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emjay's avatar

NSFW Why do I keep getting nosebleeds during sex?

Asked by emjay (681points) December 16th, 2013
11 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

Four times in the last 3 months I’ve gotten a nosebleed while going at it…. The first and second time it seemed random and kinda funny. Now its starting to get frustrating and annoying…
High blood pressure? Easy repeat due to previous incidents? The weather? New surroundings? What’s the deal? Should I go to the doctor about it?

I’m not a nose picker, lol. I used to get nose bleeds a lot when I was a kid but never saw anyone about it or anything I just dealt with it.

This is kind of incovenient, however, and I would like to put a stop to it.

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Jonesn4burgers's avatar

You sorta answered your own question. It happened when you were a kid. You are prone to this. Stress, including physical stress can contribute, also dry air. Try using a vaporizer. Also, there is nasal saline which will gently moisten nasal passages. If you are using an antihistimene,stop. If it gets worse, or continues to be a problem,see an MD.

kounoupi's avatar

Do you get any medication? Eg. aspirin or anti-anxiety meds?
Is your bedroom too hot? Too dry? Are you under lots of stress currently?
Do you live in a very cold climate? If so the constant cold outside to warm inside temperature change may be a factor.
During sex the blood pressure may get high, high blood pressure is also a possibility.

If it keeps up I would second @Jonesn4burgers ’ advice; consulting with your MD will do no harm.

emjay's avatar

Not on medication. Live in alaska, so yep its cold, haha. And have been under a lot of stress in the last couple of months.

@Jonesn4burgers , i haven’t had them in years until just recently so I wasn’t sure if the childhood thing was a legitimate factor or not.

Juels's avatar

Could be pressure and dry air. Try breathing through your mouth next time and don’t strain too much.

JimTurner's avatar

I’m not sure if your condition has so much to do with the act of intercourse but more with the position of your head and body at the time.

I would consult a physician if this continues.

janbb's avatar

You’re doing it the wrong way. :-)

livelaughlove21's avatar

^ Or the right way.

Smitha's avatar

See a physician and get this checked out, that’s the most logical solution.
The two most common causes of nosebleeds are dry air and nose picks. So here it could be either due to Dry air or extremely high BP. Usage of natural blood thinners can also induce nosebleed. Taking Viagra or any other erectile medication would also raise BP.

gondwanalon's avatar

Having your partner be in the on top position might help.

ETpro's avatar

I strongly secone @Smitha. Talk to your GP or better yer, it you have a specialist (gynocologist or urologist—whichever is appropriate) check with them. You definitely want to rule out high blood-pressure, or overuse of blood thinning NSAIDs like aspirin, ibuprofen and a host more.

seadog1949's avatar

u may be holding your breath,creating high blood pressure

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