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ibstubro's avatar

Is that good, or is that bad?

Asked by ibstubro (18804points) November 16th, 2013

This might be a new game, or it’ll be a new thread.

I want to play the “That’s good, no that’s bad” game, like the old Hee Haw skit. It would be best if your statement was true, but we’re not going to throw you out of bed for eating crackers.

For example, I might say, “I have a slight hangover today”

Someone might say, “That’s bad. You drank too much!”

Someone else may say, “No, that’s good. You drank too much because you were enjoying the company of friends.”

Another, “No, that’s bad. You drank and drove.”

The next response would have to turn drinking and driving into something good.

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179 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

I sat on my butt all day, playing with jellies.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

That’s bad. Jellies sting, ya know…

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s good.
A little peanut butter takes the sting out.

cookieman's avatar

But that’s bad, because we won’t have enough peanut butter for sandwiches.

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

That’s good, because I’d prefer something other than sandwiches for dinner.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad, because I already buttered the bread for grilled cheese sandwiches.

filmfann's avatar

That’s good, because there are lots of hungry people you can share with.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Oh that’s bad, there’s not enough to go around.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. Now everyone will bring a dish and we’ll have a pot-luck.

cookieman's avatar

But that’s bad, because if you tell @Coloma it’s a pot-luck, she’ll think you mean “pot” not pot — and bring her special brownies.

Kardamom's avatar

No that’s good, because that means that me and Adirondackwannabe will have to pick up the slack for the food. I’ve got one of These in the oven right now.

Katniss's avatar

No. That’s bad because mushrooms are the devil!
Sorry @Kardamom. I’m sure you’re an amazing cook

Kardamom's avatar

No, that’s good, because now I know that some people have an aversion to mushrooms. For you @Katniss I’m making This

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s bad. Everyone but @Katniss is going to go hungry because I’ll be a mushroom lasagne hoarder.

Kardamom's avatar

No that’s good, because I made a special pan of that lasagna just for you, and I made an extra one that I froze, so you can take it home.

glacial's avatar

That’s bad. My freezer’s already full.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good, because the mushroom lasagne is MINE, ALL MINE I say!

Katniss's avatar

Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! @Kardamom Those look amazing! Thank you!! You’re the best!

Y’all better back up off my shells!

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad @Katniss because if you eat them all, they’ll make you fat.

Katniss's avatar

@ibstubro That’s good. I only weigh 115 lbs. I’m grossly underweight at 5’7. lol

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. Underweight Americans make up about .0001% of the population.

OneBadApple's avatar

That’s good for airline stockholders, since rates will soon be determined by passenger weight….

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

That’s bad, I weigh %$#%^ pounds!

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s good !....I am an airline stockholder….

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. You probably get to look at all those X-rays of our privates and generals.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

No that’s good, some of those privates are pretty awesome.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s bad, because…..privates should remain private, in general..

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. There’s a kernel of truth in our privates remaining generally private.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s bad, and might be a major mistake…

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. The few generally private privates major offenders can be administered corporal punishment by a specialist.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s bad, because specialists aren’t really….you know….all that special….

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

That’s bad. Chiefly, in lieu of rehabilitation, we have tenants of the big house languishing away

OneBadApple's avatar

OH crap. Jonesy and I screwed-up the rhythm…

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Hey, you jumped on my bad! I took too long linking up my lieu with tenant.

OneBadApple's avatar

Why do the Brits pronounce it “LEF-tenant” anyway ??

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Brits pronounce everything funny. Get one to say aluminum foil, or I drove my Jaguar to town.
I gotta flip this so we get back on track.
No, that’s GOOD rhythm and screwing belong together.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s bad because…, you’re right….rhythm and screwing DO belong together….

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. I have a good Catholic partner.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s bad because you have to go to all of those weekly ‘ceremonies’

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

No that’s good. Sarah moanies so weakly, nobody minds.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. I thought that Sarah was moaning so loud I was the stud of the High Rise. :’-(


OneBadApple's avatar

Oh, swell. Now we have TWO great pun-masters on the premises.

You both have much more stamina than this guy.


Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Okay, no that’s gooood, a little to the left, tenant!

ibstubro's avatar

@OneBadApple Night, @OneBadApple. Soon to follow.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

That’s bad, we all know little Calvin never goes to bed at a decent hour!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s good than Hobbs will have some company in all the trouble making.

Haleth's avatar

No, that’s bad! If they’re going to bed now, then it follows that all the trouble making will happen in dreams.

“The Sandman” meets “Calvin and Hobbes” is going to be the strangest comic book crossover ever.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

That’s good, it should be a lot of laughs.

cookieman's avatar

No that’s bad. Laughing makes me tired and I have work to do.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But that’s good at least you will be in a good mood to do all that work.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. A good mood is wasted, working.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

No that’s good. Lots of people are in a good mood wasted, and like it.

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s bad. They might be wasted when @Coloma isn’t here, and she would be sad.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s good. @Coloma can be really cute when she’s sad…

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. @Coloma doesn’t strike me as being sad much.

