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Jenniehowell's avatar

Can you help me provide various proofs for this science denying Christian?

I was emailing back & forth with a relative who happens to be a Christian. I was having a discussion with him that started out about Christian Meditation where he refused to bother with anything related to it because it was from an “evil Eastern Religion” & that though other religions exist they are all fakes and copies of the “original”.

I then explained to him both the fact that Christianity is basically an “Eastern Religion”, that it was of course not the original & that any good Christian would know that at the very least Judaism predates it, but that a plethora of others predate it with stories/myths that are nearly exact or very similar in many cases with the Christ story.

He came back eventually with a response that sort of made sense & I thought the conversation was over so I simply responded that I got what he was saying & that for a minute there I thought he was one of those science & history deniers. This opened a can of worms because he then responded with the following statements which I’d like to have as many points on as possible with which to engage him with actual proofs that will refute whatever he may have or believe. These points of his are bullet-pointed below.

1)He does believe that the earth is God’s creation & is 10,000 years or less old & that there is a lot of very good science that backs that up.
2)He believes that God created the earth literally in 6 days & says that he could fill pages with young earth science data & statistics but that there are plenty of sources “a click away”
3)He believes that with regard to the theory of evolution there are so many holes you can fly a 767 through them & If you want to talk about the geologic record, evolutionists are forced to ignore Noah’s flood to even attempt to make the record fit their mold, when it may be one of the most provable events in history. Darwin himself said, if they didn’t find a transitional form, that his theory would be hogwash. They’ve been looking for multiple decades and can go on for multiple more because there are none to be found. The isotope/radio-carbon (etc.) dating methods have an extremely unreliable track record. One of the primary reasons, is that there are no known samples with which to calibrate the machines. You tell me, but is guessing the age of your calibration sample what you would consider good science? This “science” also suffers greatly from ignoring the flood because strata that they “believe” are millions (or billions) of years old were only deposited a few thousand years ago, now that will really mess up a calibration!

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