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johnpowell's avatar

Ladies: Would you find it attractive if a gentleman was open to asking for directions?

Asked by johnpowell (17881points) November 16th, 2013
25 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

It seems like the dudes see asking for directions as a sign of weakness. I see asking as a sign of efficiency.

Would you rather your guy ask or wander around aimlessly?

Maybe I have watched to much TV and guys don’t really do this.

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jca's avatar

If I had “a guy” it would show me that this person is resourceful, which is a great quality.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Seek's avatar

I am dyscalculic. One side effect of dyscalculia is mixing up right vs. left.

Anytime I go anywhere for the first time, I map out my route, convert all the rights/lefts to their appropriate cardinal direction, and still give myself at least a half-hour to get lost.

People that would choose to be lost rather than do a tiny amount of research into their destination are annoying to say the least. This includes relying on your GPS software. Nothing more annoying than getting honked at repeatedly and ending up driving the wrong way on a one-way street because Stephen Hawking’s voice told you to turn left in 100 feet.

Now, I don’t know how true the stereotype is, but I’ll tell you that not planning ahead for your car trips is very unattractive.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I wouldn’t use the word attractive. Such things are found on tv because it speaks to a character trait. Macho types tend towards barging through tasks with muscle and not do something delicate like planning a route, or measuring the doorway BEFORE approaching it with a new appliance. This is a character flaw, sometimes cute, sometimes infuriating. I see it as a sign that a man is secure enough about his usefulness he isn’t reluctant to ask for help when a situation requires it. A man could be a computer geek, concrete worker, grocery bagger. What is most attractive about any of them is having the sense to know what their limitations are. If a man is an authority about something, he should speak up if his expertise is needed. If something is best left to someone else, he should acknowledge another man’s strengths in that area and step back. (Even if that other man is a woman.)
Asking directions or looking at a map is one of many ways to display this good judgement.

Smitha's avatar

Men always enjoy solving their own problems or finding their own way and generally being self-reliant. Hence most of them are reluctant to ask for directions. I guess mostly Men consider it a sign of weakness than woman. My husband is forever asking directions on road and I never felt it unattractive.

chyna's avatar

Oh yeah, I’m all for getting from point A to point B in the quickest time possible. If a guy says to me “I’m not sure where we are, I’ll stop and ask” I’m absolutely cheering. I don’t want to drive aimlessly because someone is too stubborn to ask directions.

hearkat's avatar

I find anyone who is confident and genuine enough to admit their flaws and faults is more attractive than someone who is pretentious and fake.

Mimishu1995's avatar

What’s wrong with asking direction? Everyone can do that. I see a man asking directions as being normal, like everyone else.
By the way I don’t understand why you put your question in the “germans” tab

johnpowell's avatar

the germans tag was a joke about being efficient

Mimishu1995's avatar

Could you be a little more specific? I’m not versed in those Western stuff :(

johnpowell's avatar

Just pretend my joke didn’t exist. It wasn’t that good.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I wouldn’t find it attractive or unattractive either way. I wouldn’t think much of it at all.

I don’t want my husband to ask for directions because it seems he forgets everything as soon as he hears it. We once got lost and stopped at a gas station for directions. I was driving so when he got in the car, I asked which way I needed to go. He replied, “I have no idea.” If he doesn’t understand any part of the directions, he won’t ask the person to explain it again, and he never asks the right questions. Men!

Thankfully, these days having a phone makes stopping for directions virtually unnecessary. The iPhone/Google Maps is my savior.

glacial's avatar

I don’t understand why guys think that this makes them look weak. But the fact that they think it makes them look weak, and the fact that thinking it prevents them from doing something sensible, like asking for directions? That looks weak.

Pachy's avatar

I hope so because I have absolutely no problem with asking any woman for directions.

Does my female-voiced GPS count?

ibstubro's avatar

“Oh, for GOD’S SAKE, pull over and I’LL ask!

fluthernutter's avatar

It’s kind of sad how much I’ve come to appreciate this. You would think it would just be the normal expected thing to do.

ucme's avatar

This is just a non issue, can’t understand why any bloke would refuse to ask the way just to satisfy some perceived macho bullshit.
I bet their wives ask for directions from them, “is it in yet?”

Seek's avatar

^ Ohsnap!

livelaughlove21's avatar

@ucme 3 words that kill a man’s ego: “Is it in?” 3 words that kill a woman’s ego: “I’m not sure.”

ucme's avatar

A woman could be crushed if when going down on her there was a distinct echo

Valerie111's avatar

Yes because it would show he isn’t stubborn and has no problem asking for help.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Can anybody tell me how to get from here to there?

ibstubro's avatar

Sure, @Jonesn4burgers. Go about 9/10ths of a mile, until you get to the second white barn on the left. Turn right. When you get to the Jone’s old place, turn right again. When you pass the place where the Frank’s had their trailer back in ‘98, slow down, fork the crick, and it’s just at the end of the gravel.

You can’t miss it.

Seek's avatar

And remember, if you see the path to the holler, you’ve done gone too far.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Damn you! I was typing something similar when you posted that.

Seek's avatar

Whoops. ^_^

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