Social Question

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Ladies- do you have a "female soulmate"?

Asked by WillWorkForChocolate (23163points) November 30th, 2013
13 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I’ve had a very dear friend for seventeen years now. We are alike in the right areas and different in the right areas. She’s like a sister to me, and no matter what, we always love each other unconditionally. It’s the most peaceful, fabulous relationship I’ve ever had.

You might have quite a few good, or even best, friends. But do you have one in particular who you love sooooo much, that you seriously can’t imagine life without them? One who you know, come what may, you’ll love for the rest of your lives?

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hearkat's avatar

Not really. I have friends that I’ve known for over 30 and 40 years from school days, and while I consider them to be like the sisters I never had, I don’t consider them soul-mates whose brains work a lot like mine, as I am very introverted, and none of them are.

Of my three closest childhood friends, the gay male (I am a hetero-female) is probably the closest to being like a soul-mate – but that doesn’t meet your criteria of your question as originally stated: “Ladies- do you have a female soulmate?”

Perhaps you could reword the question to ask people in the collective – regardless of their gender or sexuality – whether they have a platonic friend who is like a soul-mate?

Seek's avatar

I met Dea in high school. More accurately, I noticed she wasn’t one of “everybody else” in 10th grade English class.

I had been having a particularly hard week, both at home and at school. I was starting to fiddle around with HTML during lunch hour in the school library, and there were nasty rumours being spread about what manner of website I was running. I stormed into class in tears and collapsed into my chair, perhaps a bit melodramatically. She just looked at me and said “Welcome to Hell, may I take your order?”

It was the first time I had laughed in months.

She changed schools after that year, but we stayed in touch more or less through email. She promised me on the last day of school that “no matter what, we’ll never lose touch”. Then Myspace came along and then Facebook, so even though she lives in Minnesota now and I’m in Florida, we are able to keep up our friendship.

We don’t sit on the phone for hours and chat, and we aren’t all up in each other’s business all the time, but she and I both know we can share anything. There’s never been an argument between us, nothing but love and support.

Then there’s Michelle – who my son, Ian, calls “Shell-love” (her sons call me “Mama E”). I met her through Craigslist. She had advertised her availability to care for a child in her home. I liked her writing style and the picture of her family looked pleasant and she lived close to me, so I sent an email basically saying “I don’t need a babysitter, but can our babies play?” We met the next day at the zoo and have been besties ever since. She’s more family than I’ve ever had.

And then there’s our resident awesome jelly – @cazzie. I met her here, and we consider ourselves sisters. Because we are. DNA be damned.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Aww, I love that! My best gal and I actually met through the youth group at our local church when we were seventeen. We immediately hit it off and have been extremely close ever since. The summer we graduated high school, we spent every single day together, then did our own things for a bit, met our husbands, got married, and were even pregnant at the same time for our first two.

She accidentally got pregnant again last year, and let me know by calling me and saying, “Well, it looks like you need to get pregnant, so we can do it together again!”

He calmness really works well with my anxiety, we share the same political and religious beliefs, and we have the same twisted sense of humor. We’ve only had one argument, in seventeen years, and it was over something incredibly stupid! We’re just so perfect for each other that we always say we should have married each other and taken turns getting pregnant. :D

Lorna's avatar

No. I am not close to anyone other than my s/o.

snowberry's avatar

Yes. A friend I met years ago who tried to sell me a car. We have saved each other many times over. She is the kindest most selfless person I know.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I did. She passed away when I was a teenager. There are times now that I still think about how she would handle situations and look my memories of her for guidance.

Mariah's avatar

My best friend and I have been inseparable since we were three years old. I feel very lucky to have a relationship like that in my life. Even now that we go to two different colleges states away, she is one of the most supportive people in my life.

I also have a gay male soulmate. We live together and refer to each other as “soul friends.”

Unbroken's avatar

No. I had a friend that was addictive. We couldn’t hang out enough. We were very different. And pretty bad influences on each other.

Eventually we parted quite explosively. I think we brought the dark out in each other.

JLeslie's avatar

I have one girlfriend who I love so much. We look similar, and I want to be around her all the time, but we live states apart. I am not sure she feels as connected as I do to her, but I think if there is reincarnation and souls stay close to each other in each life; I think we have been together since the beginning of time.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Not even close. I have a hard time developing strong friendships with women.

jonsblond's avatar

Wow, I just realized that my best friend and I have been friends for 35 years. We met in 2nd grade and she lived just a few houses down the street from me from 2nd-10th grade. She’s still in Las Vegas and I’m in Illinois, but that doesn’t keep us from thinking of each other and reaching out to each other in good and bad times. She even calls my mom on Mother’s Day.

I’d feel lost without her in my life.

iLindseyMarie's avatar

I’m not too old just yet, but I’ve been friends with this chick named Paige since I could remember I could speak. She and I have been through things not even her and her boyfriend has even through, and the funny thing is she said she would date me if she wasn’t already in a relationship laughs I wouldn’t mind, she’s an amazing person with an adorable personality and is someone you would love to have in your life. I love her with a passion, and can rely on her for anything <3

Valerie111's avatar

No. I’ve never gotten along with girls very well.

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