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ETpro's avatar

[NSFW] Rule 34 appears valid. Is its corollary true?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) December 20th, 2013

TGIF and this time I have a tough one for our NSFW Friday adventure.

“If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.” This memetic Internet “rule” originated from a 2003 webcomic, captioned “Rule #34 There is porn of it. No exceptions.”, which was drawn by Peter Morley-Souter to depict his shock at finding Calvin and Hobbes parody porn out on the Net. Morley-Souter posted his comic on the United Kingdom website Zoom-Out in 2004, and it has been widely reproduced.

According to my rather thorough research, Rule 34 is validated by observable evidence. But how about its corollary? Does the fact there is porn for it mean it must exist somewhere in the real world? What examples of porn can you think of that likely don’t exist at all in the real world, bizarre though the real world may be? If there are no examples of the corollary, can we call that Rule 34-A or should it be Rule 34¬C

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11 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Rule 34 is not an “if and only if” statement. It does not follow that if A supports B, that B supports A.

You cannot back-construct a corollary; I can create all sorts of fantasy porn that does not exist anywhere. There is a lot of cartoon porn (all of that Japanese space reptile stuff) that does not exist in the real world.

jerv's avatar

How many tentacle demons exist in the real world? Hentai alone proves that Rule 34 does not extend to the real world. The same goes for Mr. Fantastic; I’m sure that nobody with his superpowers exists in reality either. I think we all know why Sue Richards gave him that name ;)

amujinx's avatar

Rule 34 isn’t really true. Well, not without the addition of Rule 35 anyway.

dxs's avatar

What’s the corollary?

ETpro's avatar

@zenvelo & @jerv Just wanted to know how much porn you guys watch. :-)

@amujinx So what’ rule 35, and why am I so certain I’ll be sorry I asked?

@dxs The corollary is stated in the OP.

ETpro's avatar

@Haleth I’m off to research the validity of that postulate. Thanks. It should make for interesting research.

Haleth's avatar

@ETpro Research, or “research?”

ETpro's avatar

@Haleth Study. Did eye spell that rite?

Haleth's avatar

@ETpro It sounds like a hard job, but you seem to have the situation in hand.~

ETpro's avatar

@Haleth It’s dirty work, but somebody’s got to do it.

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