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Dutchess_III's avatar

What should D TV call it other than "Family and Kid's Channel"?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 26th, 2013
1 response
“Great Question” (1points)

On D-TV you can click to see about 6 different categories of shows. There is “Movie and Events,” “Sports,” etc. Then there is “Family and Kids.” My husband focuses almost exclusively on “Movie and Events,” and avoids “Family and Kids.” I understand the psychology. It’s like, “It must be nothing but sappy stuff.” However, actually “Family and Kids” is where the best things are, like National Geographic, The Learning Channel, KPTS, Science and those kinds of awesome channels are located.
Could they come up with a little more attractive name for adults who would rather avoid sappy stuff?

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ccrow's avatar

They could call it ‘Not Just the Sappy Stuff’.

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