Social Question

josie's avatar

Why are people objecting to e-cigarettes?

Asked by josie (30934points) January 15th, 2014
34 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I don’t smoke. And like most everybody else who does not smoke, I do not like the smell or the eye burn or any of the other things you sometimes get around smokers.

But the e-cig seems like a terrific solution to a social “problem”

For example: I have a couple of buddies who smoke. I do not allow smoking in my house, so in the past when they came over to hang out, they went outside to smoke. I sort of always felt bad about that. Last year, I gave them e-cigs for Christmas so they could smoke in the house.

It doesn’t smell, they are happy, I am happy-What could be better?

Plus, one of them gave up tobacco altogether. A victory!

I am starting to think that it might be about keeping some folks from having a good time. What is the problem?

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Dutchess_III's avatar

I think the problem is we have been so conditioned to the horrors of second hand smoke, that even a harmless alternative is open to attack. Simple conditioning can breed some mindless reactions. Hey…that kind of falls in with my Question Here!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Kardamom And I would call into question the validity of the article, especially since it’s penned by a specific group with a specific agenda. For example, “E-cigarettes are widely promoted as a way for people to quit smoking, but they have not been submitted to the FDA for evaluation or approval, and here is no scientific evidence that e-cigarettes are an effective cessation tool.” Well, I personally know of 5 people who have quit smoking regular cigarettes because of them. I’ve cut way back, and I think I’m well on my way to quitting regular cigarettes altogether.

jca's avatar

I don’t know about others, but I am not necessarily thrilled at the thought of smelling someone’s chemicals that are emitted from e-cigarettes. We had a similar discussion on here recently, and someone said “well then we should ban perfume.” Perfume is not propelled from the wearer like e-cigarette chemicals are. Perfume is typically something that unless you are very closer to the wearer, you don’t smell.

That’s just my opinion. Others may not share it. Others may object to it. It’s my opinion, that’s all.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (5points)
Seek's avatar

Because they complain before they think, and make the perfect the enemy of the good.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know about you, but I have to put up with smelling a lot of things that I don’t care to smell. But oh well. It’s a tee tiny bitch in a huge world of serious problems, and I’m not going to make a fool of my self complaining about it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

There is a commercial out for some e-cigarette, don’t know what one, and one of the tags is “It doesn’t look like a cigarette so you don’t have to worry about offending anyone.” I don’t have the faintest idea what it looks like because I haven’t paid that much attention, but that about sums it all up.

jca's avatar

Over 100 cities now include e-cigarettes in their indoor clean air laws.,0,4733552.story

@Dutchess_III: If you were referring to me when you mention “complaining” then you are incorrect, because I complain about nothing. I answered the question that was asked. I made it clear it’s my opinion. Furthermore, around here, there’s no complaining needed because e-cigarettes are banned in most places.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Dutchess_III's avatar

Can’t read it without joining @jca, but I notice the word “opinion” in the link address.

No I wasn’t referring to you. I was referring to people who Need to Be Outraged Everyday.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I quit a 15-year smoking habit overnight with an e-cigarette. I don’t cough anymore, I don’t have to go outside to smoke, or have the smell in my clothes and hair. My teeth are white, my bone loss stopped, it only costs me $20 a month to use it, as opposed to about $100.

Now my state is talking about banning e-cigarettes. Already I have to go to the smoking section in airports and at Disneyland to use it. Not fair! I quit smoking so I wouldn’t have to smell like smoke, remember?

What is the persecution of e-cigarettes about, anyway? Is the state governments angry because they are losing revenue on regular cigarettes? I thought they were concerned about my health. Apparently not.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I need to apologize to anyone I may have inadvertently upset. I’m sorry if I did. I didn’t mean to. DON’T SHOOT ME!!!

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: Sorry that link doesn’t work. I can’t read it now either, but I read it (quickly) from work and I can assure you work is not a subscriber so I am not sure why it doesn’t work now but it worked from work. Anyway, it said that there are over 100 cities that have banned c-cigarettes, so I linked it to show it’s not a minor amount of people that object.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Seek's avatar

The question is whether their objections are based in any sort of fact, or if it’s just another case of Americans spazzing out over nothing because it’s easier than focussing on real problems.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jca How much would would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could work now but it worked from work. LOLL! Sry. Beer!

