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Katniss's avatar

How much Lurve do I have to have before I can enter the Mansion?

Asked by Katniss (6656points) July 22nd, 2013
14 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I’m halfway to 5000.
Do I get to come in and play when I reach 5000?
Please? I’ll bring pizza. lol

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh man, pizza sounds so good right now. Usually 10,000 get’s you in on the first floor. But there’s a pool out back.

Katniss's avatar

Would it be possible to bribe the Powers That Be? lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Auggie is the key keeper and she’s very tough. She has a whip.

ucme's avatar

The mansion is currently closed due to extensive repair work on the upper floors, excessive jelly humping has eroded the building to a degree where it’s just an unsafe environment.
Construction is expected to last until the autumn/fall.

Katniss's avatar

Jelly humping! Without me?? What the hell people.

Katniss's avatar

Whips don’t scare me! I actually kinda like whips.

ucme's avatar

@Katniss I’m keeping the bed warm for it’s grand reopening…much like your legs :D

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Katniss Then you’ll fit in well here. :)

marinelife's avatar


cookieman's avatar

We used to have a breakdown showing that 10K would get you into the mansion, 20K an island (I think), and so on.

Anyone remember?

Judi's avatar

The lower levels of the mansion are reserved for 10k members. Outsiders are allowed during celebratory milestone parties, but of course we lock up all our dirty little secrets before we open the doors.

Katniss's avatar

Seeing as its going to be a while before I gain entry to the Fluther Mansion, I will be taking my pizza and my awesome self to AshLeigh’s mansion.
Feel free to come visit me there. lol

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Katniss Mmkay. You can play in my chocolate fountain, if you’d like. Just shower first…

Katniss's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Ohhhhhhh a chocolate fountain?? I’m sooooo there!!!!!

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