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SecondHandStoke's avatar

Why does Piers Morgan enjoy any popularity at all?

Asked by SecondHandStoke (9522points) November 3rd, 2013
20 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Morgan is the kind of humorless, finger wagging busybody that would have received a daily beatdown in school.

What has changed in society that he now has any following?

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ucme's avatar

Ha, the Twitter row with Clarkson was hilarious, got his arse well & truly kicked.
I can only repeat Jeremy’s words, “Piers Morgan is a monumental twat!”

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Clarkson’s brilliance aside,

One cannot shout over or interrupt a Tweet.

Pachy's avatar

I like Piers and what he has to say much of the time. Being British, he often gives us an outside perspective on ourselves, which is a good thing. I especially appreciate and agree with his anti-gun beliefs, something too many natural-born Americans don’t believe in or are hesitant to voice.

At any rate, the great thing about both TV and Twitter is that you can disengage from them when you don’t like something being said or somebody saying it.

GoldieAV16's avatar

I think he has some really good guests, and I think he does a good interview. I agree with @Pachyderm_In_The_Room that his perspective is valuable, albeit often controversial and not politically correct.

glacial's avatar

So that people can do things like this.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’d rather watch @ucme.

ucme's avatar

@CWOTUS But I go all camera shy see.

OneBadApple's avatar

I can think of at least a dozen ‘celebrities’ whose popularity should be puzzled-over before that of of Piers Morgan….

ibstubro's avatar

@OneBadApple I don’t even know who Piers Morgan is, but I thought the same thing every time that skank Paris Hilton was shoved into my view.

OneBadApple's avatar

@ibstubro Yup, just add two or three Kardashians (or however many there are) to your Paris Hilton and we’re already one-third of the way to my dozen.

I think Piers Morgan used to be a columnist for one of those rags tabloid newspapers in England, then became a judge on ‘America’s Got Talent’ (and I think also ‘Britains’s Got Talent’).

Most recently he took over that interview show which used to be Larry King on CNN….

ibstubro's avatar

@OneBadApple yup, I don’t even have a TV channel and I haven’t been able to avoid Kardashians, whatever hole THEY crawled out of.

At least the Ozzy freakshow seems to have abated.

glacial's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I don’t think the Brits would be especially pleased that Morgan is being thought of as representing their perspective… there’s a reason he’s working in America.

Pachy's avatar

@glacial, I didn’t mean to imply Morgan’s perspective is necessarily British (although it often is); only that it’s a non-American perspective.

OneBadApple's avatar

Anyway, I like the guy, and kind of admire him. So, go ahead, pile on…..
He managed to become become wealthy and famous.

I can barely manage to get out of bed in the morning….

Skylight's avatar

Do you agree with his views? It is my experience that when one agrees even with an obnoxious personality, somehow they magically seem tolerable.

I can go either way with him. Sometimes he bugs the crap out of me, Other times I like him. He is by no means one of my favorite personalities. I don’t watch him.

I think his charm is that he skirts the edge, kind of like Simon Crowle. There are a lot of people who like people who push the envelope, especially these days when everyone is so polarized.

OneBadApple's avatar

I probably don’t completely agree with the views of anyone on the planet and likely, neither do you. I certainly don’t follow Piers Morgan on a daily or even regular basis, but when I do listen to him, he seems to be relatively well-informed, intelligent and unafraid to challenge commonly accepted ideas or say what he thinks.

So until the day comes when he sells-out to FauxNews or something like that, I’ll have no reason to not respect the man…

Buttonstc's avatar

When I first heard that he would be replacing Larry King, I wasn’t expecting to like him at all since he was basically a tabloid type reporter and rather disreputable.

However, in fairness, he’s a much better interviewer than Larry who basically let everybody slide and never really challenged anybody on anything.

Morgan really does his homework. He’s well prepared and asks challenging and interesting questions. Plus he’s pretty fearless. He even debated with that loudmouth pro gun guy who tried to shout him down (Alex Jones? Not sure of the name.)

He does have the smarmy type of personality that I would avoid in real life. But as an interviewer on TV he does a good job and I usually end up learning things of which I was unaware through the interviews he does.

I don’t necessarily agree with a number of his attitudes or positions but I find that challenging. He’s not afraid to take a stand and I find that refreshing.

Just because I don’t care for his personality doesn’t mean that I can’t recognize that he is skilled at the job for which he’s been hired.

OneBadApple's avatar

@Buttonstc I happened to see that interview and you are right, it was that Texas radio blowhard Alex Jones.

I noticed that whenever Jones REALLY amped-up the gun-nut theatrics, Morgan had the instinctive good sense to back off and let this guy put on his little show, trusting the audience to be smart enough to recognize (and merely be amused by) a really bad circus clown when it saw one…

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Morgan backed off once?

You MUST send me the link.

Oh, to serve his own purposes, never mind.

jonsblond's avatar

I liked him on Celebrity Apprentice. seriously

I haven’t watched his new show yet.

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