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Dutchess_III's avatar

I don't seek out parenting advice too often, but do any of you have any ideas here?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46870points) August 24th, 2013
24 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I don’t seek out parenting advice too often but I’m having issues with Savannah. She is freaking out about everything and the scream that goes with it is becoming unbearable. She screams when I try to feed her, hold her, put her down. I’ve tried Tylenol, teething tablets, cold stuff, warm stuff. She doesn’t want her bottles with out a huge fit, she doesn’t want her food at all. She won’t sleep anywhere except on the couch squished in between the back cushion and a pillow. Idk what to do anymore. Any advice?

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snowberry's avatar

Try baby massage. It’s not hard, you can probably find a copy of a book or maybe a video in the library or used book store, and babies love it. It’s very comforting to them. It can be done any time of day, but it’s nice to do it before a nap or before bedtime, etc. Whenever she’s most likely to wind up.

Works best if it’s done as part of a routine.

LornaLove's avatar

Is she not well perhaps? How old is she?

Judi's avatar

Poor thing! She sounds distressed. How old is she? Have you tried gripe water?

JLeslie's avatar

If she is in her spot on the couch she is calm though? Since she has been screaming when someone leaves the room, I still wonder if she is just exercising her power? Are the tears rolling? Or, is she just screaming?

drhat77's avatar

Gripe water worked well for my child. I frequently see kids who won’t stop crying, 99% of the time its because they’re being a big baby, but that last 1% can be a dozy.
No fevers? Wetting diapers? Pooping?

Jeruba's avatar

I think it might be a matter for a pediatrician to diagnose. There are way too many possibilities.

nikipedia's avatar

She needs the 5 Ss! Give her a tight swaddle, turn her on her stomach or side, bounce her, shush her (or put on any white noise), and give her a pacifier to suck on. Since she likes the couch position I bet just a good swaddle will do the trick!

augustlan's avatar

Could she have colic?

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is my granddaughter. She’s 7 months old.
Colic was my first thought @augustlan. Her mom (my daughter) had colic, but she pretty much had it from day 1 until she was about 8 months old.
My daughter is going to take her in tomorrow.
Thanks guys/

drhat77's avatar

Let us know what develops

Dutchess_III's avatar

I will….It’s probably just a stage but man. It’s so stressful to be in the middle of those “stages.”

drhat77's avatar

Babies stink.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, that’s when you change them, silly!

drhat77's avatar

i know, it was just shameless GA fishing

Dutchess_III's avatar

But ya didn’t get none! :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, it’s gone from screaming when people leave to screaming for no reason. Corrie’s just pulling her hair out! She took her in, thinking she had strep or an ear infection or something, but she’s fine. So she bought her some beef jerky. Apparently it’s a miracle worker. Wish I’d thought of that when the kids were little.

augustlan's avatar

FWIW, some babies are just like that. One of mine cried a lot, for no discernible reason. I about lost my dang mind! Remember that it’s okay to put the child in a safe place (playpen/crib) and step away for a few minutes to gather yourself.

Beef jerky, huh? How does that work?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Corrie said it’s like magic. Apparently she’s used it for all of her kids, only I’m just now hearing about it. The story goes that when her oldest, who is almost 10, was a baby she wouldn’t sleep unless she’s in the stroller being walked around. Well it was 2 a.m. Bless Corrie’s heart, she’s 18, out walking around with the baby in the stroller, she walks into a convenience store in TEARS. The clerk said, “Hey, honey! Hey hey…Wait…try this…” and stuck some jerky in the baby’s mouth. The baby went to sleep. The clerk says, “You go on outside for a minute, smoke a cigarette, calm down. The baby will be fine with me here.” So she did, and she and the clerk became fast friends and Corrie never had any more problems like with the baby!

They were talking about the incident on fb the other day.

She said the best kind is the thick and super dried stuff. They suck on it, chew on it, it’s rough on their gums and it actually has some nutritional value! Wish I’d thought of it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used to lock myself in the bathroom!

drhat77's avatar

My mom told me when I wouldn’t stop crying she would just go into the bathroom and wash my cloth diapers. That way she couldn’t hear me. Most of the time she’d walk out and i was all done.

snowberry's avatar

OK, the beef jerky is a new one for me, but be sure you never get the peppery kind! LOL

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sure she knows that!

JLeslie's avatar

Interesting that a baby would like something so salty. My neice when she was little called salty things spicy. I guess the texture feels good on their gums also.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I thought about the salt aspect too, but they like it. I’d like to make my own.

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