OneBadApple's avatar

It’s good if @Coloma doesn’t strike you at all.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

That’s bad, if stu is a masochist

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good, as I hear @Coloma is a very striking woman.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s bad because…....well, no, you’re right…...that’s good…..

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

No, that’s bad because it’s not good.

OneBadApple's avatar

OK, not bad…

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad, because we’re sew outta luck without a thread.

Skylight's avatar

Its good to be without a thread. Otherwise, something once exciting just becomes sew sew.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

GROANN…Thats bad,at least a bad pun.

OneBadApple's avatar

I think it’s genius !!

(alright, semi-genius, but still…)

Coloma's avatar

I think it’s offal.
Thread lightly.

Hey…who’s talking behind my strikingness? lol

Okay…jeez…how to get this ball rolling again….

Two strikes you’re out is a good policy

OneBadApple's avatar

OK, then….

(dejectedly returns to the dugout)

Coloma's avatar

Dejection can be good

OneBadApple's avatar

Well yeah…...I, uh…...I suppose it….....(sigh)......isn’t, umm… know, uhhh….....permanent…

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

This is good, very very good! We have made great progress, but time is up. Next week we talk about dis fruit complex. Now get out there and make dat thread shtrong again!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s bad what if some don’t want to talk about fruit.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

But dish wuld be gute! Vee can svich to talking svimmink pools unt frizzers! Who don’t like frizzers?

cookieman's avatar

The gal at the bottom of the pool. She don’t like frizzers, and that’s bad.

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s good, because the gal at the bottom of the pool is a mermaid.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

That’s bad. I’ve always wanted to be a mermaid. :(

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good! The mermaid gal at the bottom of the pool was just resting. You can still hold hope of being a mermaid!

Coloma's avatar

That’s bad, how do you know the mermaid was resting or her gills gave out?

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. She thinks we’re expecting tadPoles.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

That’s bad Tadpoles will get sucked into the pool filters.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s good. Tadpoles are a well-known filter deionizer…

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s bad. Merpoles are the size of soccer ball, but with a tail. Filter clog.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s good. The filter in our pool is the size of a Volkswagen.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. Maybe it’s the Love Bug filter.

Coloma's avatar

No, that’s bad, it will suck up whole skunks and possums

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good! I don’t want whole (or even partial) skunks and possums swimming in our pool!

Coloma's avatar

^^^ LOL true story…once I had a dead skunk stuck in the filter. Gah!

That’s bad, makes for a severe case of hydrophobia

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. Hydrophobia means at least one person won’t pee in the pool!

OneBadApple's avatar

That’s bad….implying that there will be others…

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s good. Saves on the water bill, and makes the pool taste more like the ocean!

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s bad.
Fresh Water Guy

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

That’s good, I have no use for a stinky water guy

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s bad. Stinky water guy is only seasonally employed in most of the country.

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s good. Seasonal employment rocks…

Coloma's avatar

No, that’s bad, seasonal employment kills my community in winter. No one goes white water rafting in the snow and all the really good local eateries shut down for winter, Bah!

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s good. People are still smart enough to not go white water rafting in the snow.
No, that’s good. If you don’t have local good eateries all year, you appreciate them more when they’re open, and your broadening bum appreciates them more when they’re closed.

Take your pick.

Coloma's avatar

Take my prick? Um…. okay, I concede, you win, it is GOOD when opens again in May! I do a little stand up there on open mic night. :-)

OneBadApple's avatar

ooooooo….that’s bad, she might got you there, brother.

(and how wonderful that they named a place after her…)

cookieman's avatar

Um, that’s good I guess, but ah… I don’t have a brother (or any siblings, so… who the heck are you?!?!
stop stalking me

ibstubro's avatar

Sorry. TJAM is obviously in a stupor. Prop his head and let him lay.

TJBM still wishes they had GOOD siblings.

OneBadApple's avatar

I am trying very hard to care, but sorry…..not today….

ibstubro's avatar

It’s a NEW day.

ibstubro's avatar

When you finish a thought, @OneBadApple, I’m thinking 1,000.

OneBadApple's avatar

Nah, I’m on the east coast, and if it’s Monday here, it’s still Monday there.

And I blew-by 1,000 in 1987….

Coloma's avatar

I wish I had a sibling, a long line of only children in my family.
Oh well…some siblings are evil. lol

OneBadApple's avatar

I have two siblings, Coloma, a brother and a sister. One is not worth a crap and the other is only semi-worth-a-crap.

So count your blessings today….

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

So, is that ^ good, or bad?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s bad that you are confused about wether siblings are good or bad.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good, because we’re all confused now and can move on to greener pastures.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s bad I’m allergic to hay.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. You’re too far north to hear “Hay, yall!” much. :-)

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

That’s bad, because “Hey Yall” is a typical Southern greeting to everyone.

Coloma's avatar

Tha’ts good, I jes love me a nice suthern drawlllll

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s bad,I will just stay north of the border.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good, you can have all that frigging SNOW. I loves me a nice Southern sauna. Hey! who goosed me!?

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad, the thread seems to have died. :’-(

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s good.

( RIP, thread….)

OneBadApple's avatar

Oh, that’s good….