Just because a BUNCH of people object doesn’t mean the objection is valid.

jca's avatar

The question is why are people objecting, and the jury is still out as to whether e-cigarettes are safe or not safe. Therefore, we err on the side of safety and ban them indoors. They may be totally safe, who knows, but in the meantime, they do still emit a smell and chemicals that people might not want to be subjected to.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
josie's avatar

By that logic should their be a law against farting in public? Just sayin…

Seek's avatar

Ban EVERYTHING until someone can come up with a test for “safe!”

Everyone must live in BPA free plastic bubbles aired with filtered O2 and Nitrogen.

jca's avatar

@josie: If enough people objected to farting in public, there might be a law against it. I am not a lawmaker so I am not the end-all for law making.

@Seek Kolinahr: Err on the side of safety. Is that a bad policy?

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Seek's avatar

Wait, the BPA-free plastic bubbles must be coated with a 100% UVA/B filter. Because we haven’t adequately proven that sunblock lotions do not cause skin cancer.

josie's avatar

A law against farting in public would be a law against biology.Nature is what it is. Laws against nature are foolish, corrupt, and immoral.

jca's avatar

Why has this become my argument? I am saying it’s in over 100 cities, so it’s apparently not just a jca issue. I didn’t ban them, I didn’t make these laws, I answered the question, which was “why do people object?” I listed some reasons why people may object, and you guys are all over me for it. I also stated, when I wrote my original response, that it was just my opinion. I put a link to back up that apparently it’s not just a jca issue as it’s in 100 cities, but unfortunately the link does not work. I’m sure it’s google-able, and as I stated most recently, the jury is still out on whether it’s safe or not. I think I was pretty objective by saying the jury is still out on whether it’s safe or not. People can do it all they want, just that in many cities, they can’t do it indoors. If people don’t like that they can’t do it indoors, arguing with jca is not the answer. Contact the City Council in the cities that ban it, go to meetings, write to the Mayor, the Legislators, the lawmakers, and tell them.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Seek's avatar

And also, no talking in the plastic bubble.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You go @jca! I did it too. I’m sorry.

josie's avatar

What is the appropriate punishment for the people who invented the plastic bubble.

Seek's avatar

We build walls around Utah, and they can go live there with all the heirloom seeds they can plant, all the non-fluoridated water they can drink, and plenty of homeopathic medicine in place of pharmaceutical drugs.

downtide's avatar

The insurance company I work for recently sent out a memo to clarify that they consider people who use e-cigs to be non-smokers, provided that they do not also smoke tobacco. So someone is getting it right.

I think a lot of the opposition comes from governments and pharmaceutical companies. They don’t want people to quit smoking because they do not get tax from e-cigs. They’re terrified that a huge income stream is about to disappear.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Man, then I would have to move, as I live in Utah. Well, Colorado, here I come!

SuperFreakMe's avatar

Okay, this is my first time posting (so please go easy on me) :) and this thread looks scary, but I can’t help myself because I’ve just recently heard something about this question. I do not have any links to back up my answer, and you can call it gossip & innuendo if ya like, your call. :)
I am a smoker, and have tried everything to quit, nothing worked. Now these e-cigarettes are out and I’m very excited about trying them. I’ve several friends who have quit smoking with help of these new cigarettes. BUT, I heard last week that you have to be careful who you buy your liquid from, as some sellers or manufacturers are adding fog machine liquid to the stuff you pull into your lungs, while using e-cigarettes. They are doing this to make a bigger profit. No I don’t have proof, but my niece was telling me that she is going to try to quit and referred me to a seller who doesn’t do this and that is how I heard about it.
Good luck to all trying to quit and be careful out there!
Peace 2 All

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve heard that too @SuperFreakMe. Good post.

SuperFreakMe's avatar

@Dutchess_III Thanks so much, was a bit nervous. I wondered if anyone else had heard it, now I know!

Dutchess_III's avatar

My daughter in law, her fiance and her oldest daughter (who’s 19) all use the e-cigs. In fact, her fiance opened up his own “vapor lounge.”
When they visit, all three walk around the house clutching their tubes like it’s some sort of life line, and they take an occasional toke. I say “toke” because it really looks like they’re smoking something other than tobacco! Which they are but it looks more “exotic,’ like an opium pipe or something, and there is all this vapor floating above them (although it dissipates very quickly.) It’s a bit disturbing for some reason that I can’t quite put my finger on.

Also, as a smoker, I’d like to say that I have absolutely no problem with not smoking in, say, a restaurant. In fact, I welcome it. Even if I went with e cigs I wouldn’t smoke them inside.

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