Social Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

How come some people cannot separate the story, comment, idea, etc. from the person?How come some people cannot separate the story, comment, idea, etc. from the person?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) March 25th, 2014
7 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

At times everyone seems to do it, I try hard to break myself of it, but I do as well, someone makes a statement, or writes a story or has some thought and it gets seen as what they believe or support. It doesn’t happen with anyone 100% of the time, but way to often; if a woman wrote a screenplay about a drugged out hooker some would see it as just a work of fiction on a subject she chose, others would think she supported rampant drug use and selling your body for the money to get it; or that it was auto-biographical in the fact it was about her life and not some fictional character. Situations such as that happen all the time in various ways. Just because someone writes about something, makes a statement or ask a question of such, doesn’t mean they are in agreement or promote it, so why do people make the erroneous mistake in thinking they do?

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elbanditoroso's avatar

The quick answer to your question, which is an excellent question, is that most people are simpletons, and as such cannot separate the theoretical (the abstract) from the actual. These people – the vast unwashed – do not realize that the thought process can be independent from the real events.

The second factor is that many people personalize answers by applying the comment/thought to themselves. That’s not bad in and of itself. What happens, however, is that sometimes that person is threatened (or better stated: the person’s belief system is challenged, which provokes a visceral reaction), which again makes that person make the wrong assumptions.

But it boils down to inability to accept abstract thought.

GloPro's avatar

When people show a pattern of behavior, questions, responses, or creative outlets that are unappealing then others do subconsciously (or consciously) apply that impression of the person’s previous actions/answers/questions/portrayals to how they react.
For example, if you are constantly appearing to intentionally rile people up, they may be more sensitive to a genuine question that has potential to offend. If you are a person that always makes jokes about inappropriate things like child molestation, animal abuse, women being inferior, and so on, then people have an underlying “icky” feeling when you open your mouth.

Berserker's avatar

I think @GloPro has a point, the whole association thing, perhaps, if the person displays some kind of pattern or habit.

Another thing is people are quick to feel attacked if something does not resonate with their opinion. People take things personally, and when they don’t like what they hear, they need to attribute a source to the negative feelings experienced; what better way then, than the asker him/herself?

I don’t know the answer, if a particular one exists, just throwing stuff out there; admittedly I’m guilty of what I accuse people to do, but I usually say nothing because of said realization.
But the phenomenon sure does exist, I see it here often. Which is why in some questions, I actually put in a disclaimer if I feel the need to, so I can skip all the criticism and attacks, then just get some answers.

GQ. :) Curious as to what other people will say.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Symbeline I think @GloPro has a point, the whole association thing, perhaps, if the person displays some kind of pattern or habit.
But association comes back to assumption. If a person spends most of their question currency on NSFW kinky sex questions, what would that get them labeled as; a sexually neurotic person, some kinky deviant, more? I suppose if those questions are the type of questions particular people want to field, I suspect then they would form no ill feelings about the questioner no matter how many kinky sex questions they asked.

Another thing is people are quick to feel attacked if something does not resonate with their opinion. People take things personally, and when they don’t like what they hear, they need to attribute a source to the negative feelings experienced; what better way then, than the asker him/herself?
I would hope not, but probably a lost cause, people should put on their big boy/girl clothes, when dealing with a question or comment that disagrees with them. Not every comment or question is going to meet their standard. If it challenges them, they should learn to stiffen up and not be as a reed blowing in the wind.

GQ. :) Curious as to what other people will say.
Yes, it would be interesting to see what redacted, comment is made to justify it or not.

Berserker's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I would hope not, but probably a lost cause, people should put on their big boy/girl clothes, when dealing with a question or comment that disagrees with them. Not every comment or question is going to meet their standard. If it challenges them, they should learn to stiffen up and not be as a reed blowing in the wind.

Word up on that, but I don’t make the rules bro. Merely an observation ‘pon me part. I admit, some of that comes from how I feel sometimes, but I try to keep cool. Thing is, I highly doubt I’m the only one, or the worse, for that matter.

But association comes back to assumption.

As far as sex goes, everyone is interested in that, so no matter how weird or buggered up the question gets, if it doesn’t deal with anything illegal or TOO moral, people can relate, or if they can’t, they’re interested. Yes, even me, wouldya believe that haha.
I think the problem is when a question and its details seem too one sided to some people. And this is when opinions and views begin to clash. I can’t help but to go back to the people feeling attacked thing, or their worth being belittled and all. Sometimes man, I’m not sure people are really that complicated lol.

Just so we don’t get too confused here my good friend, I don’t agree with a darn thang you say. :p Peace bro. :)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Symbeline As far as sex goes, everyone is interested in that, so no matter how weird or buggered up the question gets, if it doesn’t deal with anything illegal or TOO moral, people can relate, or if they can’t, they’re interested
That is where emotional fraud creeps in. I can speak of sex or sexual situation that would be a yawner in Tokyo, can get a pass in Sydney, be illegal in Boston, and get me killed in Riyadh. Legality of the sex is a smokescreen, to eliminate sex they do not care for; they are all for speaking of sex that fits their appetite or has strong political backing. Which makes I think the problem is when a question and its details seem too one sided to some people. a moot point.

Just so we don’t get too confused here my good friend, I don’t agree with a darn thang you say. :p Peace bro. :)
If you can disagree civilly as you have, more power to you. ;->

Berserker's avatar

Which makes I think the problem is when a question and its details seem too one sided to some people. a moot point.
Moot perhaps or perhaps not, but the fact itself remains, can you deny? Things will be taken as they are taken by the individual and what they were brought up as and where they come from and all. Well maybe that’s not quite right, prolly not at all, but I don’t really know any better. That’s why my world is filled with Vikings and pillows.

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