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richardhenry's avatar

What competition should we run on our podcast?

Asked by richardhenry (12692points) June 30th, 2008
39 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Me and Joe Ribbons (aka. the troublesome but really very nice in real life where I don’t tell him off for violating the Fluther guidelines cage), have been presenting a podcast for a while called The Tea Talk. It’s been kindly supported by an amazing little tea company (it has nothing to do with tea, although we have been trying their teas on the show), and we would like to run a competition to give away some tea.

Ideas so far, from the Fluther chat room:

- Drawing competition. We could give listeners something to draw, such as a six legged winged horse with super-mating abilities, and see what the best interpretation is.

- Who can eat the most marshmallows. Contestants would video themselves performing this feat.

The winner would be awarded with a selection of wonderful teas, and hopefully a small book explaining what to do with them (we have no idea what the prizes would be yet).

PS: The show isn’t really about anything, we just talk about things we have found amusing or interesting for 20 to 40 minutes.

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richardhenry's avatar

Aww, thanks pheonyx. A new episode just went up actually, which you will get if you’re kind enough to subscribe (it takes a little while to show up on the store page). But seriously, competition ideas?

phoenyx's avatar

Whoever can get the most people to subscribe to the podcast.

Trustinglife's avatar

Ooh, that’s a good one, Phoenyx.

Clarification questions: what are the time parameters? Meaning, would they have a few days or a week to submit their drawing, for example? Or 4 hours? I take it you and Joe will be the judges? How many people do you want participating, ideally? What’s your ideal outcome?

richardhenry's avatar

How many people do you want participating, ideally?
Ideally a minimum of ten participants, but if we can get LOADS then that’s amazing.

I take it you and Joe will be the judges?
Perhaps, or perhaps the listeners will be. Suggestions welcome.

What are the time parameters?
You tell us.

What’s your ideal outcome?
Fun and hilarity for all. If it gets us or our ‘tea friends’ noticed, then that’s an added bonus.

jlm11f's avatar

I thought me and Allie decided that we would be judging.

richardhenry's avatar

PS: You can pretend it’s a video podcast if you look at this while listening. (I’m on the left, he’s on the right.)

Trustinglife's avatar

My goodness, Richard, your eyes are red!

wildflower's avatar

How about best tea-related joke? And you could always stretch it a bit and make it about tee instead of tea, so maybe best design for a tea-talk-tee and the winner could get a free sample?
I knew those red eyes would happen from the 25/8 Fluther moderator watch!

Trustinglife's avatar

Or best tea-related T-shirt?

wildflower's avatar

well, that’s kinda what I meant…..just thought calling it tee instead of ‘tee-shirt’ or ‘t-shirt’ would sound better….
I certainly wouldn’t know how to design a golfing thingamajig

wildflower's avatar

Just listening to yesterday’s episode…...after hearing your opinions on non-brits, I’m just not sure I want to contribute to this :P

richardhenry's avatar

Ooh, I like the t-shirt idea! Especially seen as we’re wanting to get some tees done eventually. Will have a think about it.

Knotmyday's avatar

Ahhhhhhhhh….anti-non-brit sentiment? How quaint.
How about a tolerance competition???
arrr, you’ve awakened the inner pirate…

richardhenry's avatar

Disclaimer: I love everyone!

delirium's avatar

Do you have pronouced accents?

I’ll listen then…mmmmm

Knotmyday's avatar

Good enough!
To each his own, anyway, I say. May all opinions be alcohol-fueled, and alcohol drowned.
the pirate saunters below-decks

Knotmyday's avatar

I was joking, anyway…
Should have added a tilde somewhere, but I was having too much fun being outraged.

there it is.

richardhenry's avatar

You had every right to be outraged. I’m despicable!

richardhenry's avatar


Knotmyday's avatar



Knotmyday's avatar

Since all I’ve done, really, is add tension and awkwardness to this thread- I feel an obligatory pod-cast suggestion is in order:

How about a best answer to a question posed by the podcasters competition? it could be as banal, inane, or thought provoking as you like. Votes could pour in courtesy of a question posed on the site.

Anyhoo (sic), off to bed with me. It’s early in this slice of hemisphere.

Trustinglife's avatar

I like that. Pick your favorite question and award a prize to the best answer(s).

wildflower's avatar

That might be an idea for the next fluther podcast.

mirza's avatar

How about someone re-designs your tea talk website because it looks awfully plain right now

richardhenry's avatar

@mirza: It’s particularly embarrassing because website design is what I do, but I simply don’t have time. One day!

cage's avatar

I would like to get to work on it, but I don’t actually have the ability. I just like to talk shit.

richardhenry's avatar

Joe does have some amazing abilities within the confines of the Spore creature creator, however.

cage's avatar

I most certainly do :)

delirium's avatar

Contest: Best creature created on spore!

richardhenry's avatar

We should have a drawing/Spore competition, do whichever you feel most up to.

richardhenry's avatar

Obviously, we would give you a specific task to do. :)

delirium's avatar


cage's avatar

not penis shaped spores… un-original now


VAGINA SHAPED SPORES!!!! ooooooooh controversial!

jlm11f's avatar

haha joe. this is exactly why we miss having you in the chat room

richardhenry's avatar

Expletives and genitals!

cage's avatar

yes. quite.

How good is Episode 8?

I don’t want to self advertise. but come on!!!!!

jlm11f's avatar

ooh i heard it. and this reminds me, i owe you a kick for getting my name wrong. at least that’s what richard told me. (that you were the one that made the mistake). nice joe. real nice. the REST of the episode was pretty sweet though

cage's avatar

wtf? what did I do? I’ve never pronounced the name Devi before!?!??! I don’t know how to! :( I’m sorry.

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