Also RIP Carol Burnett

( what ?.....she’s still with us ??.......oops, sorry Carol….have a nice day…)

ibstubro's avatar

Oh, that’s bad, BAD karma!

OneBadApple's avatar

I SAID “I’m sorry”, so it’s all good…..

( Jesus Christ !! )

Coloma's avatar

Carol Burnett died?—She was so funny!—

@OneBadApple Jeez…don;t you know being a martyr is bad, give up the cross dude, somebody else could use the wood. lol

OneBadApple's avatar

@Coloma OK, I’ll get down off there if you insist. If you will concede that Carol Burnett wasn’t all that funny….

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Deal!

Well then…where do we go from here?

OneBadApple's avatar

Well, I like that Yosemite Nat’l Park that’s near you very much….

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. Carol Burnett is still alive and well, and in her day, was all THAT.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, Yosemite is good and Carol Burnett was pretty bad ass for a female comedienne in her day.

Oookay…. rain is good!

OneBadApple's avatar

With emphasis on “in her day”.....

(OK, I’m replying to both of you, so please make that “emphasises”)

ibstubro's avatar

No rain is bad, if you were previously haveing a great hair day.

Coloma's avatar

No rain is GOOD after all the evil forest fires here. Whew…I shall not burn!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is good,but bad if your having a great hair day.

ibstubro's avatar

So that’s a great day to wear a hat.

OneBadApple's avatar

Or a bad day to have a head….

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. We could go riding horses.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s bad I don’t care for horses they are a lot of work.

Coloma's avatar

That’s good because you will not get a horse ignorant of how much work and expense they are

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. A dumb horse is no better than an ass mule.

Coloma's avatar

That’s bad, some of my best neigh-bors were asses and mules. lol

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad because you were supposed to leave a good comment. Now we’re nattering nabobs of negativity.

Coloma's avatar

It;s GOOD to have a great sense of humor

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. The humors are tricky.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s good humor is good as long as it isn’t mean.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. The Good Humor man can make us all fat!

OneBadApple's avatar

No, that’s good.

Cannibals are people too, you know…

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s bad. Cannibals come to bad ends.

OneBadApple's avatar

And that’s good. I mean, who wants Hannibal Lecter for a next-door neighbor ?

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. It doesn’t stop them from making movies about him. Eating his own brains was one of the stupidest scenes and crappiest special effects of the modern age.

OneBadApple's avatar

No that’s good, since I never cared for Ray Liotta as an actor…

(and as stupid as that scene was, it was far less stupid than how Thomas Harris ended the book…)

ibstubro's avatar

That’s BAD. I’d not read the book, but don’t imagine a crappier ending. Why bother with a movie then?

OneBadApple's avatar

That’s good because the movie-makers had the good sense to end with Lecter and the little boy eating brains together on the plane, and not with Lecter and Clarice Starling waltzing on a veranda in South America.

( this is not one of my stupid imaginary meanderings….that’s how the book ends….)

ibstubro's avatar

That IS bad. We all know Jodie would never do such a thing.

OneBadApple's avatar

It’s good that Jodie is smarter than a lot of other people.

ibstubro's avatar

It’s bad that more people don’t have the looks and brains of Jodie.

OneBadApple's avatar

It’s good that my wife does…......................

(ok, she’s gone now….)

Coloma's avatar

That;s bad, your poor dead wife.

OneBadApple's avatar

OK, let’s make that…..“left the room now….”

Coloma's avatar

haha….who’s leaving the room, the dead wife or the rotten apple?

OneBadApple's avatar

I’m too tired to dance this evening @Coloma.

Let’s do this tomorrow…

Coloma's avatar


Rot well, I mean rest. ;-)

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

That’s bad. The bed bugs are hungry and need to be fed.

ibstubro's avatar

Lou Lou says “Hey!” OldHippy!

That’s good, because we’d be bored if not for having our butts itch.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. I hate it when my butt itches!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But that’s good then you have to get up and itch it then you get some exercise.

ibstubro's avatar

No that’s bad. If I get up I might trip over all the crap laying in the floor.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s good you might get some long over due cleaning done.

ibstubro's avatar

Cleaning schmeaning. Cleaning is bad. It could raise dust and agitate allergies.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But that’s good you might find out exactly what your allergic to.

Strauss's avatar

…After a brief delay… But that’s bad! you might find out you’re allergic to exactly everything!

Coloma's avatar

That’s good, then you can give up trying to figure out wtf you are allergic to.

Strauss's avatar

That’s bad, because you have to put up with the symptoms or go around drugged out all the time.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s good, because being drugged up all the time will make you less self conscious about that huge wart between your eyes.

Coloma's avatar

LOL…that’s bad, because even if you’re drugged the Emperor still has no clothes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But that’s good No laundry to do, and you don’t care.

ibstubro's avatar

That’s bad. The royal laundry wench will be out of a job and have to sell herself to the footmen.

Strauss's avatar

That’s good. The footman hasn’t had any action in years.

ibstubro's avatar

No, that’s bad, because the footmen are in a committed relationship that the Emperor will not sanctify.

Strauss's avatar

But that’s good. The footman has suspected for years the emperor is a closet nudist.

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