditoroso's avatar

This is more of a relationship issue than a parapsychology issue.

If you have your own $200 and want to squander it on a reading, that’s your right as an individual. If he wants to stop / forbid you from doing so, then that tells me more about his need for control in the relationship than anything else.

For my two cents: it’s a waste of $200. But if it’s your money and your desire, who am I (or who is the fiance) to tell you not to squander it in any silly thing you want?

Katniss's avatar

Thank you for your answers!

Here is part of the reason, actually most of the reason, that I want to spend the money and want her to be real.
My fiancés mom passed away 11 years ago. Even though he’s an adult it left him kind of lost and pretty much without anybody else in the world that he could really count on (until I came along). He told me that he left a lot of things unsaid and I would love for him to get some kind of closure. I realize I’m being silly, but I want that so bad for him. Unfortunately, the chances of getting him to drive from Albany to Long Island just to “waste” $200 are pretty much zero.

Katniss's avatar

@elbanditoroso No control issues here. The only thing he’s ever flat out told me no about is my desire to get Botoxed.

syz's avatar

Oh, man, you’re not talking about doing it for yourself, but for your skeptic boyfriend?

Ok, this is just me. But if someone that I was in a relationship with professed to believe in mediums, I’d probably hold my tongue but privately wonder about my choice of partners. If that person then pressured me to take part, I’d seriously reconsider the relationship. But that’s me.

My advice? If he’s not interested, don’t pressure him. Especially on such an emotional fraught topic (his mother’s death). Leave it alone. Back off.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (2points)
JLeslie's avatar

For him? Yeah, forget it. Maybe if you ever take a trip to the city you can bother to drive out to Long Island, but I wouldn’t plan a trip just for that, and I also wouldn’t count on the medium curing all his regrets. His feelings are probably ver normal, especially if she died when he was young. How old was he when she died?

Katniss's avatar

@JLeslie He was 33 when she passed away. For a lot of years it was just the 2 of them, his dad bailed when he was 8. He didn’t have the easiest childhood.

Katniss's avatar

@syz You’re probably right. I just tend to get these hair brained ideas and try to run with them.

I tend to think I know what’s best for him, even when I probably don’t. lol I’m just a bossy knowitall by nature. He knows this and accepts it because he loves me. Does it cause arguments? Oh hell yes!

JLeslie's avatar

@Katniss Maybe he should have a few therapy sessions to talk through his sadness and regrets? A lot of work places have a few free sessions in their health insurance plan. An 800 number for mental illness that can help direct him. He should feel reaassured his mom knew how much they meant to each other, even if things were not said out loud.

ucme's avatar

Never heard of her, but all mediums are either delusional, sinister or a combination of the two…in short, crackpots.

El_Cadejo's avatar

It’s called cold reading

Aster's avatar

Naturally, I believe in her. But only $200 for a reading ?? I thought it would be way more than that.

Katniss's avatar

@Aster I thought it would cost more too. I googled it and found that its $200 for a private session and $500 for a group session.

Aster's avatar

Amazing. well, she will fly out of state so you’d have to pay for the plane and the rental car/hotel I’m sure.

talljasperman's avatar

She might be a Medium, but I am an extra large.

augustlan's avatar

I’m not a believer, but she very nearly sucks me in.

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