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flip86's avatar

Do you like seafood?

Asked by flip86 (6213points) July 20th, 2013
35 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I can’t stand it. Everything about it grosses me out. The taste and the smell.

I wouldn’t even like it if you prepared it for me.

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GoldieAV16's avatar

LOVE it. It’s my #1 favorite protein.

Oysters, raw.
Lobster, steamed, grilled, stuffed – any way.
Shrimp. Nom.
Fish. Grilled, poached, sauteed. With or without sauce or salsa.
Sushi and sashimi. I’d eat it every day if I could afford to. Octopus, or taco? Delish.

ONE kind of seafood I’m not gung ho about? Uni, or sea urchin roe, which is weird because I love roe. I’m not sure why this is, but I think it’s the way it looks like baby poop that I can’t get past. Maybe I need to taste it with my eyes closed…

Pachy's avatar

To each his own taste, @flip86. I love lobster, oysters, clams, softshell crab, sushi and sashimi (uni being one of my faves). I’m grateful to my dad for exposing me to all kinds of cuisine when I was growing up.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Not particularly. I like shrimp, but I prefer it fried (too fattening). In the past, I’ve eaten tilapia, salmon, and a few other types of fish. I’d never order fish at a restaurant, unless it was a seafood restaurant. I’d like to try lobster and crab and all that, but I haven’t gotten the guts to risk the money.

I’d never eat raw fish, ever. Or oysters. I’m a texture girl. Nothing slimy for me.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I love it. and I live in the seafood mecca of the world so that is great.

gailcalled's avatar

Yes to everything except bivalves.

hearkat's avatar

I sure do! I see food and I eat it.
* rimshot *

Yes, I like most seafood. I like sushi and shellfish and calamari and octopus and a lot of fish. I like cooked clams and oysters, but do not care for them raw.

I also don’t like sea urchin, and while I like smoked salmon, I don’t care for the taste of regular cooked salmon.

I do order fish at restaurants, because I am less likely to find good quality fish and also to do as good a job of preparing it as these trained chefs are.

flip86's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I actually resent the fact that I don’t like seafood. I wish I did. It would allow me a better variety of food. I have repeatedly tried to like it and can’t acquire a taste for it.

Even tuna grosses me out.

DominicX's avatar

I like some sushi and that’s about it. I’ve never liked seafood.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I could be wrong but I found that midwesterners were much less likely to like seafood than those from coastal cities such as san francisco and like that.

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve been a vegetarian for over 20 years now, and before that, the only fish I ever tasted was shrimp, cod (from fish and chips) and good ol’ tuna fish. I liked those things, but the thought of eating any other fish (at least at that time, when I was in my early 20’s and before) sounded repulsive to me, mostly due to the smell. I’ve never had any other seafood. But since I didn’t eat it to begin with I didn’t have to give it up, which was probably a blessing.

flip86's avatar

@trailsillustrated I’m from Maine. Lobsters and other seafood are a big deal here. People think I’m crazy when I say I don’t like lobster or other seafood. They all claim I’d like it if they cooked it. Which isn’t true at all.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@flip86 how very discomfitting. Don’t you just want to slap them in the head with a lobster.

Kardamom's avatar

@flip86 Ha Ha! People say that to me about eggplant. I hate eggplant.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Oh, I forgot about calamari! I love that stuff. Fried, of course.

gailcalled's avatar

^^Hey, fried anything is usually delicious, even rubber bands.

harangutan's avatar

@trailsillustrated I could be wrong but I found that midwesterners were much less likely to like seafood

You are wrong.

I love seafood!

kimchi's avatar

I hate seafood and love it.
Shrimp and crab-I cannot LIVE without it. They’re a daily food intake and I personally think it’s delicious. Fish, Whale, and others-Um, no. I HATE fish. Omega 3, my butt. I can just get it from milk(although it’s not as good as fish)! I hate the texture and the taste of it.

Berserker's avatar

I looove seafood. My favorites are raw oysters, and shrimp of any kind. Shrimp rocks. I also love fried shrimp with cherry sauce. Also, lots of different kinds of fish, crab and lobster. And…I don’t know what it’s called, but these little octopus looking things that you suck out of round shells. Had those at this Chinese restaurant I sometimes go to. It’s not that they taste so awesome, but they look so gross and creepy, I like it LOL.

But yeah, I’m a big fan of seafood. Sometimes my dad used to prepare seafood only dinners, those were great. :)

Not a big a fan of sardines though, about the only exception.

bossob's avatar

King salmon, halibut, blackened catfish…I’ll take them over beef any day. Shellfish…meh.

Paradox25's avatar

I’m not a big fan of lobster, crabs, clams, oysters, most salt-water fish, etc. The only exceptions that I make for seafood are the occasional breaded shrimp, some freshwater fish and Long John Silvers. I just love the hush puppies and crunchy batter.

downtide's avatar

Fish is the reason I stopped being vegetarian. I love it so much, and science hasn’t yet come up with a substitute that tastes right. Oily fish are my favourites, like salmon, mackerel etc, also crustaceans (crab, shrimps, lobster). I’m not keen on shellfish though, except for smoked oysters.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I don’t mind it but I try to avoid anything that requires special tools to get into it.

Sunny2's avatar

I love seafood. I’m trying to think of any that I don’t like particularly. Can’t. I prefer shellfish to bone fish mainly because I don’t like picking out the bones. If it’s boned properly anything goes. A shore dinner: chowder, steamed clams, fried clams, lobsters, potatoes, corn on the cob & fruit cobbler is my idea of heaven.
Until you start talking about beef steak.
It must be supper time.

rockfan's avatar

Yep I love seafood. I’m planning on having salmon and scrambled eggs tomorrow for breakfast.

Unbroken's avatar

Oh my I had to stop reading @livelaughlove21‘s response. Egregious!

Live a little.. and by the way tilipia is the cheapest lowgrade fish that god and country is trying to sell us on. If we have to be sold on it… it’s already lowgrade.

So shrimp for beginner’s is all about the dip and get the deveined kind. Lobster same thing. They are very delicate flavors. Wonderful texture.. don’t let them pawn off the imitation crab etc. Life is too short to say its too high risk/expensive to order it to try once…

Go with hubby share a platter, if ya’ll don’t like it go a little hungry. Or buy two one usual and one lobster special and share. Please!!!!

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Unbroken When you’re a broke college student with a mortgage and two car payments, life doesn’t seem too short to risk the expense of lobster.

Unbroken's avatar

Sigh. Point taken. Still I’m going to remember this and when I get my hands on some prime lobster I am mailing you one : )

Coloma's avatar

Love it!
One of my fav. summer dinners are jumbo shrimp with a good cocktail sauce, french bread and spinach dip with olives and avocado slices on the side. OMG!

JLeslie's avatar

I like some types of fish, mostly I eat salmon, tilapia, cod, rainbow trout, and snapper. I love dover sole, but it is impossible to get where I live. I also make tuna salad, but never tuna steaks.

I don’t eat most selfish, the only exceptions are shrimp and I’ll eat a crab cake once in a while. Also, I’ll have a few spoons of clam chowder (both Manhattan and New England) if my husband orders it, but never eat clams otherwise.

Coloma's avatar

I don;t eat most selfish either. lol

JLeslie's avatar

Shellfish. :).

marinelife's avatar

I love it. You don’t know what you’re missing. More for the rest of us.

Katniss's avatar

I don’t care for shellfish, but I will eat fried shrimp. Only fried because its too wiggly otherwise.
I love fish, however. Especially tilapia and salmon!

LostInParadise's avatar

Fish is okay on occasion. Everything else I can take or leave. It does not help that I have lingering guilt feelings over eating anything that is unkosher, which includes anything that lives in the water that does not have scales.

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